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Technology Oil Potential with DHOWS . Downhole Oil/Water Separation. BackgroundBasic OperationDevelopment ProjectInitial ResultsEconomicsWhat Has Already Been DoneWhat Can Be DoneWhat Might Be Done in Future. Background. Why was it needed?What was the concept?When did it happen?Where could it be used?How was it turned into action?Who got it started?.
2. Technology Oil Potential with DHOWS
3. Downhole Oil/Water Separation Background
Basic Operation
Development Project
Initial Results
What Has Already Been Done
What Can Be Done
What Might Be Done in Future
4. Background Why was it needed?
What was the concept?
When did it happen?
Where could it be used?
How was it turned into action?
Who got it started?
5. Water and Oil Production in Western Canada
6. Downhole Oil/Water Separation (DHOWS) Problem - Wells being shut-in
Still producing oil
Producing too much water
Most wells shut-in @ WOR<20
Solution - In Well Separation Downhole
Mechanical solution more reliable than shut-offs
Evaluated membranes, gravity separation, selective filtration, and hydrocyclones
Re-Inject water into producing formation
7. Basic Downhole SeparationNew Paradigm – 1991“Commercial” - 1996
8. DHOWS Applications Onshore Mature Operations
Water handing one of the highest costs
A large number of mature fields with high WOR
Small volumes and small wellbores
Reduce volumes to platforms
Reduce produced water dumping to ocean
Avoid adding to existing platforms
Middle East
Even a small amount of water a problem
9. Project Development Concept Look at all options for Feasibility
Work with appropriate vendors to develop prototypes
Move directly to field testing at selected sites
Expand testing to develop “commercial” products
Follow-up to expand applications
10. Downhole Oil/Water Separation (DHOWS) New Paradigm Engineering Ltd.
Project Initiator/Inventor - Bruce Peachey
Concept Development & Project Leader
Centre For Engineering Research Inc., C-FER
Contracting & Development Support
Technology Licensing
Oil Industry Participants
Funding, prioritization & test wells
Pump and Hydrocyclone Vendors
Prototype Design and Initial Prototypes
Equipment Marketing
11. Basic Operation Typical DHOWS Configuration
Hydrocyclone Operation
Design Constraints
12. Typical DHOWS Configuration
13. Hydrocyclones (De-Oilers)
14. DHOWS Process Design Constraints Equipment O.D. < 4.5 inches @ 3,600 bfpd
Equipment O.D. < 6 inches @ 9,000+ bfpd
No access for maintenance for 1-12 years
Little or no downhole control or instrumentation
Low cost and reliable
Water/Oil Ratio to surface = 1-2
15. Development Project Phase I - $20k – Feasibility Study 1992
Phase II – $100k - Prototype Development 1993-94
Phase III – $450k - Field Testing 1994-96
Offshore Study - $360k – North Sea/Sub Sea Applications
On-going Support to Trials - $1.5M – 16 trials
16. Timeline of NPEL/C-FER DHOWS JIP
17. Investment in DHOWS Technology
18. DHOWS Prototypes ESP - Electric Submersible Pump - 1800 bfpd
Reduced water to surface by 97%
Oil Rate went up 10-20% at same bottom-hole rates
Ran 8 months 1994-95
PCP - Progressing Cavity Pump - 1800 bfpd
Reduced water to surface by 85%
Well previously in sporadic operation for about 3 yrs.
Ran 17 months 1994-1996
Beam Pump - 600 bfpd
Reduced water to surface by 85%
Demonstrated Gravity Separation
Ran for 2 months - rod failure
19. ESP Prototype Field Trial
20. ESP Prototype Field Trial
21. DHOWS Installations: Number
22. DHOWS Installations: System Type
23. Breakdown of DHOWS Applications
24. Basic “DHOWS” Installation - PanCanadian
25. ESP DHOWS Anderson Exploration Ltd., Swan Hills, AB
26. Alliance Field Overall Results: ESP
27. ESP DHOWS Results - Talisman
28. DHOWS Application Requirements Suitable disposal zone accessible from the production wellbore
Competent casing/cement for disposal zone isolation
Water cuts above 80%
Accurate estimate of productivity and injectivity
Relatively stable production
Favourable Economics
29. Critical Success Factors Disposal Zone Selection
location, isolation, injectivity characterization
integrity testing
disposal zone preparation and testing
separation optimization
long term injection behavior
changes in inflow conditions
30. Typical Installation Steps Prepare well for installation
Pull existing lift system
Recomplete injection zone
perforating, install screen, treat zone
Install injection packer and on/off assembly
Perform injectivity test
Adjust system configuration if necessary
Install system
Produce kill fluids, then start production
31. Control and Monitoring Control Methods
VFD – Variable Frequency Drive
Surface choke
Surface controlled downhole choke
Minimum Monitoring
Injection and producing pressure and injection rate
Injection water quality
Water cut of intermediate stream
32. Future Equipment Development of “Basic” DHOWS Heavy Oil: Solve the problem of sand production
Offshore: Already under way. Gas Lift Proposal
High Volume: Larger capacity system under development
Lower Water cut to surface: Feasible for offshore subsea
Alternate Lift Systems: Gas Lift, Flowing, Jet Pump
Alternate Separation Units: More options at low rates
33. DHOWS Licensing Status Peachey Patents - assigned to C-FER
C-FER licenses pump vendors
ESP - World Wide Licenses
Centrilift (Baker-Hughes) - HydroSep Systems
PCP/Beam - Canadian only to date
BMW Pump/Quinn Oilfield
Baker-Hughes - preferred Hydrocyclone vendor
Pump Vendors Collect Royalties for C-FER
Once per well.
