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Navigating Disagreement: Embrace Differences for Success

Engage in healthy disagreement by exploring diverse viewpoints, embracing complexity, and seeking transformation. Learn to de-escalate conflicts, depolarize positions, and provoke awareness. Understand the sources of disagreements and move towards constructive resolutions. Draw inspiration from teachings of Jesus and the Dalai Lama on love and learning from adversaries.

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Navigating Disagreement: Embrace Differences for Success

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  2. Let’s disagree! Which came first? or

  3. When you disagree…? • Where does your information come from? • What life experience has led you to this position? • Is your position your own? • What emotions do you experience when you hear different positions?

  4. Let’s disagree! • Is free market wealth creation the best means of alleviating poverty? • Is Jesus the only way to salvation? • Is a two state solution in Israel/Palestine still possible ?

  5. When you disagree…? • Where does your information come from? • What life experience has led you to this position? • Is your position your own? • What emotions do you experience when you hear different positions?

  6. Difference Disagreement Success/Failure Polarisation Complexity Conflict

  7. 1. The Threat? Difference

  8. 2. Polarising Factors • Fear • Prejudice • History • Belief • Self interest • Peer pressure

  9. 3. Patterns of Escalation Take Sides Curiosity Listen Select/ignore info Maintain Connections Assume & attribute De-personalise Personalise/generalise Seek understanding Devalue Take responsbility Demonise Complexity Conflict

  10. 3 Explore threat Threat? Strategies for moving fromconflict to complexity Curiosity Take Sides Listen Select/ignore info Maintain Connections Assume & attriibute De-personalise Personalise/generalise Develop understanding Devalue 4. Provoke awareness Take responsbility Demonise 2 Depolarise 1 De-escalate Complexity Conflict 5 Seek Transformation

  11. Summary of possible interventions 1. De-escalate 2. De-polarise 3. Explore threat 4. Stimulate awareness 5. Seek transformation

  12. How not to disagree…

  13. Disagreement a way we can learnfrom difference “I say, love your enemies” Jesus(Matthew 5:44) “Your enemy is your best teacher” HH The Dalai Lama

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