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INTERPRETING THE MYERS-BRIGGS. Ronnie White Extension Professor Mississippi State University. THE MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI). The MBTI was developed by Katherine C. Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers It is based on C.G.Jung’s “Psychological Types”.

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  1. INTERPRETING THE MYERS-BRIGGS Ronnie White Extension Professor Mississippi State University

  2. THE MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI) • The MBTI was developed by Katherine C. Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers • It is based on C.G.Jung’s “Psychological Types”

  3. THE MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI) • Each type and individual has special gifts. There is no right or wrong type,no better or worse combinations of types in work or relationships • Each person is unique • Everyone uses each of the preferences to some degree

  4. THE MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI) • The purpose of knowing about type is to help you understand yourself and to enhance your relationship through appreciation of individual differences

  5. THE MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI) • On the average, approximately 75% of all who take the MBTI agree with the assessment. • Your results on the MBTI suggest your probable type based on how you answered the questions; Only you know your true preferences

  6. THE FOUR PREFERENCE SCALES • The MBTI reports preferences on 4 scales, each consisting of two opposite poles • One does use both sides of each preference, though not with equal liking

  7. THE FOUR PREFERENCE SCALES • Preference scores show only the strength of the preference of one element over the other • Everyone has a natural preference for one of the two opposites on each of the scales • A useful analogy is with your hands

  8. THE FOUR PREFERENCES ARE • Extraversion or Introversion: Where you prefer to focus your attention • Sensing or Intuition: The way you prefer to take in information (N is used instead of the I)

  9. THE FOUR PREFERENCES ARE • Thinking or Feeling: The way you prefer to make decisions • Judgment or Perception: How you orient yourself to the external world

  10. CHARACTERISTICS OF E • Extraversion: Direct their energy and attention outward and receive energy from external events and experiences • An extravert’s essential stimulation is from the outer world of people and things

  11. CHARACTERISTICS OF I • Introversion: Direct their energy and attention inward and receive energy from their internal thoughts, feelings, and reflections • An introvert’s essential stimulation is from within the inner world

  12. CHARACTERISTICS OF E • Prefer to communicate by talking • Learn best by doing • Sociable and expressive • Take initiative in work and relationships

  13. CHARACTERISTICS OF I • Prefer to communicate by writing • Learn best by reflection • Private and contained

  14. CHARACTERISTICS OF E OR I • Extraverts act, Then (MAYBE) Reflect • Introverts reflect, Then (MAYBE) act

  15. KEY WORDS FOR E OR I • Extraverts: Active, Outward,sociable, and expressive • Introverts: Reflective, Inward, Reserved, and quiet

  16. PREFERENCE SCORES • E-I: slight 11-13, moderate 14-16,clear 17-19, very clear 20-21 • S-N:slight 13-15, moderate 16-20,clear 21-24, very clear 25-26 • T-F:slight 12-14,moderate 15-18,clear 19-22, very clear 23-24 • J-P:slight 11-13,moderate14-16,clear 17-20, very clear 21-22

  17. PREFERENCE SCORES • Low scores often times indicate that a person may have answered in a socially expected manner, or they are not sure which preference is the most comfortable. • Did not answer all of the items

  18. PREFERENCE SCORES • Low scores do not indicate that you have good command of both preferences • A person should assess which preference they would adequately use the most • Do not measure skills, ability or even degree of use

  19. CHARACTERISTICS OF S • Sensing: Observant of what is going on around them and are especially good at recognizing the practical realities of a situation • Takes in information by way of the five senses – sight, sound, feel, taste, and smell

  20. CHARACTERISTICS OF N • Intuition: Grasp patterns and are especially good at seeing new possibilities and different ways of doing things • Information is processed by way of a “sixth sense” or “hunch”

  21. CHARACTERISTICS OF S • Focus on what is real/actual • Value practical applications • Notice details • Present-oriented • Want information step-by-step • Trust experience

  22. CHARACTERISTICS OF N • Focus on possibilities • See patterns and meaning in facts • Future-oriented • Jump around, leap in anywhere • Trust inspiration

  23. CHARACTERISTICS OF S OR N • Sensing: Likes set procedures, established routines • Intuition: Likes change and variety

  24. KEY WORDS FOR S OR N • Sensing: Details, practical, facts, directions, repetition, enjoyment, and conserve • Intuition: Patterns, future, imaginative, innovations, hunches, variety, and change

