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Dimuon measurement at J-PARC (LoI-15: Physics of high-mass dimuon production at the 50-GeV Proton Synchrotron). Shin’ya Sawada (KEK) Collaboration Abilene Christian University Argonne National Laboratory Duke University High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Dimuon measurement at J-PARC(LoI-15: Physics of high-mass dimuon production at the 50-GeV Proton Synchrotron) Shin’ya Sawada (KEK) Collaboration Abilene Christian University Argonne National Laboratory Duke University High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kyoto University Los Alamos National Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Contents • Physics Goals • Flavor asymmetry (d-bar/u-bar) at large xBj • Antiquark distribution in nuclei • Quark energy loss in nuclei • d-bar/u-bar via J/Y production • Drell-Yan and J/Y with polarized target/polarized beam • Dimuon Spectrometer • High Momentum Beamline • To do (toward proposal submission) • Firm collaboration! • Real work including MC simulation of the detectors etc. • Physics with polarized beams? S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Dimuon Spectrum from Fermilab Experiments • A series of experiments: E605/772/789/866 • 800 GeV/c p + p/d/A m+m-X • Two components in the m+m- spectrum. • Continuum: Drell-Yan process • Vector mesons: J/Y, U • Closed geometry • Vertical bending S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
d-bar/u-bar Asymmetry Measurement • Ratio of p+d cross section to p+p d-bar/u-bar • Drell-Yan: • J/Psi, Upsilon (800 GeV): S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
dbar/ubar at Large x using 50 GeV Protons • DY cross section is ~16 times larger at 50 GeV than at 800 GeV. • J-PARC can measure d-bar/u-bar at larger x. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
d-bar/u-bar Asymmetry and the Origins of the Nucleon Sea • d-bar/u-bar asymmetry suggests that there are two origins of the antiquarks in the nucleon, one from the perturbative g q qbar and the other from the meson cloud. • d-bar/u-bar measurement probes parton structure at peripheral regions of the nucleon. From ACU web. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Modification of Parton Distributions in Nuclei • EMC effect observed in DIS • How is the antiquark distribution modified in nuclei? • (p+A)/(p+d) Sensitive to u-bar distribution in nuclei. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Quark Bremsstrahlung in Nuclear Medium • Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect of medium modification for electron brems has been observed at SLAC • LPM effect in QCD remains to be identified. • DIS: dE/dx ~ 0.5 GeV/fm (PRL 89 (2002) 162301) • DY: dE/dx ~ 2.5 +- 0.6 GeV/fm (PRL 86 (2001) 4483) • Quark energy loss dE/dx is predicted to be proportional to L2. • Enhanced quark energy loss in traversing quark-gluon plasma. • Quark energy loss in cold nuclei needs to be better measured! S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Quark Energy Loss with DY at 50 GeV • At 50 GeV, energy loss can be well measured. • Fractional energy loss is larger at 50 GeV. Effect is amplified. • Possible to test the L dependence of the LPM effect from the A dependence. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
At 800 GeV, J/Psi production is dominated by gluon-gluon fusion process. At 50 GeV, J/Psi production is dominated by quark-antiquark annihilation process. J/Psi production at 50 (and 30) GeV is sensitive to quark and antiquark distributions. J/Psi Production at 50 GeV S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
dbar/ubar asymmetry via J/Psi at 50 GeV • Ratio of p+dJ/Psi over p+pJ/Psi is sensitive to dbar/ubar. • At 30 GeV, J/Psi production could also be well measured. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Polarized Drell-Yan / J/Y • Single spin asymmetry Xiandong Ji • ALL: sea quark polaization S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Spectrometer • Two vertically bending magnets with pT kick of 2.47 GeV/c and 0.5 GeV/c. • “Closed geometry” • A tapered copper beam dump and Cu/C absorbers placed within the first magnet. • Tracking is provided by three stations of MWPC and drift chambers. • Muon id and tracking are provided. • 2x1012 50 GeV p/spill. • tan(q/2) ~ 1 / gf, q:opening angle of two muons. • Based on the Fermilab spectrometer for 800 GeV, the length can be reduced but the aperture has to be increased. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Simulation of Detector Acceptance • Expected Drell-Yan counts for a two-month p+d run at 50 GeV. • 2x1012 protons/spill • 50-cm long liquid deuterium target • Assume 50 percent overall efficiency S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Simulation of Detector Resolutions • Expected resolutions for Drell-Yan events. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Possible Layout of Hadron Hall S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
