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AP Euro Unit - D. 1 Agricultural & First Industrial Revolutions In the 18 th Century (1701-1800). Part 1 [6+1]. Part 2 [9+5]. Part 3 [6+2]. AP EURO. Agricultural Revolution & First Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century (1701-1800). Summary (NO NOTES UNTIL I)
AP Euro Unit - D 1 Agricultural & First Industrial Revolutions In the 18th Century (1701-1800) Part 1 [6+1] Part 2 [9+5] Part 3 [6+2] AP EURO
Agricultural Revolution & First Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century (1701-1800) • Summary (NO NOTES UNTIL I) • Summary: In 18th century Europe new wealth from overseas trade transformed European society and economics. • Key Ideas • Triangular Trade development connections. • Europe. • Africa. • Caribbean Islands. • South America. • North America. • Changes in Economics • Destruction of traditional Medieval/Feudal economics. • Development of market-oriented agriculture. • Cottage Industry/Putting-Out System develops. • Economic productivity increase enables population growth. • Need for raw materials leads to expanded territorial holdings through war. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 07 0
(Continued) Summary (NO NOTES UNTIL I) • Introduction • Eighteenth century dominant European economic powers., • Great Britain and France (to lesser extent) surpass Spain, Portugal, and Holland. • Economic supremacy from controlling majority of lucrative triangle of trade connecting Europe to Africa and the Americas. • Resulting wealth and prosperity produced series of innovations. • Radical changes/increases in agricultural production. • Greatly changed manufacturing methods. • Eastern European nations behind and desired to catch up economically and in colonial possessions. • Competition led to war (Britain, France, Prussia and other Eastern European rivals). • Processes eighteenth-century European rulers used to build and expand their states. • Diplomacy. • War. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 06 0
Cotton Sugar Silver Tobacco Timber Furs Rice Indigo Coffee Rum EUROPE THE AMERICAS & CARIBBEAN COLONIES Manufactured Goods like: Guns, Gin. Slaves & Manufactured Goods • The Triangle of Trade [START NOTES] • System of interconnected trade routes that quadrupled foreign trade in both Britain and France in the 18th century. • Three characteristics of Triangular Trade/Slave Trade: • Manufactured goods (primarily guns and gin) exported from Europe to Africa. • Slaves exported for colonial labor. • North & South America. • Caribbean Islands/Colonies. • Raw materials exported from colonies to Europe. • Cotton. • Sugar. • Silver. • Tobacco. • Timber. • Furs. • Rice. • Indigo dye. • Coffee. • Rum. • Raw materials made into finished products (manufactured goods) for export; repeating cycle. Create a small diagram showing this triangle, goods traded, and destinations in your IJ on back of Targeted Section 3 Notes. [see p. 636] Cotton Sugar Silver Tobacco Timber Furs Rice Indigo Coffee Rum Cotton Sugar EUROPE THE AMERICAS & CARIBBEAN COLONIES Manufactured Goods like: Guns, Gin. Slaves & Manufactured Goods AFRICA AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 00 0
Slavery prior to the 18th century. • Primary destination of African slaves. • Mediterranean Basin. • Asia. • Expansion of the European Western colonies greatly increased demand. • Reoriented slave trade to the West. • Destination of majority of slaves. • West Indies. • Brazil. • North America (about 10 percent). • Middle Passage (8th Grade U.S. History coverage?) • Transportation of African slaves across the Atlantic. • Males predominately, but some females. • Commodity • Tight Pack. • Loose Pack. • As many as 700 slaves per ship were transported. • Chained below deck in horrific conditions. • Many died en route (some by jumping overboard). • Between 50,000/100,000 transported each year at height of the 18thc. slave trade. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 05 0
Breaking the Traditional Cycle of Population and Productivity • Pressure for social change eventually affected the whole population. • Enormous wealth generated by the British and French colonies. • Triangle of trade. • More strongly in Britain than rest of Europe. • Constituted the First Industrial Revolution. • Began in Britain then spread Eastward throughout Europe. • Broke traditional cycle of population and productivity. • The traditional cycle worked like this: • Population and productivity rose together. • More people working in an agricultural economy increased the agricultural yield. • Agricultural yield reached the maximum due to: • Land available. • Methods in use. • Population continued to rise until number outstripped agricultural yield. • Scarcity and high prices caused population decline. • When population safely below possible productivity, the cycle would begin again. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 04 0
(Continued) Breaking the Traditional Cycle… • Several developments combined to break the cycle: • Eighteenth century new wealth. • Agriculture became market-oriented. • Rural manufacturing spread capital throughout the population. • Increased demand led to technical innovation. • New market orientation of agriculture: • Shift from farming for local consumption. • Now reliance on imported food sold at markets. • Introduction of rural manufacture. • Larger amounts of currency into the system. • Working population less dependent on land and agricultural cycles. • Could pay for food rather than raising it. • Breaking natural check on population growth. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 03 0
