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BIOLOGY 305 LAB COMPARATIVE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY REAGAN LAKE LAB INSTRUCTOR SPRING 2006 CONTACT INFORMATION Reagan Lake: Office: BS Room 454 Phone: 410-455-3384 Email: lake1@umbc.edu LAB LECTURE Instruction on lab exercises Background information, concepts & theory

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  2. CONTACT INFORMATION • Reagan Lake: • Office: BS Room 454 • Phone: 410-455-3384 • Email: lake1@umbc.edu

  3. LAB LECTURE • Instruction on lab exercises • Background information, concepts & theory • Answer questions pertaining to lab

  4. RULES & REGULATIONS • Lab Safety: • No open toed shoes • No food or drink in lab • Wear goggles & gloves when asked to do so

  5. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY • Lab • NEED university approved excuse to attend another lab section -AND- • A Permission to Attend Another LaboratoryForm, filled out & signed by your TA • Lab Lecture • Attendance counts! 3 absences = “F” • Exams • Check your schedule NOW and clear it!

  6. GRADES • Lab Quizzes: • Based on both new & old material: • ½ Qs based on lab to be completed • ½ Qs from previous lab • Best 5 of 6 quizzes will count towards final grade • Ten minutes late to labmiss quiz (no makeup!) • Total of 50 pts.

  7. GRADES • Lab Practical: • Third week of labs (Feb 20 - 24) • Consists of hands-on exercises (computer) • Worth 20 pts • Open lab hours will assist you in preparation

  8. GRADES • Lab Reports: • Based on data gathered in lab • First report • 50 pts • Second report • 75 pts

  9. GRADES • Lab Notebook Exercises: • Data sheets turned in at end of every lab • May include calculations, answers to questions • Work in groups but answer questions & turn in INDIVIDUALLY • Ten exercises at 5 points each = 50 pts

  10. GRADES • Exams: • Cover material from lab and lab lectures • One midterm and one final exam • Final is NOT cumulative! • Each worth 100 pts for a total of 200 pts

  11. GRADES • Lab Lecture: • Points for attendance/simple quizzes • Occasional in class exercises • Worth total of 35 pts

  12. GRADES • Overall grade based on: • Lab Quizzes (5 of 6) 50 • Animal Care & Use Paper 20 • Lab Practical 20 • Lab Reports(2) 125 • Lab Notebook (10) 50 • Exams (2) 200 • Lab Lecture Quiz/Attendance 35 + 500

  13. REGRADE POLICY • WRITTEN requests only!!! • Download & Fill out Request For Regrade Form • Deadline: one week after the return of material • Be specific about what you want evaluated • Provide evidence • Be Warned: entire exercise may be re-graded

  14. OPEN LAB HOURS • Will be announced in lab next week • Labs staffed by TAs • Time to get questions answered • Prepare for lab practical

  15. COURSE WEB SITE • URL:http://www.umbc.edu/bioclass/biol305l/ • Contains: • Syllabus • Announcements • Laboratory exercises • Previous exams • Power point lecture notes • Download lab exercise for upcoming week • NEW version ONLY (throw out anything printed before today!) • Print out & bring to lab with you!!!! • Use to study for lab quizzes

  16. MATERIALS FOR THE COURSE • Textbook: 5th Edition Animal Physiology by Eckert • Recommended • Carbon Copy Lab Notebook • Mandatory: bring to next lab! • Available in Bookstore • No Lab Manual for Course!

  17. USE OF ANIMALS IN THE LAB • Humane Treatment • Animal Care & Use Protocols • Anesthesia • Minimize numbers through sharing • Use of computer simulations

  18. USE OF ANIMALS IN THE LAB Assignment #1: Animal Care & Use Report: • Justify use of Animals in the Teaching Laboratory • Citations • In text AND full bibliography • See course web site for proper citation format & concerns regarding plagiarism • Focus on use of animals in education & teaching (NOT research!) • Spelling, grammar & organization COUNT!

  19. CLEAN UP • Wash & dry instruments before leaving lab • Wash, clean & arrange materials/instruments as you found them • One member of group responsible for a clean up • Turn in “checklist” to TA before leaving lab • Leaving w/out permission or without turning in checklist = loss of points for the exercise

  20. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY • We take academic integrity seriously! • Cheating will NOT be tolerated: • Copying on exams or quizzes

  21. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY • Plagiarism: • Use of another’s thoughts, ideas or words without giving proper credit. • See Plagiarism Link on web site • Future work submitted through TurnItIn.com

  22. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Plagiarism: • An Excerpt From Your Textbook: Behavior results when a signal travels from a sensory receptor, through some number of synapses in the central nervous system, and out through a motor neuron, activating skeletal muscles. Even in the simplest neuronal circuits, information coming both from other neurons in the same part of the nervous system and from neurons with somata in distant locations impinges on the circuit and can modify the behavioral output.

  23. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Plagiarism: • In Text Citations: • Behavior in animals is the result of a complex web of interconnected neurons communicating with one another (Randall et al. 2002). • A behavioral response to a stimulus often involves multiple neurons, each of which may have numerous inputs (Randall et al. 2002). • Bibliography: Randall, D., W. Burggren, and K. French. 2002. Behavior: Initiation, Patterns, and Control. pp 425 – 470 In: Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations (J. Noe, M. Ryan, J. O’Neill & M. Kuhta, editors),W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.

  24. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY • Plagiarism: • Animal Care & Use Reports • Proper use of scientific literature • Lab Reports • Lab partners beware! • TurnItIn.com • In Class Assignments • Lab Notebook Exercises

  25. LAB INSTRUMENTS • Dissection Tools: • Dissecting microscope • Scissors • Tweezers • Forceps • Scalpel • Use these tools carefully • You are financially responsible for them!

  26. LAB INSTRUMENTS • Computerized Hardware • iWorx • Amplifier • Digitizer • Transducers • Electrodes • Stimulators • PCs • Computerized Software • Labscribe

  27. NEXT WEEK IN LAB:INSTRUMENTATION • Exercise 1: • Pulse Transducer

  28. NEXT WEEK IN LAB: INSTRUMENTATION Exercise 1: The Pulse Transducer • What is a Pulse Transducer? • Flow of Information • Analog vs. Digital signals • Sampling Frequency • Nyquist Frequency • Aliasing

  29. NEXT WEEK IN LAB: INSTRUMENTATION Exercise 1: The Pulse Transducer • The Output: • Amplitude • Frequency • Period

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