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Discover expert marketing strategies by Shar Lewis, VP of Marketing & Business Development, to create a diverse Marketing Parthenon for ongoing success. Learn how to prepare, plan consistently, set goals, track metrics, and test campaigns effectively.
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategies! By Shar Lewis Vice President Marketing & Business Development
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #1 Create a Marketing Parthenon Do you have a marketing hut or a marketing Parthenon? There are literally thousands of different marketing strategies you could be using to grow your Club Reduce practice but only a few that you need to do consistently that will allow you to make all the money you desire. For those of you who don't know what a Marketing Parthenon is, let me explain... • A Marketing Parthenon means having multiple different sources of lead generation instead of relying on just one. • For example, let's say your primary method for generating new business is through Letters/Postcards to past and current patients.
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #1 Create a Marketing Parthenon • What happens if, for whatever reason, your current patient base dries up and you have no more current or past patients to pursue? How will that impact your practice? • Now imagine you also generate leads through Women’s, Health and Bridal Expo’s, Direct Mail, Corporate Lunches, Salon Program, Dinner with Doc, Referrals, Newspaper Ads, Billboards, etc.? • You have now successfully diversified your marketing portfolio like a good money manager. • Start now by conservatively testing other methods of marketing so that if one method stops working, it won't stop your entire lead generation.
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #2 Prepare Things to Consider Before you Start. 1. What will you call this part of your practice? 2. How will you answer the phone? • What signage will you have? 4. Have a designated phone number and URL for marketing calls and specific campaigns. 5. Rehearse and role-play with the marketing scripts for each type of lead. 6. Have and use Marketing and Sales Tickler Systems.
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #3 Make a Plan and Be Consistent “If you Fail to Plan…You Plan to Fail.” • This one seems so easy, yet so many doctors fail to “make a plan” and be "consistent" in their marketing efforts. • For example, we get calls all the time saying “ I did an Expo” or "I just mailed 200 postcards, now what do I do?" The answer's pretty simple...Do another Expo and mail 200 more postcards next week! • You can't do just one Expo, one mailing, run just one ad, do just one corporate lunch and expect blockbuster results. Marketing doesn't work like that! • Create a marketing plan for the year, and stick to it. • For example, maybe your plan calls for one Expo or Community event each month, one Corporate Lunch per month, mailing 200 Postcards a week, running 2 small Ads a week in local newspapers, airing one TV spot per quarter and, placing a Billboard for the Spring. If that's your plan, you must stick to it. • Over a period of about 90 days, you will create momentum, and sales and profits will start to roll in. • And if, for some reason, one of your marketing methods stops working...Change Your Approach! • Don't just give up on direct mail or advertising entirely - test a new ad or sales letter. • Whatever you do...Make a Plan and Be Consistent!
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #3 Make a Plan and be Consistent “If you Fail to Plan…You Plan to Fail.” 1. Set your Annual Clinic Income Goal. 2. Have a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual marketing plan. • Use Monthly Marketing Planning Tool for Goals • Use Monthly Marketing Planning Sheet for Strategy 3. Use Clinic Marketing Checklist & Metrics (from lead to seminar). • Track and report weekly with Marketing Meeting Agenda at both Marketing and Staff Meeting 4. Use Clinic Seminar Assistant Checklist & Metrics (from seminar to one-on-one eval). • Track and report weekly with Seminar Assistant Meeting Agenda at both Seminar Assistant and Staff Meeting 5. Use Sales/Seminar Presenter Checklist & Metrics (from one-on-one eval to patient). • Track and report weekly with Sales/Presenter Meeting Agenda at both Sales/Presenter and Staff Meeting 6. Review weekly stats and compare to monthly goals at weekly staff meeting. • Adjust weekly and monthly goals accordingly based on stats to meet annual clinic goal. *Forms can be found on Club Reduce, Training, 2013 Summit, New Clinic Checklists & Metrics *Monthly Marketing Planning Tool can be found on Club Reduce, Marketing, Top of Page
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #4 Test It. Track It. Tweak It. Try Again. Where performance is measured, performance improves. Where performance is measured and reported, the rate of performance accelerates. • Test it. • Test. Test. Test. If the campaign isn’t producing results, change it. • Here's a brief list of the most important things to test: Headlines (in ads and sales letters), Price, Offers, Mailing Lists, Newspapers, and the list goes on. There are an endless number of variables you can test in your practice. • Here's the exciting part: One "minor" change can have a major impact on your business. (ex: price…$200 per client x 100 clients = $20,000 year with no extra work on your part!) • Track it. • If you don’t know your numbers they’re probably bad. • Track results. Do more of what’s working and change what is not. 3. Tweak it. • If your campaign is not producing leads. Tweak it with some of the testing examples above. • Try Again. • If at first you don’t succeed. Try, try again.