  25. CHARACTERISTICS OF T • Thinking: Make decisions on the basis of logic and objective considerations • Thinking: A strength is application of their problem-solving abilities

  26. CHARACTERISTICS OF T • Decides with the head • Analytical • Logical problem-solvers • “Tough-minded” • Reasonable • Fair

  27. CHARACTERISTICS OF F • Consider what is important to them and to other people • Identify with the people involved

  28. CHARACTERISTICS OF F • Decides with the heart • Sympathetic • Guided by personal values • “Tender-hearted” • Compassionate • Accepting

  29. KEY WORDS FOR T OR F • Thinking: Head, objective, justice, cool, impersonal, criticize, analyze, and precise • Feeling: Heart, subjective, harmony, caring, personal, appreciate, and values

  30. CHARACTERISTICS OF J • Judgment: A judging lifestyle is decisive, planned, and orderly

  31. CHARACTERISTICS OF P • Perception: A perceptive lifestyle is flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous

  32. CHARACTERISTICS OF J • Scheduled • Organized • Systematic • Plan • Avoid last-minute stresses

  33. CHARACTERISTICS OF P • Spontaneous • Casual • Flexible • Adapt • Feel energized by last-minute pressures

  34. KEY WORDS FOR J OR P • Judgment: Organized, structure, control, decisive, closure, plan, productive; • Perception: Flexible, flow, curious, spontaneous, openness, receptive.

  35. WHEN COMBINED, YOUR 4 PREFERENCES ARE • Extraversion or Introversion • Sensing or Intuition • Thinking or Feeling • Judgment or Perception

  36. POINTS TO REMEMBER Everyone uses each preference to some degree Type does not explain everything Type should not keep you from considering any career, etc.


  38. Common Type Biases • E’s may think I’s are withholding information • I’s may think E’s are changing their minds • S’s may think N’s are changing the subject • N’s may think S’s are unimaginative • T’s may think F’s are over-personalizing • F’s may think T’s are harsh and cold

  39. Mutual Usefulness of Opposite Types • N types benefit from S types: • Pertinent facts, reality,experience, read the fine print • S types benefit from N types: • New possibilities, future trends, long-term goals

  40. Mutual Usefulness Cont’d. • F types benefit from T types: • Consequences, critical feedback, stand firm, fair. • T types benefit from F types: • How others feel, praise, teach and coach, harmony

  41. Effects of T/F & J/P • TJ: Logical decision makers, tough minded, analytical • TP: Adaptable thinkers, objective, skeptical, curious • FP: Gentle types, adaptable, seek harmony • FJ: Benevolent administrators, care about people and their needs, harmony

  42. Effects of S/N & T/F types: • ST: Facts, experience, technical skills • SF: Facts, concerns of people, practical • NF: Possibilities, understanding, personal • NT: Possibilities, theory, technical

  43. Effects of E/I & J/P Types: • IJ: Decisive introverts, persevering • IP: Adaptable introverts, firm on issues • EP:Adaptable extroverts, active, energetic • EJ: Decisive extraverts, fast-moving

  44. YOUR ACTION PLAN • Now you know more about yourself and others • What are you going to do with this knowledge?

  45. USING THE MBTI • In situations requiring cooperation and teamwork: • 1. To select teams, task forces, and work groups with sufficient diversity to solve group problems.

  46. USING THE MBTI: • 2. To help group members recognize, appreciate, and make use of the strengths of each type in the group; • 3. To conduct meetings so as to take advantage of the contribution of each type.

  47. USING THE MBTI: • 4. To help those who work together understand how previously irritating and obstructive differences can become a source of amusement, interest, and strength.

  48. USING THE MBTI: • 5. To learn the approaches that are most likely to earn agreement and cooperation from each type; • 6. To create a climate where differences are seen as interesting and valuable, rather than problematic.

  49. USING THE MBTI: • Career interests and choices: • - Sensing + Thinking (ST): The “bottom line”, results-oriented people; examples of career choice: applied science, business, administration, banking, law enforcement, and production.

  50. USING THE MBTI: • -Sensing + Feeling (SF): Drawn to opportunities for practical service to people; Examples of career choices: Health care, community service, teaching, supervising, religious service, office work, and sales.

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