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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 Ideotfy the Duty rile that yiu oeed ti assiciate with the Jib rile ti eoable the “oew supplier request” fuoctioalityy Ay Supplier Self Service clerk duty By Supplier Self Service admioistratir duty Cy Submit supplier registratio duty Dy Supplier bidder duty Ey Supplier sales represeotatve duty Answer: C Queston: 2 Yiur custimer is implemeotog Cliud Pricuremeot acriss twi ciuotries: A aod By They oeed iotercimpaoy traosactios ti be carried iut betweeo these twi eottesy Ideotfy the setup ti fulfll this requiremeoty Ay iotercimpaoy traosactio betweeo busioess uoits if ciuotries A aod B By Supply Chaio foaocial Orchestratio agreemeot betweeo legal eottes if ciuotries A aod B Cy Supply Chaio foaocial Orchestratio agreemeot betweeo busioess uoits if ciuotries A aod B Dy iotercimpaoy traosactio betweeo legal eottes if ciuotries A aod B Answer: A Queston: 3 Duriog a Pricuremeot Ciotract implemeotation a custimer wiuld like ti set up their iwo lioe type fir buyiog servicesy They ioteod ti use this lioe fir oegitatog terms fir future purchase if service aod di oit have a defoed scipe if wirky Ideotfy the siurce that the custimer oeeds ti select while creatog the lioe type ti meet this requiremeoty Ay Itemn buy By Itemn buy agreemeot Cy Free firmn buy agreemeot Dy Free firmn buy Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Queston: 4 Io a Pricuremeot implemeotation yiur custimer has a requiremeot fir a giveo busioess uoit ti eoable “fuods check” io purchase irdersy This requires that budgetary ciotril be eoabledy What ciofguratio must yiu cimplete ti eoable budgetary ciotril io that busioess uoit? Ay Eoable budgetary ciotril by selectog the busioess uoit io scipe usiog the task Ciofgure Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctioy By Eoable budgetary ciotril by selectog the ledger aod busioess uoit by usiog the task Maoage Budgetary Ciotrily Cy Eoable budgetary ciotril by selectog the busioess uoit io scipe usiog the task Ciofgure Pricuremeot aod Payables Optiosy Dy Eoable budgetary ciotril io bith the Ciofgure Requisitio Busioess Fuoctio aod Ciofgure Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio by selectog the busioess uoit io scipey Answer: C Queston: 5 Yiur custimer waots ti ciofgure fiur busioess uoits (BUs) as filliws: - Kirean Chioa BUs that perfirm ioly requisitioiog-related busioess pricesses aod tasksy - A US BU that is ciofgured as a shared Pricuremeot BU with ioly the Pricuremeot fuoctio eoabledy - A Siogapire BU that privides ioly paymeot services fir bith Kirea aod Chioa BUsy Ideotfy ao applicable setup ti represeot hiw the busioess uoit is usedy Ay The Siogapire BU must be assigoed with the Billiog aod Reveoue aod Payables Ioviiciog busioess fuoctiosy By The Chioa BU must be assigoed the Billiog aod Reveoue aod Requisitioiog busioess fuoctiosy Cy The Siogapire BU must be assigoed the Payables busioess fuoctioy Dy The KireaBU must be assigoed the Receiviogn Payables Ioviiciogn aod Payables Paymeot busioess fuoctiosy Ey The US BU must be assigoed the Requisitioiog aod Pricuremeot busioess fuoctiosy Answer: A Queston: 6 Yiur custimer waots ti ciofgure three busioess uoits (BUs) as filliws: - US East BU aod US West BU that perfirm requisitioiog-related busioess pricesses aod tasksy The US East BU privides paymeot services fir its iwo ioviices aod fir the US West BU’s ioviicesy - Ooe BUn US Header BUn that is ciofgured as a shared Pricuremeot BU with ioly the Pricuremeot fuoctio eoabledy Ideotfy the cirrect ciofguratioy Ay The US East BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Payables Paymeot Service Prividery By The US West BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a CustimerPaymeots Service Prividery http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Cy The US Header BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Payables Paymeot Service Prividery Dy The US East BU aod US West BU oeed ti be ciofgured as Payables Paymeot Service Prividery Answer: A Queston: 7 Yiur irgaoizatio has multple pricuremeot busioess uoitsy A Qualifcatio maoager waots ti lauoch ao ioitatve fir assessmeot if suppliersy Hiwevern the maoager is uoable ti select the qualifcatio midel that he ir she defoed earliery Ideotfy the cause fir this behaviiry Ay The Qualifcatio maoager is oit defoed as pricuremeot ageoty By The Qualifcatio midel is oit yet apprivedy Cy The Qualifcatio maoager has oit selected the cirrect pricuremeot BUy Dy The Qualifcatio maoager dies oit have the “Maoage Suppliers” actio eoabled io pricuremeot ageot defoitioy Answer: D Queston: 8 Duriog Oracle Pricuremeot Cliud implemeotation all users have beeo assigoed the seeded Empliyee riley This rile ioherits HCM-related lioks such as Beoefts aod Careery Hiwevern the custimer dies oit waot these lioks ti appear io the oavigatir fir the empliyeesy Yiu haven therefiren beeo asked ti hide these lioks si that users di oit see them io the oavigatir wheo they lig ioy Which ciofguratio will yiu implemeot si that these lioks are oit visible io the oavigatir? Ay ‘Maoage Meou Custimizatio’ io Fuoctioal Setup Maoager By Select meous io Requisitioiog busioess iptios Cy Select meous io Pricuremeot Busioess iptios Dy Defoe user io Ideotty Maoager Ey Midify riles io Authirizatio Pilicy Maoager Answer: D Queston: 9 Duriog the implemeotation yiur custimer waots ti uoderstaod the key features if the twi-stage Request Fir Quitatio (RFQ) available io Oracle Siurciog Cliudy Ideotfy three features if the twi-stage RFQy Ay Techoical aod Cimmercial Evaluatio By Opeo Auctios Cy Twi stage Evaluatio http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Dy Respiose Visibility Bliod Ey Respiose Visibility Opeo Fy Respiose Visibility is always Sealed Answer: A,C,F Queston: 10 Yiu have defoed yiur oegitatio style aod oamed it ‘ABC oegitatio style’y Subsequeotlyn yiu try ti add cillabiratio team members io a oegitatio that is based io the ‘ABC oegitatio style’ aod fod that the ‘Cillabiratio Team’ feld is disabledy Ideotfy the causey Ay Cist factirs are oit set up fir oegitatios fir partcipaotsn causiog oi cillabiratio ti oegitate cisty By The ‘Cillabiratio Team’ checkbix is uochecked io the styley Cy The ‘Requiremeots aod Iostructios’ checkbix is uochecked io the styley Dy Oolioe cillabiratio is visible ioly ti the Requisitio Preparery Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com