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CATEGORIES OF LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS. Language-Centered Mtd Learner-Centered Mtd Learning-Centered Mtd. Language-Centered Methods. … concerned with linguistics form

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  1. CATEGORIES OF LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS • Language-Centered Mtd • Learner-Centered Mtd • Learning-Centered Mtd

  2. Language-Centered Methods • … concerned with linguistics form • LC pedagogists treat language learning as a linear, additive process –accumulated entities, grammatical structures & vocabulary items are selected for their usability, and graded for their difficulty. • The triple princip[les of selection (lexical and grammatical content), gradation (organization and sequencing of content) and presentation (aim and activities of calssroom teaching)

  3. Language-Centered Methods • Theory of language: Structural linguistics, scientific methods of linguistic analysis, rejected the views of traditional grammarians (philosophical & mentalistic approaches tostudy of language) • Theory of language learning: derived from behavioral psychology (a series assumption see pp 100—101)

  4. Language-Centered Methods • The Assumption of theory of language learning: • Learning to speak a language is the same as learning to ride abicycle or drive a car. • Language learning is just a process of mechanical habit formation through repetition. • Habit formation takes place by means of analogy rather than analysis • Language learning is a linear, incremental, additive process. • Discrete items of language should be introduced in carefully constructed dialogues embeded in a carefully selected lingusitic and cultural context.

  5. Language-Centered Methods • 3. Theory of language teaching: Audiolingual theory of teaching. ..forming habits in order to assimilate and use a hierarchical system of systems • --- provision of oportunity for repetition. • --- helps the learner’s performance become habitual and automatic • ---The teacher’s major task is to drill teh basic of pattern

  6. Learner-Cenetred Methods • Concerned with learner need, wants,and situations • LC Pedagogists aim at making leraners gramatically accurate and communicatively fluent

  7. Learner-Cenetred Methods • Theory of language: multidisiplinary theory: Chomskyan formal linguistics, Hallidayan functional linguistics, Hymsian sosciolinjguistics, and Austinian speech act theory • Theory of language learning: linguistics, psychology (cognitive), anthropology, sociology, pragmatics, and discourse analysis …a holistic, communicative approach of language learning • Theory of language teaching: to help learner (1) develop thebknowledge, (2) understand thedistinction and connnection between linguistic forms and the communicative funtion,(3) develop style and strategies to communicate meaning, (4) become aware of the sociocultural norms (see p. 120)

  8. Learning-Centered Methods • Concerned with cognitive processes of lang learning, provide oportunities for learners to participate inopen-ended meaningfull interaction through problem-solving in class. • LC Pedagogists contrast with language-centered mtd: nonlinear process – not require preselecteted etc but requires the creation of condition … in meaningfull activities in class

  9. Learning-Centered Methods • Theory of language: Chomskyan formal linguistics, Hallidayan functional linguistics, and pragmatics… selective • Theory of language learning:see136--142 • Theory of language teaching: see142--142


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