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Traction® EOS® - Steve Preda Entrep Coaching

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Traction® EOS® - Steve Preda Entrep Coaching

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GET WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR BUSINESS… with the:Entrepreneurial Operating System® Steve Preda, EOS Implementer, VA, DC, MD

  2. What do You Want fromYour Business? Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  3. Freedom Success THINGS YOU MAY WANT… Wealth Legacy EOS® Can Give You Fun Lifestyle Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  4. Be Careful what You Wish for…EOS will make it happen Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  5. WHAT IS IT ABOUT EOS…? • Jim Collins • Michael Gerber • Patrick Lancioni • Verne Harnish • Dan Sullivan Gino Wickman: “TRACTION” Simple, time-tested tools to build a focused and healthy team and scale your business Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  6. COMPANIES THAT RUN ON EOS… Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Need to get good in only six areas to be GREAT Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  7. Hitting the Ceiling isInevitable Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  8. THE 5 LEADERSHIP ABILITIES 1. Simplify 2. Delegate 3. Predict 4. Systemize 5. Structure Source: Gino Wickman: Traction The abilities you need to break through the ceiling Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  9. Vision Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  10. Bring your Vision Down to the Ground Steve Preda Entrep Coaching

  11. People Source: Gino Wickman: Traction

  12. Clone Your Best Employees Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  13. Data Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  14. 5-15 Metrics That Give You a Pulse of the Biz.

  15. “Windshield”vs.“Rearview Mirror”Metrics Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  16. Issues Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  17. IdentifyDiscussSolve+Assign+Accountable Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  18. Process Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  19. Create and Document Processes Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  20. Traction Source: Gino Wickman: Traction Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  21. SandPebblesRocks Steve Preda Entrep Coaching, 2017

  22. LEARN MORE ABOUT EOS / TRACTION?Read Steve’s EOS® Blog or Register for a Traction® Tasting Breakfast Workshop Steve PredaEOS IMPLEMENTERP: (804) 332-1307E: steve@entrepcoaches.comW:entrepcoaches.com

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