AGRICULTURAL & FIRST INDUSTRIAL • REVOLUTIONS IN THE 18TH CENTURY • (1701-1800) • PART 1 • Comprehension Questions AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 02 0
Which of the following was NOT part of the “Triangle of Trade”? • Timber. • Tobacco. • Cotton. • Silk. • Slaves. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 01 0
The main obstacle to solving France's financial problems was ___________________. • A: is incorrect because tobacco, timber, and cotton were imported into Europe from the Americas. • B: is incorrect because tobacco was a new luxury to Europe, that many consider medicinal, ie. having health giving qualities. • C: is incorrect because the British imported long straight timber for masts for their naval vessels and all appropriate trees in England had already been harvested. • D: is correct although there was a silk trade between China and Europe, it was not part of the eighteenth-century Triangle of Trade. • E: is incorrect because cotton initially came from the American colonies until the American Civil War, thereafter it came primarily from India to Britain. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 1 00 0
Market-Oriented Agriculture • Destruction of Manorial System. • Rise in population created more mouths to feed. • Vast colonial trade empire created increasing wealthy merchant class. • Bought land. • Affected behavior of traditional land-holding elites. • Land-owning elites (lords of the manor). • Held vast estates divided into small plots of arable land. • Farmed by peasants for local consumption. • Peasants grazed their livestock on Vast grounds known as commons. • System was slowly replaced by a market-oriented approach. • Cash crops grown. • a) Sale. • b) Export. • Led to reorganization of the social structure of the countryside. • a) Traditional land-owning elites abandoned feudal obligations to the peasantry. • b) Adopted attitude of the merchant class. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 19 0
(Continued) Market-Oriented Agriculture • (Continued) Destruction of Manorial System. • Enclosure Movement. • Cash crops created demand for larger fields. • Hedges, fences, and walls built to deny peasantry access to the commons, now converted to fields for cash crops. • Later extended into other arable lands. • Broke traditional feudal agreements. • Gradually transformed most of the peasantry into wage laborers. • By mid-18thc. • 75% of the arable land in England enclosed. • Informally or "by agreement" (though peasantry had not, been given any choice). • After 1750, process continued more formally by acts of Parliament. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 18 0
(Continued) Market-Oriented Agriculture • (Continued) Rural Manufacturing. • Prior System (Guilds). • Since Feudal time. • Textile production under the control of Guilds. • Organizations of skilled laborers. • a) Such as spinners and weavers. • b) Enjoyed protection of town officials. • c) Membership gained only through a lengthy apprenticeship. • d) Kept competition to a minimum. • e) Controlled supply of textiles. • f) Enabled price controls guaranteeing members decent living. • Guilds still around in some fields through the 19th c. • Population increase created greater demand for the other necessities of life. • 18th century. • Merchants faced ever-expanding demand for textiles/cloth. • Needed way around the Guild System. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 17 0
(Continued) Market-Oriented Agriculture • (Continued) Rural Manufacturing. • (Continued) Cottage Industry or Putting-Out System. • Rural manufacturing system. • Merchants engaged countryside peasantry in small-scale textile production. • Monthly production. • Merchant provided raw material. • Peasants rented equipment to peasant families. • Paid family for whatever thread or cloth they had produced. • Initially, supplement to agricultural income. • Eventually, some stopped farming and pooled their resources to create small textile mills. • Town Guilds unable to compete with these “mills.” • Cottage industry replaced urban Guilds as center of textile production. • Rural manufacturing went hand-in-hand with the shift to market-oriented agriculture. • Destruction of the manorial system needed some of the cash flowing to make it into the hands of the rural population. • Rural families used money to buy their food rather than grow it themselves. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 16 0
Social Change Overview (Ch 20 & 24 Unit – E will expand upon these points) • Accompanied destruction of manorial system and guilds. • Hardship and insecurity. • Enclosure movement meant thousands lost their land and their social status. • Small landholders. • Tenant farmers. • Sharecroppers. • ALL forced to work for wages. • Their lives and their family’s now at the mercy of the marketplace. • Destruction of the Guilds. • Most forced to work for wages. • Their lives and their family’s now at the mercy of the marketplace. • Produced similar as peasants’ trauma for the artisans and their families. • Destruction of peasantry and the artisan traditional place and status in society. • Faced great insecurity. • Few opportunities, • Most would NEVER return to their old standard of living. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 15 0
Technical Innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing • Technical innovations responses to new challenges. • Earlier people. • Did not fail to innovate because they were less intelligent. • Simply had no need to search/create innovations. • Technological innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing. • Eighteenth century. • Ever-growing population. • Demand for food and goods. • Series of related demands that eventually led to technical innovations in both agriculture and manufacturing. • Single innovations often created need for further innovation in different part of the process. • Field Usage. • Key technical innovation in agricultural sector. • 18th century. • Old two-field system. • One field for crop. • Fall. • Spring. • One left fallow for grazing. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 14 0
