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Land and Freedom (1995 ). Directed by Ken Loach , 109 minutes English, Spanish & Catalan European Film Award for Best European Film
Land and Freedom(1995) • Directedby Ken Loach, 109 minutes • English, Spanish & Catalan • European Film Award for Best European Film • The film narrates the story of David Carr, an unemployed worker and member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, who decides to fight for the republican side in the Spanish Civil War.
Land and Freedom(1995) International Brigades: military units made up of volunteers from different countries, who traveled to Spain to fight for the Second Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War.
Land and Freedom(1995) POUM:PartitObrerd’UnificacióMarxista (Worker’s Party of Marxist Unification) was a Spanish communist political party formed during the Second Republic and mainly active around the Spanish Civil War.
Land and Freedom(1995) Stalin:the leader of the Soviet Union and its Communist Party from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953.
Land and Freedom(1995) Official Film Trailer(1995)
Land and Freedom(1995) “TheInternationale”: widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been translated into many languages. It is often sung with the left hand raised. It has been celebrated by socialists, communists, anarchists, democratic socialists, and some social democrats. "This is the final struggle Let us group together and tomorrow The Internationale Will be the human race.
Land and Freedom(1995) “TheInternationale” ¡Arriba, parias de la Tierra!¡En pie, famélica legión!Atruena la razón en marcha:es el fin de la opresión. Del pasado hay que hacer añicos.¡Legión esclava en pie a vencer!El mundo va a cambiar de base.Los nada de hoy todo han de ser. Agrupémonos todos,en la lucha final.El género humanoes la internacional. Stand up, damned of the EarthStand up, prisoners of starvationReason thunders in its volcanoThis is the eruption of the end. Of the past let us make a clean slateEnslaved masses, stand up, stand up.The world is about to change its foundationWe are nothing, let us be all. This is the final struggleLet us group together, and tomorrowThe InternationaleWill be the human race.
Land and Freedom(1995) “A las barricadas”: one of the most popular songs of the Spanish anarchists during the Spanish Civil War. Black storms shake the skyDark clouds blind usAlthough pain and death await usDuty calls us against the enemy The most precious good is freedomAnd we have to defend itWith faith and courage […] To the Barricades! To the Barricades!For the triumph of the ConfederationTo the Barricades! To the Barricades!For the triumph of the Confederation Negras tormentas agitan los airesnubes oscuras nos impiden verAunque nos espere el dolor y la muertecontra el enemigo nos llama el deber. El bien más preciado es la libertadhay que defenderla con fe y valor. […] ¡A las Barricadas! ¡A las Barricadas!por el triunfo de la Confederación.¡A las Barricadas! ¡A las Barricadas!por el triunfo de la Confederación.