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Ecological footprint. Katherine Ortegon Taylor hurt Nate mullendore. Water in Ecological Footprint Calculators. Non-specifically quantified (i.e. “biomes”) Waterfootprint.org Individual use Food/shower/lawn care habits Calculated in cubic meters National water footprint:
Ecological footprint Katherine Ortegon Taylor hurt Nate mullendore
Water in Ecological Footprint Calculators • Non-specifically quantified (i.e. “biomes”) • Waterfootprint.org • Individual use • Food/shower/lawn care habits • Calculated in cubic meters • National water footprint: • Average water footprint of U.S. = 2483 m3/capita/yrPart of footprint falling outside of the country = 19% • Global average water footprint = 1243 m3/cap/yr
Project DX -- Portland Emotional and social incentives Stormwater calculator Stormwater marketplace
Interactive Water Cycle Patagonia – product life cycle
Proposal – storm water Categories Site specificity. Presentation Graphic life cycle for water. Results Additional Information Incentives Financial, social, and emotional incentives.
Carbon Footprint http://www.carbonfootprintofnations.com/content/calculator_of_carbon_footprint_for_nations/ http://www.numarasoftware.com/servicedesk_video.aspx?src=google&trm=footprint_downloads http://sustainability.publicradio.org/consumerconsequences/ https://www.earthlab.com/createprofile/reg.aspx http://kidsfootprint.org/ http://www.carbonfootprint.com/ http://co2stats.com/ http://www.myfootprint.org/en/about_the_quiz/what_it_measures/ http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/ind_calculator.html http://www.zerofootprintkids.com/kids_home.aspx http://www.carbonfund.org/ http://www.begreennow.com/reduce-offset/carbon-calculator/
Proposal carbon footprint Categories Home, energy, vehicles, food, water, shopping, waste. Presentation Graphical results, game, multiple selection questions. Results Individual, state average, national average, target, scale of progress. Additional Information Topic introduction, sources of information, actions to take, best practices, savings in $ and CO2, community ideas , information about vendors and its process (where sources come from) Incentives Certification.
Backyard Habitat Value • Goal? • Restore the abundance and diversity of indigenous plant and animal species through home gardening and landscaping techniques • Incentives? • Appeal to aesthetic value • Energy Saving • Privacy Enhancing and Noise Reducing • Reduced Maintenance • Increased Property Value • Overall feeling of comfort
Backyard Habitat Value • How to make it successful? • Backyard Habitat projects follow similar principles of general landscaping projects • Require significant amount of time, energy, and money to implement • How do we get the average person to make it a realization? Can these barriers be reduced? How can we quantify and put a real value on backyard habitats?
Backyard Habitat Value • The Quick and Dirty: • Every backyard habitat website on God’s green earth has: • Grocery list of what a backyard habitat “might” do for you (where are the hard numbers?? Where is the value assessment?) • No backyard habitat website on God’s green earth has: • Making it easy to get started! Lower the level of entry! • Show me the local nurseries, tell me the prices of plants, tell me what works best for MY yard, encourage me to plant regardless of whether I’m just looking for a few shrubs or a whole backyard habitat. • Not everyone will want a cert., it doesn’t have to be a garden of eden! • Understand that your yard can be more than just something you mow • Backyard habitat is stuck in the conceptual phase for the broader audience and only sees realization with hardcore nature enthusiasts
Proposal – Backyard habitat value • Presentation – focus on getting started! • Interactive presentationPlanting Schemas: • show the user what plants are indigenous for their region • what combinations of plants and arrangement techniques work together to maximize diversity • Different schemas for different abiotic factors (shade vs. sun, moisture vs. dry, small space vs. large space, etc.) • Quantifying • Found no value assessment. Let’s try and quantify! Can it be quantified in terms of carbon and storm-water footprints? Can all three be presented together? Or should backyard habitat valuation be dropped from proposal?