34. “Basic” DHOWS Technical Summary Positive experience is quickly building with over 30 field trials so far.
Still fewer than 20 people world-wide have been involved in more than one application.
All trials have shown water reductions of 85-97%
Application of DHOWS can increase oil production and increase net returns
35. Impacts of DHOWS on Economic Recovery DHOWS is new so we are still learning
Impacts vary by pool and by well
Individual well costs could go up or down
Overall operation costs will usually go down
Production increases observed in most applications
Analysis will try and relate DHOWS and Conventional economic limits based on analysis of the WOR vs. Cum Oil plot
36. Economic Cut-Offs for Typical Well Water Budget = US$5/bbl oil
37. Impact of DHOWS on Economic WOR Simmons Well #106
38. Impact of DHOWS on Economic WORSimmons Well #109
39. Impacts of DHOWS on Costs Cost to lift Water to Surface (Could go up or down)
Gathering and Facilities Costs (Capital & Operating down)
Disposal System (Capital and Operating down)
Well Utilization (#Injectors down; #Producers up)
Scale/Corrosion Costs (Capital and Operating down)
Environmental Costs (Prevention & Clean-up costs down)
40. Disposal Power Consumption
41. Overall Profitability for a Sample Well
42. Mid-morning Coffee Break
43. What Has Already Been Done “DHOWS” Commercial Systems Developed with C-FER
ESP Commercial – AQWANOTTM and HydrosepTM
PCP (Weatherford) and Beam (Quinn) available
New “DHOWS” Versions in Trial Stage
Desanding (PCP and ESP)
Gravity Separation Systems - Beam Pumps
Texaco/Dresser, Quinn (Q-Sep)
Reverse Coning Without Separators
44. DHOWS Horizontal Well - Talisman Energy
45. Dual Horizontal Well “DHOWS”
46. Uphole Reinjection Injection zone(s) above the production zone(s)
47. “DHOWS” with C-FER Desander
48. What Can Be Done Reverse Coning with DHOWS
Re-Entry Drillout (Single Well)
Re-Entry Drilling (Multi-well)
Cross-Flooding Between Zones
49. Coning Control with DHOWS
50. Re-Entry Drillout Create or activate water disposal leg on producing well or producing leg on watered-out or water disposal well
Re-entry drillout or drilled and plugged-off during initial drilling program
Zone cross-flooding between wells
51. Re-Entry Drilling Use when zone between injector and producer is swept
Directionally drill to establish new producing or injection location(s)
Producing zone in well provides water for flood
Existing wellbore could be used as producing zone or injection zone
52. Cross-Flooding Multi-layered reservoir application
Some wells produce from lower zone & inject into upper zone
Other wells produce from upper and inject lower
Double the number of injectors or producers without drilling!
53. Horizontal Well Flooding Use to produce from one horizontal well
Inject into a second horizontal well which is offset lower, higher or going in the opposite direction
Inject into the vertical section of a re-entry horizontal producer.
54. What Might be Done In Future Offshore: Already under way. Gas Lift Proposal
High Volume: Larger capacity system under development
Lower Water cut to surface: Feasible for offshore subsea
Alternate Lift Systems: Flowing, Jet Pump
Alternate Separation Units: More options at low rates
Ultimate Vision: No water handling on surface
55. Oilfield Water ManagementSame Well Source/Injector/Recycle
56. The Middle East Water Challenge Reservoirs contain billions of barrels
Recovery only projected to be 40% due to water
Most wells flowing only oil now
No water handling infrastructure
Wells “die” at 30-40% water cut
Major costs and infrastructure to operate with water
Solution needed:
Install in well and leave for years
No external power
No increase in water
57. Smart Well Technologies Building on DHOWS concepts
Modular processes
Few large fixed capital installations
In well if possible and economic
Keep Systems Simple = Reliable
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Benefits of Downhole Monitoring
Real-time Remote Monitoring
Enhanced Analysis
58. New Technology Production Decline
59. Downhole Oil/Water Separation Summary Positive experience is quickly building.
All “DHOWS” wells show water reduced 85-97%
Still many applications to try
Plenty of potential and opportunity for new concepts
60. Contact Information Advanced Technology Centre
9650-20 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6N 1G1
tel: 780.450.3613
fax: 780.462.7297
email: info@newparadigm.ab.ca
web: www.newparadigm.ab.ca