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Principal Performance Evaluation System

Principal Performance Evaluation System. Documenting Principal Performance. February 2013. Multiple Data Sources. Student Growth Percentiles. Self-Evaluation. Informal Observations/ Site Visits. EVIDENCE. Principal Evaluation. Document Log. Other Measures. Teacher/Staff Surveys.

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Principal Performance Evaluation System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Principal Performance Evaluation System Documenting Principal Performance February 2013

  2. Multiple Data Sources Student Growth Percentiles Self-Evaluation Informal Observations/ Site Visits EVIDENCE Principal Evaluation Document Log Other Measures Teacher/Staff Surveys Goal Setting

  3. Data Sources for Principals

  4. Data Sources for Principals

  5. Data Sources for Principals

  6. Self-Evaluation Helps a principal judge the effectiveness and adequacy of his/her knowledge and performance for the purpose of self-improvement; helps target areas for professional development. • Principals may choose to conduct an optional self-evaluation • Principals refer to self-evaluation throughout the year to see if strategies for improvement are effective • Principals are encouraged, but not required, to share with supervisors • Supervisors suggest strategies to improve areas of weakness or capitalize on areas of strength

  7. Self-Evaluation Form Abbreviated for training purposes

  8. Informal Observation/ School Site Visits Provides information on a wide variety of contributions made by principals. • School site visits apply in a variety of settings. • School site visits range from watching a principal’s interactions with others to observing programs and shadowing the principal. • Participants discuss various aspects of the job via a formal interview or a less structured discussion. This discussion: • Provides insight into how the principal is addressing standards; provides further areas for evaluator to explore; • Helps the principal think through potential artifacts; and • Allows the principal an opportunity to discuss successes and challenges. • Evaluators are encouraged to conduct at least one observation of principals. • Evaluators provide feedback to principals.

  9. Informal Observation/School Site Visits Abbreviated for training purposes

  10. Document Log Demonstrates a principal’s skills, talents, and accomplishments through an organized collection of work. • The Document Log provides evidence of performance related to specific standards; it is the principal’s voice in evaluation. • The Document Log provides opportunity for self-reflection, demonstration of quality work, and is a basis for two-way communication with evaluator. • Artifacts may include captions providing background information since artifacts will be viewed out of original context. • The Document Log may be submitted electronically or in hard copy. • The emphasis is on quality, not quantity.

  11. Document Log Demonstrates a principal’s skills, talents, and accomplishments through an organized collection of work. • The Documentation Cover Sheet is optional, and its organization is left to the administrator. • The Document Log is reviewed annually by the evaluator, or more often as desired. • Evaluators may maintain their own documentation that should be considered when making formative and summative assessments.

  12. Documentation Cover Sheet Abbreviated for training purposes

  13. Teacher/Staff Surveys Gathers client data regarding their perceptions of the principal’s performance. • The surveys provide feedback for professional growth and development; they help principals set goals for continuous improvement (formative evaluation). • Principals may add questions to survey provided. • It is recommended that surveys be administered prior to end of first semester. • Actual responses are seen only by school administrator. • Principals fill out the Survey Summary Form and include it in document log.

  14. Sample Survey Questions • Survey items are aligned to performance standards • Twenty-five items are included in full survey Key: E – Exceeds expectations of performance M – Meets expectations of performance D – Demonstrates unacceptable performance N – No basis for judgment

  15. Survey Summary Form Teacher/Staff Satisfaction Analysis Describe your survey population(s). List factors that might have influenced the results. Analyze survey responses and answer the following questions: What did teachers/staff perceive as your major strengths? What did teachers/staff perceive as your major weaknesses? How can you use this information for continuous professional growth? Abbreviated for training purposes

  16. Goal Setting Goals set squarely on measurable student performance provide a powerful way to enhance professional performance and positively impact student academic progress. • Principals set goals tied directly to school improvement and improved student academic progress • Goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic, and time-bound)  • New goals identified each year; aligned with division goals and school improvement process • Evaluator and principal meet to review goals

  17. Goal Setting Form Abbreviated for training purposes

  18. Data Collection Responsibility

  19. PerformancePortrait • Self-Evaluation • Informal Observations/Site Visits • Document Log • Surveys • Goal Setting • Student Growth Percentiles • Other Measures

  20. Questions?

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