Technical Innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing • (Continued) Field Usage. • Three-field system. • First field the same growing crops. • Second field replenishing itself with new nitrogen crops. • Clover. • Turnips. • Potato. • Replenished soil while producing foodstuffs for people and livestock in winter. • Healthier livestock. • Dairy products. • Leather. • Turnips used for both human and animal consumption. • Third field grazing off non-harvested roots/leaves, clover, etc. of Field Two after harvesting of Potatoes/Turnips. • More land in usage at one time. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 13 0
Technical Innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing • First Industrial Revolution Innovations. • Number in manufacturing sector greatly increased the pace and output of the textile industry. • Flying Shuttle. • 1733. • John Kay. • Doubled the speed at which cloth could be woven. • Loom. • Led to need for faster way to produce greater amounts of thread. • Spinning Jenny. • 1760s. • James Hargreaves. • Greatly increased the amount of thread a single spinner could produce from cotton. • Creating a need to speed up the harvesting of cotton. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 12 0
Technical Innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing • (Continued) First Industrial Revolution Innovations. • Cotton Gin. • 1793. • American, Eli Whitney. • Efficiently removed seed from raw cotton. • Increased cotton processing speed with which it could be sent to the spinners. • These technical innovations greatly increased the pace and productivity of the textile industry. • End of Cottage Industry/Putting-Out System. • Need to supervise. • Larger multi-position machines. • Faster production. • Worker production/efficiency. • Development of URBAN textile mills. • Replaced scattered putting-out system by century's end. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 11 0
AGRICULTURAL & FIRST INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS IN THE 18TH CENTURY (1701-1800) PART 2 Comprehension Questions AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 10 0
Enclosure _________________________. • changed the balance of military power • refers to the shackling of slaves below deck on the Middle Passage • denied peasants access to commons and farm land in England • made mills the center of textile production • destroyed the guilds AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 09 0
Enclosure _____________________. • A: is incorrect because the term Enclosure does not refer to military organization. • B: is incorrect because the term Enclosure does not refer to the inhumane methods of transporting slaves. • C: is correct as the Enclosure refers to the decision by English landowners to deny peasants access to both the commons and their traditional farming plots so that the lands could be converted to cash crops. • D: is incorrect because the term Enclosure does not refer to textile production. • E: is incorrect because it was the development of Cottage Industry, and not the Enclosure Movement, that destroyed the crafts guilds. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 08 0
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the breaking of the traditional population cycle in Europe? • The shift of agriculture to a market orientation. • The three-field system. • Rural manufacturing. • The conversion to wage labor. • Technical innovation. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 07 0
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the breaking of the traditional population cycle in Europe? • A: is incorrect because market-oriented agriculture meant a shift from farming for local consumption to a reliance on imported food sold at markets, thereby helping to break the natural limit on agricultural productivity which enforced a limit on population growth. • B: is correct as the three-field system, whereby one-third of the land was left fallow, was part of the traditional agricultural cycle which helped to establish limits on productivity and, therefore, on population increase. • C: is incorrect because the advent of rural manufacturing put cash into the pockets of the laboring class, enabling them to buy food and, therefore, helping to remove the natural constraint on population growth. • D: is incorrect because the conversion of the agricultural workforce to wage labor also furthered the spread of capital throughout the economy. • E: is incorrect because technical innovation in agriculture ensured a healthy economy and increased the availability of food, thereby helping to remove natural constraints on population increase. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 06 0
Cottage industry _____________________. • refers to the building of cottages in the countryside for the working population • helped to reinforce the traditional checks on population growth • refers to the establishment of large-scale, factory-based industrial production • is a component of the feudal system • refers to the engagement of the rural population in small-scale textile production AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 05 0