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #5 Sequenced Mailings • This is one of the most important marketing strategies you could implement, yet very few marketers put systems into place to allow them to tap into the power of consistent sequenced mailings and touch points. We do! • There was a famous marketing study done several years ago which determined that over 70% of all people who respond to an advertisement (or letter) will ultimately buy the product or service being offered. • Here's the interesting part...Almost All Of Those People Will Purchase The Product Or Service From Someone Other Than The Original Advertiser! • Why do you think that is? Because people buy when THEY are ready to buy not when YOU are ready to sell. • So what does all of this mean to you? This means that at some point in time they will be ready to buy, and the company that gets the sale will be the one who stayed in front of them until they did become ready to buy. • Let me give you a personal example. As a consultant, only 25 percent of my clients sign up for the FREE Consulting Call and Strategic Marketing Plan after the first notice. • What would happen if I didn’t mail a 2nd, 3rd or Final Notice? That's right, I'd have one quarter as many clients, and I'd be one quarter as profitable. • Let me ask you a question, "Do you send 2nd Notices, Final Notices, and Postcards to follow-up on leads?" • If not, you're costing yourself and your business a fortune! *When was the last time you did a 3-series postcard mailing to inactive or past clients? Or to leads who came in for a one-on-one eval but didn’t purchase at that time?
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #6 Monthly Newsletters • Do you send out monthly newsletters to your clients? If no, why not? • Did you know it's far easier to re-sell an existing or past client than to sell to someone who doesn't know and trust you? • Did you also know that you lose 1/12 of the value of a client every 30 days you don't communicate with them? • So knowing these two facts, what's the easiest, most profitable way to maintain relationships and re-sell existing and past clients? You guessed it...A Monthly Newsletter! • But don't just send a monthly newsletter. Make sure you also enclose INSERTS about other products, services, specials or discounts that you offer. • Whatever you do, make sure you keep in touch with your clients once a month!
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #7 Create a Deluxe Version of your Service • Airlines have "First Class" tickets. Nightclubs have "VIP" rooms. Hotels have "Suites." • Are you starting to get the point? • Give your clients more than one option. Offer them the "No Frills" service for one price, and the "Premium" service for a higher price. • Add extra bells and whistles to the "Premium" service, and create a much higher "perceived value" and many of your clients will choose the "Premium" service. • You want to give your clients a "Yes" or "Yes" decision NOT a "Yes" or "No" decision. • So if you aren't already offering a Deluxe service, start doing it immediately!
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #8 Be Brilliant at the Basics • INTERNAL MARKETING • Hang your Banner • Place your Bandit Signs • Place posters and flyers in office • Send 3-Series Postcard to inactive/past patients • Send 3-Series Postcard to One-on-One Evals that didn’t purchase • Promote Referral Program with product or discount incentive • Dinner with Doc • Monthly Promotions (postcards/posters/flyers) • Newsletters
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategy #8 Be Brilliant at the Basics • EXTERNAL MARKETING • Expo’s: Women’s, Health, Bridal, etc. • Corporate Lunches • Direct Mail (purchased) • Salon Program • Gym Program • Bridal Parties • Ladies Spa Night • Employee Appreciation Events • TRADITIONAL MARKETING • Newspaper, Television, Radio, Billboards
Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategies Review • Create a Marketing Parthenon • Prepare • Make a Plan and Be Consistent • Test it. Track it. Tweak it. Try Again. • Sequenced Mailings • Monthly Newsletters • Create a Deluxe Version of Your Service • Be Brilliant at the Basics
Remember… None of these Idiot-Proof Marketing Strategies will result in significant income for your practice if your Lifecycle of a PPL (Potential Patient Lead) is broken. These marketing strategies WILL bring in LEADS but these LEADS will only become PATIENTS if you are implementing the Club Reduce SYSTEMS in the Lifecycle of a PPL. Let’s do a quick review of the Lifecycle of a PPL.
Lifecycle of a PPL EDUCATE! Register for Seminar Register for Evaluation Patient for Life New Lead Purchase Program Attend Seminar Attend Evaluation Brilliant Marketing Strategies Marketing Marketer Seminar Assistant Doc/Sales Sales/Presenter All! WL Coach Spa Therapists Front Desk 7 Critical Positions/Responsibilities • Marketer • Sales/Presenter • Seminar Assistant • Front Desk • WL Accountability Coach • Spa Therapists • Manager Maintenance Solutions4 Referrals! Referrals! Referrals!
Thank You! Thank you for taking time today to join us on this webinar. You CAN do this! Shar Lewis Vice President Marketing & Business Development 801.917.0900 (cell) shar@clubreduce.com www.ClubReduceConsulting.com