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Kristen Fuchs Gold IPC. The Power of the Aroma Touch. The AromaTouch Technique was developed by Dr. David K. Hill, a leading expert on the use of essential oils for medicinal benefit. Felt need to teach people how to use oils to achieve the maximum health benefits.
Kristen Fuchs Gold IPC The Power of the Aroma Touch
The AromaTouch Technique was developed by Dr. David K. Hill, a leading expert on the use of essential oils for medicinal benefit. • Felt need to teach people how to use oils to achieve the maximum health benefits. • Dr. Hill has developed a systematic way for everyone, novice or professional, to apply the oils and receive an expected, beneficial result. • To develop the technique, Dr. Hill drew on his training as a physician, his experience using essential oils with patients and for personal care, and his understanding of essential oil science. Dr. David K. Hill
The Aroma Touch Technique • Recognizing that there are common factors at the foundation of illness in the body, the AromaTouch Technique was developed to reduce these systemic constants and return the body to a state of system balance. • Because essential oils contain many physical and emotional healing properties each oil used in the AromaTouch Technique has been selected specifically for its individual therapeutic benefit and aroma. • The AromaTouch Technique addresses common negative factors that impair health and returns the body to a state of homeostasis via a four-step process centered on CPTG oils and simple hand techniques. • AromaTouch will enhance essential oil activity, stimulate known body meridian and energy zones while balancing body systems and function.
The Oils Each oil used in the AromaTouch Technique has been selected specifically for its individual therapeutic benefit and aroma.
Systemic Constants Stress • Emotional distress, career choices, family discord, financial worries, lack of rest, etc. all elevate stress levels in the body • Elevated stress levels, maintained over time, have been shown in clinical studies to cause negative consequences to health Studies have revealed that over time high stress levels can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease, depression, insomnia, and ulcers • Stress also negatively impacts the immune system, leaving it increasingly vulnerable to pathogens. Stress causes the body to increase its production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in charge of vital nervous system functions. Elevated serotonin levels are harmful to the body’s immunity. • Stress also causes increased levels of cortisol and epinephrine in body, further weakening immune response.
Systemic Constants • Toxic Insult • Immunity depends on the ability of the body to produce effective white blood cells, complementary proteins, and other cell and body barriers. The immune system comprises a large network of organs and varied cell types, carrying out a range of interrelated functions. Its interconnectedness leaves it very vulnerable to toxins. • The normal functioning of the immune system can be easily hampered by a number of factors: environmental, dietary, medical interventions, etc. • Exposure to a wide array of toxic insults including disease-causing pathogens, hormone or pesticide contaminated food products, increasing levels of free-radical pollution, and overexposure to radiation all contribute to the weakening of the immune system.
Systemic Constants • Inflammation • The inflammatory response occurs when body tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, or any other cause. • The increased consumption of foods with pro-inflammatory components (foods high in polyunsaturated vegetable oils and trans-fats) together with high carbohydrate and low protein consumption contribute to increased inflammation in body tissues. • Stress with its accompanying imbalance of cortisol, can also contribute to chronic uncontrolled inflammation and various immunological dysfunctions. Studies increasingly show a direct link between chronic illness, inflammation, and fatal disease. Inflammation is also harmful to the body’s autonomic balance because of its pain inducing effects.
Systemic Constants • Autonomic Imbalance • The opposite of homeostasis, an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system (also known as the ANS, or visceral nervous system) can negatively impact health in a number of ways. • Recent research has shown a direct link between autonomic imbalance and hypertension (high blood pressure). There is also evidence that autonomic imbalance can lead to cardiovascular morbidity and even mortality. • Autonomic imbalances can result from a number of sources, the major ones are mentioned above: stress, decreased immunity, and inflammation. • Restoring homeostasis, or autonomic balance, can reduce the physiological impact of stressors on the body.
Step 1 – Stress Management • BALANCE • Addresses disconnectedness or anxiety, creates a sense of calm and well-being, promotes tranquility and a sense of balance. • Reduces sympathetic overload, rid body of frustration • LAVENDER • Lavender has been cherished for its unmistakable aroma and its therapeutic properties for thousands of years, used and acknowledged for its calming and relaxing qualities • Promotes relaxation, among it’s other amazing qualitites
Step 2 – Immune Support • MELALEUCA • Recognized by its more common name “tea tree”, melaleuca has been revered for its cleansing and regenerative properties*, especially for the skin • Melaleuca is chosen for its system cleaning properties • ONGUARD® • On Guard is dōTERRA’s unique, proprietary blend formulated to support a natural and effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. On Guard is superb for eliminating and controlling pathogens due to the potency of its constituents.* • On Guard is chosen for it’s antiviral and antifungal support and increased blood circulation.
