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October 16 - 22, 2016

Weekly World Watch. Andy Walton ’ s. October 16 - 22, 2016.

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October 16 - 22, 2016

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  1. Weekly World Watch Andy Walton’s October 16 - 22, 2016 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” (Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version) PRESS SPACE BAR TO CONTINUE To skip the introductory slides and go straight to this weeks developments click here.

  2. What is a Weekly World Watch? The idea is simple. It is to look at current events and compare them to events spoken of in the Bible. . I hope to build up a picture of God’s hand working in the affairs of this world. God is bringing about a day when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle. At that time God will send His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, back to this earth. Jesus will then establish God’s kingdom on earth. This kingdom will last for ever. This is our hope and the reason we watch. The following six themes will appear repeatedly in WWW: • Israel: The continuing conflict in the Middle East and focus on Jerusalem. • Europe: Its developing union, both political and religious. • Russia: Its return to anti-Western ways as Bible prophecy’s “king of the north.” • The UK and the US: Bible prophecy’s “king of the south.” • Moral standards in decline and violence on the increase. • Increasing natural disasters: including earthquake, famine etc WWW presentations in PowerPoint can be ordered as audio/visual CDs by clicking here. Move your mouse to place the cursor on the blue link and click.

  3. BIBLE QUOTE What is in a Weekly World Watch? Each WWW looks at a few key developments that have happened during the past week. It is in no way meant to be exhaustive – just a look at those events I saw as significant from a Biblical point of view. Every WWW event slide has the following format. To reveal each block of text just left click your mouse or press the space bar. You control when it appears. News Photo This is straight from a news report that caught my eye because it looked significant from a Biblical perspective, usually that of prophecy. HEADLINE The source of the headline and the date are included. This is the reporter’s description of the event. It is always a direct quotation from the news report and reflects the understanding of the reporter and editors. EVENT This is my comment on why the event is interesting to a Bible student. The intention of the WWW is to offer brief Biblical perspectives without going into detail. If more detail is desired, please e-mail me: (andy@weeklyworldwatch.co.uk). Please note that these are personal thoughts and the aim is purely to stimulate Bible study. COMMENT This is normally one verse which backs up why the event that has occurred is interesting from a Biblical perspective. Please read in its context. Unless stated otherwise, all quotes are from the King James Version.(Book, chapter, and verse)

  4. This Week’s Developments October 16 - 22, 2016 • Russia’s biggest military offensive since the Cold War • Russian warships in English Channel ‘a smokescreen’ • Weak' Russia will drag world to brink of nuclear war • Syrian government blamed for 3rd chemical attack • US & UK consider new sanctions on Russia over Syria • Will Obama make a last-gasp bid for peace in Israel? To print any of the event slides that follow, click the picture on the upper right PRESS SPACE BAR TO CONTINUE

  5. and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown • Russia taunts US with biggest military offensive since the Cold War Daily Telegraph, October 19, 2016 Russia has begun its biggest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War as it aims to effectively end the war in Syria on the eve of the US election, Nato officials warned last night. The Kremlin is sending the full might of its Northern Fleet and part of the Baltic Fleet to reinforce a final assault on the city of Aleppo in a fortnight, according to Western intelligence. The final bombardment is designed to shore up the Assad regime by wiping out rebels – paving the way for a Russian exit from the civil war. The assault on the city will also serve to highlight US inaction in the run-up to election day and may aid Donald Trump. Royal Navy warships are due to escort a group of eight Russian warships, including the country’s only aircraft carrier, as they sail past the UK on their way to the Mediterranean. EVENT This is not an everyday event. Russia has deployed its entire northern fleet and much of its Baltic fleet. They are all sailing into the Mediterranean and on to Syria. Russia already has about 10 ships off Syria, which have fired cruise missiles during Russia's bombardment of what it says are anti-government rebels in Syria. With another 10 ships on their way (including Russia’s only aircraft carrier) this looks more like an Armada. In fact Russia’s state press has called it an Armada. These giant warships sailed through the English Channel on Friday. The English Channel is only 20 miles wide at its narrowest and therefore this is seen as a highly provocative and posturing move by Russia. Amazingly the Bible said 2500 years ago that the king of the north would come down “with many ships”. Russia does have many warships. Well over 100 in fact. They also have over 50 submarines. The ships are coming! COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Daniel 11:40)

