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I am proud of being Canarian. The symbol of the Canbary Islands “El Canario”. One of the most popular birds in El Hierro, La Palma, Gomera, Tenerife y Gran Canaria and which also is found in Madeiras and the Azores. Their colours can be green , brown or yellow.
The symbol of theCanbaryIslands“El Canario” One of themost popular birds in El Hierro, La Palma, Gomera, Tenerife y Gran Canaria and whichalsoisfound in Madeiras and the Azores. Theircolours can begreen, brownoryellow.
Plant Symbol of theCanaryIslandsLa Palmera canaria Duetoitsbeautyitisone of themostknownplants. It can reach up to 15 metres. Itsstrongleaves are alwaysgreen and with a touch of yellow, it can befoundallaroundtheislands.
Animal symbol of Lanzarote.“El Cangrejo ciego’’ A typicalspeciefrom Lanzarote, itlives in a sea lagoonfound in los Jameos del agua ( a cave), theonly place whereit can befound. Itiswhite and blind.
Plant symbol of Lanzarote.‘’La Tabaiba Dulce’’ Its a bushwith a brown and grey trunk. It can befound in thelowerareasfrom sea levelto up to 400 metres. In springitsgreencolour stands outfromthedarkvolcanicflooron Lanzarote.
Animal Symbol from Fuerteventura La hubara o abutarda Lives in thewidedeserticareas of Fuerteventura y Lanzarote, thoughitisnottypicallyCanarian. A fastbirdthateatslittleinsects, plants and seeds. Makesitsnestsonthegroundlaying 2 to 3 eggs.
Plant Symbol of Fuerteventura “El Cardón de Jandía” Itis a cactus typebushthan can reach up to 80 centimetrestall. It can befound in Jandía in thesouth of Fuerteventura. Quite popular as ornamental and at seriousrisk, so protectionisnecessary.
Animal Symbol of Gran Canaria El perro de presa canario Strongpowerful animal about todissapeararoundthe 50s butwhich has beenbredlately. Noble and loving animal, excellentforfamilies and as a guardiandog.
Plant symbol of Gran CanariaEl Cardón Typical cactus bushfound in thelowerdryareas
Animal Symbol fromTenerife “El Pinzón Azul” Typicalbirdfound in Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Themale has differentshades of blue, whilethefemales are greyishbrown. Theylive in thepineforests and eattheirseeds. They lay 2 eggs.
Typical symbol fromTenerife “El drago” Its a beautifulmagnificenttreethatgrows in higherareas. Itsfruitisorangecolourwith a nice taste. Itssapis red and itissaidtohave a medicinal use.
Animal Symbol from La PalmaLa Graja-Chova Piquiroja: Black birdwith red beak and legs. Theylive in thepineforests and maketheirnests in theravines. Theyeatlittleanimals and fruit.
Plant symbol fromLa Palma El Pino Canario It can reach up to 30 metres high. Itsleaves are alwaysshinygreen and withtheshape of needles. Itsmaincharacteristicisthatifburntitgrowsagain.
Animal symbol from La GomeraLa Paloma Rabiche CanarianSpecie. Lives in thelaurisilvaforests. Greyishbluecolourwhich can alsohavegreenmetalicneck. At theend of itstailitiswhite. Itmainlyeatsfruit.
Plant Symbol from La Gomera“El Viñátigo” Its a tallishtreewithdarkgreenleavesthat can gettobeyellowor red.
Animal symbol from El Hierro “El Lagarto Gigante” A biglizard in grey and yellow. Itusedtobefound in alltheislandsbutnowadaysit can onlybefound in El Hierro. They are mainlyvegetarian and justeatfruit, plants, flowersorinsects.
Plant symbol from El Hierro “La sabina” Its a smalltreewith a verystrangeshape, found in verywindyareas. Itstruck has a pleasantherblikesmellwithsmallgreenleaves.