Step 3 – Inflammatory Response • AROMATOUCH® • dōTERRA’s proprietary massage blend of oils well-known to relax muscles, calm tension, soothe irritated tissue, increase circulation, and smooth limbs • AromaTouch addresses inflammation, and rids body of spasms. • DEEP BLUE® • According to recent studies, more than half of us are sufferers of ongoing discomfort, Deep Blue is a great solution to ease achy joints and sore muscles. • Deep Blue addresses pain and inflammation
Step 4 – Homeostasis • WILD ORANGE • Cold-pressed from the orange peel, wild orange is excellent for energizing and revitalizing. It is also commonly used as an effective tool for uplifting mood, as well as for its wonderful citrusy aroma. • Wild Orange nourishes body in areas like liver, colon and brain • PEPPERMINT • Peppermint is popular in countless forms—from toothpaste to chewing gum. As an essential oil, it is useful to ease breathing and as a digestive aid.* • Peppermint cools and relieves discomfort , helps balance body
Here is how your lives are touched… People we love who have “depression”, “Parkinson’s Disease”, “fibromyalgia”, “a medication list a mile long”, “digestive and constipation issues,” “unable to raise her hands over her head,” “body aches and pains” or even “a lot of pain…” “couldn’t handle touch or movement,” All people who have a body can benefit from this amazing technique. “She had been in an accident where she was T-Boned on her side by a car traveling around 55 mph,” “The ER doctor told her there wasn’t much he could do for her,” she could not hold her head up,” “Viral Torticollis….” “muscle spasm and inflammation” “unstable and can’t hold her body still,” “She had a head and chest cold complete with laryngitis,” “3 of my 4 kids started to get really sick. They had sore throats, fevers, and were miserable. My sitter wouldn't have sick kids & I had no one else to watch them.” “…Mom was exhausted to the point of tears”, “sleep” “At this point, I realized and accepted what was happening to me.”
“This time I opted to try aroma touch” “Balance, being the first oil in the treatment, is very calming to the tremors and by the time I am finished with it, she has “melted into the bed” and very relaxed, with no tremor or movement manifesting throughout the remainder” “I was totally shocked when she had her voice back by the time she walked back to the front desk.” “About 4 hours later, I saw her standing with a group of friends smiling and holding her head straight!! When I asked her how she felt she demonstrated here recovery by energetically bobbing her head back and forth several times. I felt her lymph nodes and they were more than 75% smaller than they had been 4 hours earlier.” “By the time we are done with the aroma touch technique she is able to move both arms above her head and walk normally”
“…he was out like a light…” “The reduction in muscle spasm and inflammation was so dramatic she no longer needed support and could get on the table without assistance.” “By morning, everyone was feeling much better. No fever or sore throats! Between the Aroma Touch (and a hefty amount of prayer) I was able to help my kids feel better.” “And WOW!!! The oils smelled so good and relaxed me so much…. With no real forceful pressure at all the muscles in my back became relaxed and calm.” “The next morning she called me to ask what we did because she had no symptoms of the cold at all and she had energy” “they just felt better because they were happy”
“In 15 years of practice, I have never seen a case resolve so easily and quickly.” “I was overcome with the most pure love. I felt like it was coming from the Divine himself. Haven't ever experienced anything like it before or since.” “As I discussed with my family how I was feeling and it had to be the Aroma Touch that pulled me out.” “She continued to improve over the next 3 or 4 days and I approached the doctor to see if he had given credit to the oils. He was astounded and wants all acute patients to have daily treatment with aroma touch when they start care.” “It used to be that when patients would call in sick we would cancel their appointment and wait for them to feel better before rescheduling. Now we bring them in anyway to get an aroma touch.” “Many times people have told me how it awakened them, and how great they felt for days after. The combination is powerful and is no doubt inspired.”
“but when I need real help I can do the Aroma touch and it works, every time, without fail.” “I love my Aroma Touch experience. I love my oils. My family and I live everyday with DoTerra.” “I am grateful I am able to witness miracles happen because of the AromaTouch Technique.”
How this can help your business? • All who are licensed to touch people, massage therapist, chiropractors, doctors, etc. may charge a fee for the service. • Those who are licensed must be certified by an Aroma Touch Certified Trainer to offer and charge for the technique.
How this can help your business? • Those of us who are not licensed can use this as an experience for others. This is the best “sample bottle” I’ve ever given! • Understand that the best and the most money comes from doTERRA’s amazing compensation plan by empowering people to learn the technique, and buy the oils monthly…watch your business grow!