  6. He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power. This man is the latter day Antiochus Epiphanes – the original king of the north. Putin is the latter day king of the north. Notice how he is master of deception and destroys without warning! • Russian warships in English Channel ‘a smokescreen’ The Independent, October 21, 2016 The decision to sail a fleet of Russian warships through the English Channel could be a “distraction” to divert the world’s attention from military operations elsewhere, an analyst has warned. The passage of the Russian navy’s flagship Admiral Kuznetzov aircraft carrier and six other ships has been the subject of intense media coverage in Russia, the UK and Europe as they journey towards Syria. But Keir Giles, an expert in Russian security issues, told The Independent that bolstering the country’s firepower in the Syrian conflict was not the deployment’s only objective. “The biggest thing that worries me is that while there is all of this intense media focus not just in the UK but in Europe on this one action in one place, what are they [Russia] doing somewhere else?” he asked. Mr Giles, an associate fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House, said similar techniques had been used to disguise deployments in Ukraine but that Western authorities tended to discover Russia’s intentions “a bit too late”. EVENT The Russian’s are masters at chess. To win at chess you need to plan many moves ahead. You also need to distract your opponent. You make them think you are going to attack one way but all the time you are planning something else. It is this same mind-set that Russia applies to war. It is this aspect that the military analyst is bringing out in the article above. The world’s attention is focussed on these ships. But what is Russia doing behind the scenes somewhere else. In 2014, huge media attention was directed to a “humanitarian convoy” crossing from Russia into eastern Ukraine, with news correspondents and news agencies tracking the lorries. But we now know this was a smokescreen for further action in Ukraine. Putin is indeed the master of deception. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Daniel 8:26 NLT)

  7. At the end of their rule, when their sin is at its height, a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people. World war FEARS: 'Weak' Russia will drag world to brink of nuclear war, says expert The Express, October 21, 2016 VLADIMIR PUTIN'S Russia is weak and insecure and may push the world to the brink of nuclear war to avoid a conventional conflict with the West, a leading expert on the region has warned. Successive wars in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria have demonstrated Russia's willingness and ability to use its military power to achieve political goals, award-winning author Arkady Ostrovsky argued. But Mr Putin's belligerent approach is not a sign of Russia's unbridled strength, he added. Instead, it reveals deep insecurity and weakness in the Kremlin, Mr Ostrovsky said. Mr Putin knows he cannot afford a conventional war with NATO alliance members, but is trying to raise the stakes he could inadvertently bring the world to the brink of nuclear war. His report, published in the Economist this week, states: "[Russia] is once again using the threat of nuclear arms to blackmail the West." EVENT Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons are because of weakness not because of strength. This may well be true. They possess the ultimate weapon – but in terms of conventional weapons clearly Russia is outgunned by the West. But the West would never dream of using a nuclear weapon. Imagine western leaders talking glibly about using a nuclear weapon. But Putin does. And he does so on a frequent basis. There have been headlines about Putin threatening nuclear war over Crimea, NATO, Ukraine and Syria. We don’t know for certain if he will use these weapons – but with Bible in hand we know this - Putin will cause a “shocking amount of destruction.” You don’t get more shocking in terms of destruction than a nuclear explosion. Russia is also weak due to the collapse in oil and gas prices. This is also putting pressure on Putin to act. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Daniel 8:23-24 NLT)

  8. This message was given concerning Damascus. This is what the Lord says: “The towns of Hamath and Arpad [Aleppo] are struck with fear, for they have heard the news of their destruction. Their hearts are troubled like a wild sea in a raging storm. Damascus has become feeble, and all her people turn to flee. Fear, anguish, and pain have gripped her as they grip a woman in labour. • Syrian government blamed for 3rd chemical attack Associated Press, October 22, 2016 EVENT An international team has determined that the Syrian government carried out a third chemical attack in the conflict-wracked nation, according to a report released late Friday. In August, the team from the United Nations and the chemical weapons watchdog blamed President Bashar Assad's government for using chlorine gas in two attacks and Islamic State fighters for using mustard gas in one attack. The team said at that time that three other attacks indicated possible government involvement. In a report sent to the U.N. Security Council late Friday and seen by The Associated Press, the team said there was "sufficient evidence" to conclude that Syrian forces were responsible for one of the attacks in Qmenas in Idlib governorate on March 16, 2015. It said a device, dropped from a high altitude, "hit the ground and released the toxic substance that affected the population." Witnesses and hospital staff identified the smell and symptoms of chlorine gas. Another week another horror story in Syria. This time another chemical attack by the Syrian government. But more destruction is on the way. A senior NATO diplomat said on Wednesday that the warships on the way to Syria will reinforce the final assault on the city of Aleppo. “We will see a crescendo of air attacks on Aleppo as part of Russia's strategy to declare victory there,” he said. This is why Russia has declared a temporary ceasefire this week to allow people to leave Aleppo. The trouble is – hardly anyone has left. The anti Assad forces will not abandon the city. The Bible speaks of the city of Aleppo being in great fear. It also says that at this time total destruction comes on Damascus. With just 3 weeks to go before US elections Putin knows this is when the US president is weakest. He will launch his final onslaught on Aleppo at this exact time. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Jeremiah 49:23-24 NLT)

