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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence. Present by: Dong Truong. Outline. Introduction Why is it important? Real world examples. Physics engine in 2D Android Game Demonstration. Introduction.

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Business Intelligence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business Intelligence Present by: Dong Truong

  2. Outline • Introduction • Why is it important? • Real world examples. • Physics engine in 2D Android Game • Demonstration

  3. Introduction • Business Intelligence (BI) is a big umbrella term that refers to most of the software applications used to analyze an organization’s raw data as data warehouse. • Companies use BI to improve their business decision, cut costs and identify new business opportunities. • With today BI tools such as SQL Server Analysis, SQL Server Reporting Services, etc. Business folks could jump in and start analyzing data fast without waiting for someone running same set of query every week or month. It also called an automate process.

  4. Why is BI important? • Most of big companies do not want their data sitting in data warehouse without even looking at it. However, it takes too much works for business folks to write queries to extract data out then putting them on the report with certain format that their bosses want. For that reason, they need Business Intelligence. • BI is also an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems that provides with robust accessing to different reports, dashboards and balanced scorecards for businesses in a corporation.

  5. Real World Examples • At JB Hunt, the maintenance department has a problem with their tire inventory for years.

  6. BI Solution! • Created a monthly automate process to build the report that could display on the webpage for all tire inventory locations. • Save labor work, time consuming, reduce human error, and smartest business solution.

  7. Android Physic Engine Game • Physics engine allows for more accurate physics so that the weight or speed of an object in game can knock over other object or lift a sinking object or even flying with their accurate speed based on their mass and gravity in game world. • The prefect game example is Angry Bird • Revenue in 2011: $106.3 million. • Nice story, impressive design, and interesting levels to play.

  8. Not hard to make a game like Angry Bird!

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