Cottage industry ____________________. • A: is incorrect because Cottage Industry does not refer to the building of cottages. • B: is incorrect because Cottage Industry refers to the engagement of the rural population in small-scale textile production that helped to break the traditional checks on population growth. • C: is incorrect because Cottage Industry does not refer to the establishment of large-scale, factory-based industrial production, which was a nineteenth-century development. • D: is incorrect because Cottage Industry helped to destroy the remaining vestiges of the feudal system. • E: is correct as Cottage Industry is the term that denotes the development of small-scale textile production in the countryside in the eighteenth century. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 04 0
Which of the following was a key technical innovation in agricultural production in the eighteenth century? • New crops such as clover, turnips, and the potato. • The Flying Shuttle. • The Spinning Jenny. • The Cotton Gin. • The Three-Field System. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 03 0
Which of the following was a key technical innovation in agricultural production in the eighteenth century? • A: is correct as the key technical innovation in the agricultural sector in the eighteenth century was the introduction of new crops such as clover, turnips, and the potato, which replenished the soil while producing foodstuffs that could be used to feed livestock in winter. • B: is incorrect because the Flying Shuttle and the Spinning Jenny were technical innovations in the TEXTILE INDUSTRY. • C: is incorrect for the same reasons as B above. Always make sure to read questions carefully: Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions are totally different. • D: is incorrect because, although cotton is an agricultural product, the cotton gin did not increase its production; it increased the speed with which it could be harvested, thereby increasing the speed with which it could be supplied to the textile producers. It is, therefore, properly understood as an innovation in the textile industry. • E: is incorrect because the three-field system was REPLACED in the eighteenth century by new crops. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 02 0
The most significant impact of the introduction of rural manufacturing in the eighteenth century was ___________________. • improved quality of clothing • a decrease in agricultural output • the spur to the economy provided by increased production and the spread of capital throughout the population • the creation of the triangle of trade • a shift in the population from towns to the countryside. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 01 0
The most significant impact of the introduction of rural manufacturing in the eighteenth century was ___________________. • A: is incorrect because the introduction of rural manufacturing had no significant effect on the quality of clothing, though it did increase the amount produced. • B: is incorrect because the introduction of rural manufacturing had no negative effect on agricultural output. • C: is correct as the most significant impact of the introduction of rural manufacturing in the eighteenth century was that it acted as a spur to the economy by increasing production and spreading capital throughout the population. • D: is incorrect because rural manufacturing played no role in the creation of the triangle of trade. • E: is incorrect because although the economies and social fabric of towns were damaged by the destruction of the guild system that resulted from the introduction of rural manufacturing, there was no significant shift in the population from towns to the countryside. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 00 0
Eastern Ambition • The prosperity and power of Britain and France caused their eastern European rivals to try to strengthen and modernize their kingdoms. • Prussia • In Prussia, Frederick William I built a strong centralized government in which the military, under the command of the nobles, played a dominant role. • In 1740, his successor Frederick II (the Great) used that military to extend Prussia into lands controlled by the Hapsburgs. • Challenging the right of Maria Theresa to ascend to the throne of Austria (which was a right guaranteed her by a document known as the Pragmatic Sanction), Frederick II marched troops into Silesia. • In what came to be known as the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748), Maria Theresa was able to rally Austrian and Hungarian troops and fight Prussia and its allies, the French, Spanish, Saxons, and Bavarians, to a stand-off. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 10 0
(Continued) Eastern Ambition • Russia • In Russia, the progress towards modernization and centralization made under Peter the Great had largely been undone in the first half of the eighteenth century. • However, under the leadership of Catherine the Great, Russia defeated the Ottoman Turks in 1774, thereby extending Russia's borders as far as the Black Sea and the Balkan Peninsula. • In 1775, Russia joined with Prussia and Austria to conquer Poland and divide its territories among the three of them. • War and Diplomacy • State-Building In 18th-century Europe. • War. • Diplomacy. • Britain – France Competition. • Triangle of trade. • Contend militarily control of colonies. • North America. • Caribbean. • Desire to weaken one another led to land wars in Europe. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 09 0
(Continued) War and Diplomacy • Prussia. • Frederick II. • Expansionist aims. • Shift in diplomatic alliances that is now referred to as the Diplomatic Revolution: • Prussia. • Fearful of being isolated by its enemies. • Forged an alliance in 1756 with its former enemy Great Britain. • Austria and France. • Previously antagonistic towards one another. • Alarmed by alliance of Prussia and Great Britain. • Forged an alliance of their own. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 08 0