  9. US & UK consider new sanctions on Russia over Syria Wall Street Journal, October 17, 2016 EVENT U.S. and U.K. leaders on Sunday threatened Russia with sanctions and other measures to pressure it to change course on Syria, saying the onus is on Russia to help bring an end to violence in the more than five-year-long conflict there. Secretary of State John Kerry and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson didn’t rule out military action in Syria’s civil war but came close, emphasizing there is little appetite in Europe or the West for it. For now they suggested that diplomatic talks would continue for the foreseeable future to end fighting that has killed more than 400,000. “I think the most powerful weapon we have at the moment is our ability to make President Putin and the Russians feel the consequences of what they are doing,” Mr. Johnson said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin after a meeting of “like-minded” European and Gulf Arab countries on the Syria conflict. COMMENT Both Britain and America look weak in the face of Russian aggression. They don’t have the political will to stand up to Putin with military action. The only weapon they appear willing to use is economic sanctions. “I haven’t seen a big appetite in Europe for people to go to war. I don’t see the parliaments of European countries ready to declare war. I don’t see a lot of countries deciding that’s the better solution here,” Mr. Kerry said Sunday. As the West dithers Russia pours increasing amount of military hardware into the region. As the Daily Telegraph said this week..”Time is running out. The USA has two weeks to save Aleppo from the Russian armada – or lose its last scraps of moral authority.” The Bible says that when Russia finally invades Israel (at some point after Syria is destroyed) the US/UK will ask what Russia is doing. Even then there doesn’t appear to be any military response. Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? BIBLE QUOTE (Ezekiel 38:13)

  10. I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that takes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves. • Will Obama make a last-gasp bid for peace in Israel? Newsweek, October 21, 2016 EVENT Recent statements by White House and State Department spokesmen—strongly condemning an Israeli decision to advance plans for a new Jewish settlement in the West Bank (which Israel insists is an enlargement of an existing settlement)—have once again stirred a debate in Israel about the Obama administration’s intentions after the U.S election. Will it seek to leave a legacy for future Israeli-Palestinian talks? Conventional wisdom among Israeli politicians, officials and pundits in recent months has been “yes.” No longer shackled by political considerations after the November election, the thinking goes, the lame-duck administration would be able to pursue initiatives that the Israeli government fears—aimed at securing the longevity of the two-state solution in an environment in which peace is unreachable at present. COMMENT Quite often US presidents try (in their dying days in office) to sort out the Israeli v Palestinian problem. Both Bush and Clinton tried to do this. Obama might try as well. It is almost as if they want a legacy to their reign as president and sorting out this intractable problem would give them this. In his final address to the U.N. General Assembly on September 20, Obama said that “Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land.” The next day he met with Netanyahu he raised concerns about Israeli settlement building. Whether Obama does make a last gasp push for peace with Israel remains to be seen. But the Bible is clear. A time is coming when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle. BIBLE QUOTE (Zechariah 12:2-3)

  11. Weekly World Watch YouTube Videos

  12. Weekly World Watch The end of this week’s WWW will be e-mailed to you each week. If you think others may find the WWW helpful please direct them to the website www.weeklyworldwatch.co.uk They can register on the site PLEASE NOTE: The Weekly World Watch is written and sent by myself – it is my take on events and I accept that on occasions I will miss significant events and also misinterpret them as well. However I will endeavour to be faithful to the scriptures and hope that it will be of benefit to both of us. To watch again please click the green arrow To watch again, click here.

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