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DESIGN – use creative thinking

The project is:. DESIGN – use creative thinking. Your assignment is to:. Illustrate a school rule. You are not allowed to use the word NO, or any form of the word NO. For demonstration purposes a famous saying is illustrated – not a school rule. Your job is to think creatively, not copy.

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DESIGN – use creative thinking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The project is: DESIGN – use creative thinking

  2. Your assignment is to: Illustrate a school rule. You are not allowed to use the word NO, or any form of the word NO.

  3. For demonstration purposes a famous saying is illustrated – not a school rule. Your job is to think creatively, not copy. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.

  4. The expected

  5. You must know the purpose, message, audience.

  6. Know the purpose, message, audience.

  7. Know the purpose, message, audience.

  8. Know the purpose, message, audience.

  9. Know the purpose, message, audience.

  10. Know the purpose, message, audience.

  11. Know the purpose, message, audience.

  12. Method One: Change the focal point. Instead of emphasizing the obvious, emphasize something else.

  13. Methods Two and Three: Show symmetry balance/equal. X Show asymmetry disproportional a great difference.

  14. Vacuum looks like a bug?? Analogy: 1. similarity in some respect between things that are otherwise dissimilar: Method Four: Try visual analogies. What visual comparisons can you find with the type, shapes or image you are working with?

  15. Bug face combined with mattress body Method ten: Bring 2 different things, images, or objects together to make a new one – a composite.

  16. Method Five:Try using a “what if” – there are no rules - anything – everything goes!

  17. Method six: Use “type” as the main graphic element. Show type in a visually expressive way. An altered letterform can illustrate a message.

  18. Method seven: Use opposites - reverse the message, or an element.

  19. Method eight: Create surrealism (an imaginative dreamlike or futuristic appearance).

  20. Method nine: Use an unusual visual. Look over your list of visuals – create an “unexpected” graphic.

  21. Method eleven: Change the scale of things. Create an unusual image by presenting an element far out of its normal size or scale.

  22. Method twelve: Enlarge the detail you want to emphasize.

  23. Close-up view Method thirteen: Used a strange point of view - an unusual or unexpected angle.

  24. Method fourteen: Compare two different things. Take the message and search for an unusual comparison.

  25. Finally…. Free from those bedbugs Method fifteen: Explore nature - use nature in the shapes, feelings, textures, etc.

  26. Next step is Prototype: Take an idea and make several variations on it.

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