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Mars Analog Science in Antarctica

Investigating Antarctic Dry Valleys as Mars analogs to study habitability potential and evolutionary paths, enhancing Phoenix mission validation and team training.

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Mars Analog Science in Antarctica

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mars Analog Science in Antarctica Leslie K. Tamppari, Chris McKay, Susanne Douglas, Sam Kounaves, Doug Ming, Peter Smith, Aaron Zent Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008 Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  2. Motivation and Goals • Antarctica dry valleys are the best known Earth analog to the high northern plains on Mars where Phoenix will land • Phoenix lands during the IPY (May 25, 2008) • We investigated the Antarctic Dry Valleys in a similar fashion to how we will investigate Mars, with some of the same instruments and by collecting samples for analysis with lab-analog instruments to those that Phoenix carries • The Antarctic field work will allow us to understand the differences in soils and ices due to the climate history as well as understand the “habitability potential” in the same way Phoenix does, along with determining a microbial count. • The field work • Has enhanced the validation Phoenix instruments and better trained the team • Will strengthen the Phoenix data interpretation • Allow for an increased understanding of the different evolutionary paths of Eaqrht and Mars Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  3. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  4. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  5. Liquid Water Requires: • Pressure > 6 mbar • Temperature > 0ºC • Ice Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  6. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  7. G-431 Field Objectives Phoenix team sees Mars-like ground ice, does with what Phoenix will do on Mars. Study the biogeochemistry of the top of the ice layer; from coastal sites to high elevation. Study the factors that create dry permafrost from coastal sites to high elevation. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  8. Biogeochemistry of the of top of ice table Geochemistry and organic content.(what Phoenix will do on Mars) Biological content and activity. Variation from coast to high elevation(Fryxell to Beacon) Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  9. Dry Permafrost Map the distribution of dry permafrost(summer temperature probe, depth to ice) Determine correlates with salt & soil type. Surface geological context Climate connections Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  10. 4,5 3 1,2 6,7 Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  11. Frxyell Camp Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  12. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  13. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  14. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  15. The North Pole of Mars could have had liquid water 5 Myr ago • Low elevationPressures >6.1 mbarallows water to be stable • Ice at the surface • Summer Temperatures < 0oC nowbut may be > 0oC at higher obliquity 5 million years ago. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  16. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  17. 5 Myr ago: 2x summer insolation | cold deep ice | surface melting Laskar et al. 2002 Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  18. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  19. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  20. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

  21. Polar Gateways Conference January 29, 2008

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