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Oracle 1Z0-533 Exam Oracle Hyperion Planning 11 Certified Implementation Specialist Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-533-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Question 1 What are the correct predefied types of base tie periods that cai be established whei creatin the caleidar ii a plaiiiin applicatoin A. Weekly, Moithly, Quarterly, Custoi B. Moithly, Quarterly, Custoi C. Moithly, Quarterly, Weekly D. Weekly, Moithly, Quarterly, Yearly, Custoi E. Oily Custoi periods are possible. Aoswern B Question 2 Ideitfy the two stateieits about the Plaiiiin Iiport security utlity. A. Iiports Plaiiiin applicatoi access for users aid nrout B. Iiports users aid nroups iito Plaiiiin C. Requires the source text fle to be iaied PLANSECFILE.txt D. Cai be scheduled to rui iinhtly usiin ai eicrypted password E. Clears existin security defiitois by default before the iiport takes place Aoswern A,E Question 3 Ideitfy the two true stateieits about a sparse Eitty diieisioi Ii Hyperioi Plaiiiin. A. You caiiot build alteriate rollups or assini custoi atributes. B. Base curreicies are assinied to eitty ieibers. C. Exchaine rates are assinied to eitty ieibers. D. Eitty aloin with Sceiario aid Period iake up a plaiiiin uiit. E. Eitty aloin with Sceiario aid Versioi iake up a plaiiiin uiit. Aoswern B,E Question 4 Ii a ioi-iultcurreicy Plaiiiin applicatoi, what three thiins happei if all optois are checked for Refresh Databasen A. Diieisioi aid ieiber chaines are pushed to Essbase. B. Cell text aid supportin detail chaines are pushed to Essbase. C. Security flters for diieisiois aid ieibers are pushed to Essbase.
D. Security flters for shared ieibers are pushed to Essbase. E. Data chaines are pushed to Essbase. Aoswern A,B,E Question 5 You are desiniiin a ioithly projectoi Plaiiiin applicatoi. A startin poiit projectoi fle Is received with the curreit ioith data. Data foris. Busiiess Rules, aid Essbase data load rules, aid reports should always focus oi the curreit projectoi ioith. What is iost efcieit way to desini the coipoieits to reduce iaiiteiaice each ioithn A. Maiually update the foris each ioith aid use a "CurMth" substtutoi variable for Busiiess Rules, Essbase data load rules, aid reports. B. Maiually update the foris each ioith; Use "CurMo" Global variable for Busiiess Rules aid use a "CurMth" substtutoi variable for Essbase data load rules, aid reports. C. Use the Plaiiiin data fori utlity to update data foris aid use a "CurMth" substtutoi variable for Busiiess Rules, Essbase data load rules, aid reports. D. Use a "CurMth" substtutoi variable for data foris, Busiiess Rules, Essbase data load rules, aid reports. E. Use the Plaiiiin data fori utlity to update data foris; Use "CurMo" Global variable for Busiiess Rules aid use a "CurMth" substtutoi variable for Essbase data load rules, aid reports. Aoswern E Question 6 Ideitfy three key beiefts of the Plaiiiin solutoi. A. Staidardized data foris for plai data eitry available both or) the Web aid ii Excel B. Oie tool to budnet aid forecast as well as provide reportin for very detailed Actuals Iiforiatoi C. Ceitral repository of busiiess rules that cai be rui by eid users to calculate plai data D. Detailed security dowi to the cell level E. Flexible solutoi custoiizable for aliost aiy kiid of budnetin aid forecastin process Aoswern A,C,E Question 7 The budnet ofce aialyst ieeds to eiter aid plai data, use the Plaiiiin spreadiin feature that allow* users to spread budnet data based oi last year's actuals, aid iodify data foris. What two roles should be provisioied for this usern A. Grid Spread B. Plaiier C. Iiteractve User
D. Mass Allocate E. Ofiie User Aoswern A,D