High Momentum Beam Line • Primary beams: proton, polarized proton and heavy ions (future). • Secondary beams: proton, pion, kaon, anti-proton, etc. The radiation shielding of the SY tunnel is designed so that 2% (15kW) loss allowed at SM1. Exp. setup could be staged. ~120m S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Beam Line Configuration & Optics I • Secondary Beams: • Use a thin (2% = 15kW loss) target at SM1 • Collect them at forward angles • Transfer them for ~120m • Schematic Layout around SM1: Shielding of the switching yard has been designed to accommodate the loss at SM1 S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Beam Line Configuration & Optics II • Beam Optics: a preliminary design has been studied. • Example: 10 GeV/c particles • Bore radius of the quadrupole magnets is 10 cm or less. • 0.2 msr% can be achieved. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Beam Line Configuration & Optics III • Primary Beams: • Beam line configuration is almost the same as the case for the secondary beams except for equipments at SM1. • In order to cut a fraction (10 to 100 ppm) of the primary beam, a beam stealer can be used. • 1014 primary protons 109-1010 protons Field free hole S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Beam Line Configuration & Optics IV • In order to get a few % of the primary beam, an electrostatic septum will be used. • 1014 primary protons ~1012 protons • High heat and radiation deposit have to be taken into account. • More R&D works should be necessary to estimate the beam loss and to finalize the design. • Crystal channeling is a possibility: test experiment to be performed. • In order to get 100 % of the primary beam, a conventional bending magnet can be used. • Weak primary beam (at the beginning of the accelerator operation, and heavy ion beam or polarized beam in the future). S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Yield Estimation (30GeV) • 30GeV protons + 2% loss copper target. Production angle of 4 degree and (Dp/p)DW = 0.2msr%. • Even with 30 GeV protons, enough intensity can be obtained especially for pions! S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Yield Estimation (50GeV) • 50GeV protons + 2% loss copper target. Production angle of 4 degree and (Dp/p)DW = 0.2msr%. • To get more intensity for higher momentum beams, extraction at more forward angles can be considered. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Cost & Schedule: Magnets from the World • Total cost if constructed from scratch: $5-8M?? • We have no budget so far to construct a high momentum beam line. But we are doing every effort to construct it with as small cost as possible, e.g. reuse of second-hand magnets… • Already from SLAC, Saclay, CERN, … • Large dipole magnets from ANL (previously used for the polarized beam line at FNAL) are under process! • The high momentum beam line can be constructed by using some of these second-hand magnets. • The high momentum beam line can be constructed even at the beginning of the NP hall operation from the viewpoint of the facility design. Large dipole magnets at the Meson Pol beam line (FNAL) S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
To Do • Proposal: • Proposals for day-1 and early stage of Phase 1 are to be called soon. • The first deadline of proposal submission is April 28. • We should prepare a proposal. • Detailed study on the spectrometer has to be done. • MC simulation, detector R&D etc. • Collaboration: • A quite large collaboration should be necessary to construct this kind of large scale spectrometer (cost & man power). • Experiments which use similar systems should be gathered. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05
Summary • Propose to study high-mass dimuon production with a high-rate spectrometer. • A rich physics program in Drell-Yan and J/Y production can be pursued using the spectrometer. • Fermilab experiments are our starting point. • 50 GeV proton beam with 2x1012 protons per spill is requested. • 30 GeV proton beam would also be interesting for studying the J/Y production. • Also propose to construct a high-momentum beam line. S. Sawada / J-PARC-HS05