(Continued) War and Diplomacy • Seven Years War. • 1756–1763. • Colonial and continental rivalries. • All of the great European powers. • into a conflict that came to be known as the Seven Years War • France, Austrian, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and (after 1762) Spain. • Prussia, Great Britain, and the German state of Hanover. • Fought in North America, India, and Europe. • European hostilities concluded by peace agreement. • 1763. • Re-established prewar boundaries. • North America • Land and sea battles. • French and Indian War. • Fall of Quebec in 1759 to British. • Shifted the balance of power in North America to the British. • The British had similar success in India. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 07 0
(Continued) War and Diplomacy • Latter Part of 18th Century. • Nature of European armies and wars changed. • Profound implications for the ruling regimes. • The standing armies changed: • The size of the standing army increased. • Officer corps became full-time servants of the state. • Troops consisted of conscripts, volunteers, mercenaries, and criminals who were pressed into service. • Discipline and training became harsher and more extensive. • Weapons and tactics changed to accommodate the new armies: • Muskets became more efficient and accurate. • Cannon became more mobile. • Wars were now decided not by a decisive battle, but by superior organization of resources. • Naval battles now often more crucial than land battles. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 06 0
Rapid Review (NO NOTES) • In the eighteenth century, Britain and France came to dominate the lucrative triangle of trade that imported valuable raw materials from North America and the Caribbean to Europe in exchange for slaves acquired from Africa. • The influx of capital generated by the colonial trade served as a spur for unchecked population growth made possible by an agricultural revolution and the creation of a system of rural manufacturing. • The changes in agricultural and manufacturing production destroyed the last vestiges of an economic system (Manorialism) and a social system (Feudalism) that dated back to the medieval period. • In that process, both the traditional European peasantry and the guildsmen were converted to wage labor. • The intensifying rivalry between Britain and France, and the growing ambition of their eastern European counterparts, led to a series of mid-century wars, including the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War. • Rivalries also led to a series of innovations in diplomacy and warfare. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 05 0
AGRICULTURAL & FIRST INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS IN THE 18TH CENTURY (1701-1800) PART 3 Comprehension Questions AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 3 04 0
Which of the following is NOT true of the War of the Austrian Succession? • It began when Frederick the Great of Prussia challenged Maria Theresa's right to ascend to the throne of Austria. • It violated the terms of the Pragmatic Sanction. • Austria allied with Prussia to hold off French ambitions. • Maria Theresa was able to rally the Hungarians to her cause. • It was essentially fought to a stand-off. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 03 0
Which of the following is NOT true of the War of the Austrian Succession? • A: is incorrect because Frederick the Great of Prussia did challenge Maria Theresa's right to ascend to the throne of Austria. • B: is incorrect because It did began when through a violation of the Pragmatic Sanction terms. • C*: is correct as The War of the Austrian Succession (1740– 1748) was fought between Prussia and its allies, the French, Spanish, Saxons, and Bavarians, and the Austrian and Hungarian troops, who supported the right of the Hapsburg heir, Maria Theresa, to ascend to the throne; French aggression was not a factor. • D: is incorrect because Maria Theresa was able to rally the Hungarians to her cause. • E: is incorrect because the war was essentially fought to a stand-off. • *The other four choices are all accurate statements • about the War of the Austrian Succession. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 02 0
As a result of the Seven Years War, ______________. • the French monarchy fell • Maria Theresa ascended to the throne of Austria • Prussia was weakened • the Ottoman Turks were further weakened • Great Britain emerged as the dominant European power outside of the European continent AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 01 0
As a result of the Seven Years War, ______________. • A: is incorrect because the French monarchy did not fall as a result of the Seven Years War, though the financial strain put on the government was a contributing cause of the French Revolution. • B: is incorrect because Maria Theresa gained the Austrian throne by the War of the Austrian Succession. • C:is incorrect because Prussia was Britain's continental ally in the Seven Years War and its power was not weakened by the outcome. • D: is incorrect because the Ottoman Turks were not directly involved in the Seven Years War; their empire was further weakened by defeat in a conflict with Russia in 1774 that was unrelated to the Seven Years War. • E: is correct as British victories in the Americas and in India allowed it to emerge from the Seven Years War as the dominant European power beyond the boundaries of the continent. AP EURO AG. & 1stIND. Revolutions PART 2 00 0