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Sound System Wiring – Input

Sound System Wiring – Input Microphone Snakes A: Keyboard B: Electric Guitar C: Acoustic Guitar 1, 3, 4: Do Not Use 2: 강대상 Mic Feeding Audio from Guest’s Laptop Any XLR Microphone Cable to unused Channel 1/16” Stereo Plug  ¼” Plug  Direct Box (Black Box) AUX1 OUT RETURN 1

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Sound System Wiring – Input

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sound System Wiring – Input Microphone Snakes A: Keyboard B: Electric Guitar C: Acoustic Guitar 1, 3, 4: Do Not Use 2: 강대상 Mic Feeding Audio from Guest’s Laptop Any XLR Microphone Cable to unused Channel 1/16” Stereo Plug  ¼” Plug  Direct Box (Black Box) AUX1 OUT RETURN 1 RETURN 2 D Hum Eli C B Hum Eli Hum Eli A  13A Hum Eli SHURE wireless SHURE wireless FURMAN Power Conditioner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Samson wireless 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 HUM ELIMINATOR HP COMPUTER Audio Output DBX Comp Limit Effects Out 1  AUX 1 Return 1 EFFECTS Effects Out 1  AUX 1 Return 2 194 SONY DVD/CD Set to “Bank” 53 TASCAM MIXER GUITAR EFFECT GUITAR Effects Out  15A SONY DVD/CD Out  16A (Make sure “B” Button of Ch. 16 is Up) Effects In  AUX 1 Out Computer Audio Output  16B (Press down “B” Button of Ch. 16) Hum Eli 1-7-06

  2. Sound System Wiring – Output MONITOR OUT STEREO OUT Use Main Sliders to control the volume DUAL OUT Use Dual Output Gold Knob to control the volume (set it to the Center for Sunday Praise Team and turn it down for sermon) Hum Eli DBX Comp Limit TASCAM MIXER HP COMPUTER Audio Recording ALESIS Comp Limit ALESIS Comp Limit AMP EQ CROWN Power AMP YAMAHA Power AMP 2층 Main Output Left Monitor Output Boss-L Boss-R Lobby Recording Output Baby Room EV-R EV-L Speaker Output Via Hum Eliminator Hum Eli Peavey 1-7-06

  3. Mixer Channel Assignment • Pastor Song’s Wireless Mic • 강대상 Main Podium • 이기진 Shure Wireless Mic • 장영란 Shure Wireless Mic (PGM) • 남상순 • 장호진 / 광고 (Announcements) • 이진철 • 김애경 / 김명식 • 조수연 • Kevin • Christine • Dennis • A – Keyboard • Electric Guitar • A – Acoustic Guitar • A – SONY DVD/CD B – Computer Audio Out 1-7-06

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