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Getting the most out of your classes

Attitude in Academics can go a long way!.

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Getting the most out of your classes

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    1. Getting the most out of your classes Be inspired! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxjqWa0P6xU

    2. Attitude in Academics can go a long way!

    3. Take that same determination the best athletes have for sports, and . . . Apply it to your schoolwork. Be a competitor in all areas of endeavor. Cultivate that winning spirit both inside and outside the classroom!

    4. Strategies for Success What you should do � Before class During class After class

    5. Before Class: Time management Time management is probably the most important thing most of us need to work on. Get a calendar/organizer. Write down ALL of your assignments, activities, work schedule, everything! Look at it every day. If you have time management issues, get help early and often from: Learning Center Counseling Office

    6. Before Class: Review and prepare! Review notes and work from the previous class. Do the homework/readings/assignments before class. Work in study groups if the teacher allows it. If you pick good partners, this is an excellent way to go over notes, study and prepare assignments.

    7. Before Class: Don�t forget the basics Get enough sleep! Make sure you have had breakfast or lunch. That will help you stay awake and focus on class. If commuting, allow travel time for bad weather, traffic tie-ups etc. Don�t schedule doctor�s appointments/vacations during class time. School should always come first!

    8. Before Class: Asking for help is not a sign of stupidity; it is a sign of wisdom. First best: If you have questions while working on homework, stop by and see the teacher during his/her office hours. Teachers will be impressed by your initiative. Second best: email or phone, but give the teacher plenty of time to get back to you. Do not wait until the last minute for help.

    9. Before Class: Prepare with notes Always write notes whenever you have an assignment to read, even if the teacher does not give you specific questions to answer. Come prepared! College professors assume that you will always bring your text and written notes to class. Impressions count! Professors will think less of you if you come empty-handed.

    10. Before Class: Have your supplies Have your supplies ready. For each class, have notebook folder something to write with Don�t ever walk into a class room empty-handed!! Be organized. Have class materials separated by class, not all thrown together in one folder. Organize your materials before you come to class!

    11. During Class: Show your interest Arrive on time, not five or ten minutes late. This indicates to your teacher that you are responsible, motivated � you want to learn. Sit towards the front of class. Don�t sit with your friends if you know they will distract you.

    12. During Class: Polite behavior is expected Turn off that cell phone! This is all part of proper classroom behavior, and your professors will expect you to know how to behave. College professors do not see it as their job to train you how to behave in class. They expect that you have already learned this in high school.

    13. During Class: Write, write, write Always write during class. Even if the teacher gives you a handout or refers you to the book, the teacher will expect you to take notes. Writing will also help you to focus, and will help you to retain information.

    14. During Class: Be interested Ask questions! This shows that you are paying attention and that you want to learn. Do not fall asleep. If you find yourself feeling drowsy, excuse yourself, go the bathroom, get some fresh air. And, the next time, make sure that you have gotten enough sleep to stay awake!

    15. After Class: Follow-up is key Make time to review what you went over in class that day to reinforce what you learned. Look at any notes, and add anything that you need to remember. Prepare for your next class. Again, if you have questions, ASK your teacher!

    16. After class: Ask for help at the first sign of distress If you need assistance with any of the material covered in class or assigned as work outside of class � make an appointment with the teacher. Don�t wait until the midterm � it�s too late! Go to the Learning Center or the Counseling Center if you are having problems studying, if you are stressed.

    17. After class: Your academic advisor Another great resource is your academic advisor. Our job is to help you achieve success. So, get to know your advisor by visiting them during their office hours that are posted on the Manor website www.manor.edu

    18. After class: Your academic advisor If you don�t know who your advisor is, check with the office manager of the department for the program in which you are enrolled.� Liberal Arts - Mrs. Nadine Charlap 215-885-2360 ex. 246 Business � Mr. Mitru Costea 215-885-2360 ex. 254 Allied Health - Mrs. Diane Pittman 215-885-2360 ex. 220 Meet with your academic advisor to review your academic progress, talk about your future goals, and sign up for courses for each semester.� Your advisor is a faculty member who can be a great resource to you.

    19. Other things to consider Participate in clubs and activities if you can.� Many studies have shown that participation in extracurricular activities actually improves your academic progress by teaching you discipline, time management, working with others, etc. Make friends Have fun Important for next college or job application!

    20. Other things to consider Be aware of important academic deadlines (like the last day to withdraw from a class) by checking the academic calendar And, check the student activities calendar http://manor.edu/webcal/month.php

    21. Other things to consider The Counseling Center sends out very useful emails that will help you with many academic and personal issues. Their webpage is at:�� http://www.manor.edu/StudentLife/Counseling.htm

    22. Other things to consider You should check your Manor email at least once a week. Your teachers will also contact you via Manor email. So, activate your Manor email and use it!! And, here is a very comprehensive website (in many languages!) that covers many topics including study skills, time management, general skills needed for successful college work : http://www.studygs.net/

    23. You have the desire � now act!! �The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.� Vince Lombardi (head coach of the Green Bay Packers 1959-1967) Use the skills you have already developed in other areas of your life and bring them to the classroom.

    24. Reach for the stars!!

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