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A teacher is like a Potter

A teacher is like a Potter . By Alex Abdella. A teacher, like a potter, shapes what is already there into a smooth, well rounded individual piece for others to see and experience. .

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A teacher is like a Potter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A teacher is like a Potter By Alex Abdella

  2. A teacher, like a potter, shapes what is already there into a smooth, well rounded individual piece for others to see and experience.

  3. Potters can make mistakes, but by keeping the wheel spinning they can usually correct what went wrong. Teachers also make mistakes occasionally and as long as they stay focused they can continue to help their students succeed.

  4. Potters can vary in skill level, just like teachers. With each pot they make they improve as a potter. Teachers become more knowledgeable with each student they teach.

  5. Like a potter, a teacher must pay attention to every little detail if they want each student to have success. Like each student, each piece of pottery takes time and effort.

  6. Teachers might have to work harder with one particular student, just like a potter might have to work extra hours on a challenging piece of pottery.

  7. Teachers and potters share a similar goal of shaping the best students and art they possibly can in their respective jobs.

  8. Pictures From • http://chelseythall.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/pottery-21.jpg • http://www.kayentautah.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/pottery.jpg • http://www.karlalinden.com/shard_pottery_lg.jpg • http://www.cherricopottery.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pottery-slides-copper-red3.jpg?w=300 • http://img1.etsystatic.com/022/0/5256262/il_340x270.479341227_pb96.jpg • http://www.ortizpots.com/images/jesus2.jpg • http://i.ebayimg.com/t/BRUSH-McCOY-POTTERY-BLUE-ONYX-064-VASE-FLAWLESS-/00/s/MTAyNFg1NTg=/$(KGrHqMOKisE6(eVnmFQBOrr7uL8E!~~60_35.JPG

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