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So you’re going to be a sophomore 

So you’re going to be a sophomore . Version 2013 : What You Need to Know for Forecasting!. Forecasting. Course selections for next school year Will help you to: Complete your graduation requirements Help you explore electives Meet requirements for: OSAA Chancellor’s/Honors Diploma

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So you’re going to be a sophomore 

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Presentation Transcript

  1. So you’re going to be a sophomore  Version 2013: What You Need to Know for Forecasting!

  2. Forecasting • Course selections for next school year • Will help you to: • Complete your graduation requirements • Help you explore electives • Meet requirements for: • OSAA • Chancellor’s/Honors Diploma • Prepare you for your: • Post-High School plans

  3. Make Sure You’re On Track! • Graduation Requirements: • (at least) 24 credits to graduate! • State Testing: • Must pass OAKS or have work samples in these subjects: • Reading • Writing • Math • OSAA Athletics or Activity Eligibility • Must pass 5 classes from previous semester • Must be enrolled in 5 classes at Glencoe • Must have at least 4 credits at start of Sophomore year • 2.0 GPA if any Fs

  4. Make Sure You’re On Track! • Just started a new semester – what can you improve? • Organization – write down assignments in binder or planner! • Do your HW every day – it is the best practice and studying • Helps you identify areas you need extra help on • Ask questions – teacher or others in class • Get a study buddy in each class – able to contact them after school if you have questions or forgot to write something down • Study for upcoming quizzes and tests You don’t get what you WISH FOR You get what you WORK FOR

  5. Your Options • Chancellor’s/Honors Diploma • At least a 3.4+ GPA THROUGH senior year! • Detailed information available in counseling center • Core class options: • Should have had a presentation in your core classes about options for next year • Math level will be recommended by current teacher • World Language – Recommended to have a C or higher in your current Language Arts class

  6. Planning for After High School • Be realistic with your goals • Consider your GPA, career plans, work ethic • What do you need to do for that plan? • Meet with your counselor or Mrs. Nova • “Look good on paper” • Whether you’re getting a job or getting into college, make a good impression with class choices and grades!

  7. Planning for After High School • 2 or 4-Year College Recommendations • Aim for a 3.0+ GPA • Cs or better in all core classes • 2 credits of the same foreign language • Extra math and science beyond HS requirements

  8. Sophomore Requirements • Language Arts: • 1.0 credit (full-year) • Math: • 1.0 credit (full-year) • Science: • 1.0 credit (full-year) • Health 2: • .5 credit • PE: • .5 credit (semester) • Change: • No Social Studies requirement • for sophomores • Can take AP Human Geography • (elective, full-year)

  9. Sophomore Requirements • Electives: • Up to 4 credits • Full-year or semester • Can include: • Study Hall (no credit) • Honors Tutorial (no credit) • AVID • Be realistic – consider your overall load • Multiple Honors/AP classes? • Extracurricular activities and commitments

  10. Reminders: • Study Hall/Honors Tutorial • Available to provide time for class work, homework, studying for test, math tutor, etc. • For students who use the time wisely • Earns no credit • AVID • For students who want more support in their current classes and their plans after high school • Requires an application (pick up from Mrs. Jukkala) • Requires and interview

  11. Forecasting Sheet • Language Arts: 4. 0 credits total for graduation • Science: 3.0 credits total for graduation • Math: 3.0 credits total for graduation LANGUAGE ARTS: ___ Sophomore English (1.0) Math Recs: Done by current teacher – cannot go above their rec!

  12. Forecasting Sheet • Health: 1.0 credit total for graduation • PE: 1.0 credit total for graduation • Electives: 5.0 credits total for graduation • Fill out ALL elective options and ALL alternates in order of preference • Choose wisely – you may get any that you list! • A/B options

  13. Forecasting Sheet • Remember: • Parent Signature! • Due: Monday/Tuesday, March 18th/19th! • Will enter in computer lab with counselor help

  14. Reminders: • Schedule Changes: • Will only occur for errors in your schedule – choose your courses wisely!  • AP courses • No-Drop policy in place • Information Night on Wednesday, April 10th.This is REQUIRED for students forecasting for AP courses.

  15. Questions??? Ask Them Now!

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