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EU 5. Keretprogram Életminőség és gazdálkodás az élővilág erőforrásaival (LIFE). Dr. Pörzse Gábor NCP OM KFHÁT 2001. szeptember 10. EU FP5 struktúra témák szerint (1999-2002: 14,96 MEURO). 979. 2413. 739. 281. 1280. 363. 3600. 475. 2125. 2705.
EU 5. KeretprogramÉletminőség és gazdálkodás az élővilág erőforrásaival(LIFE) Dr. Pörzse Gábor NCP OM KFHÁT 2001. szeptember 10.
EU FP5 struktúra témák szerint(1999-2002: 14,96 MEURO) 979 2413 739 281 1280 363 3600 475 2125 2705 Nem tartalmazza az új társult országok befizetéseit!
Budget1999 Budget2000 Budget2001 Budget2002 Life pályázati menetrend 1999 Jan Apr Jun Nov 2000 Jan Marc Jul Nov 2001 Feb Mar Jul Oct Dec 2002 Jan Feb Apr Jul Oct Call 1 Call 2 Call 3 Call 4 Call-1 DL1 Call-1 DL2 Call-2 DL1 Call-2 DL2 Call-3 DL1 Call-3 DL3 Call-4 DL1 06.15 11.15 03.15 11.10 02.28 01.31 10.18 Call-3 DL2 Call-3 DL4 Call-4 DL2 03.15 12.11 02.15
EU FP5 Life Program (Call 1&2&3): magyar résztvevők EU támogatása, összevetve évente a “Life-arányos” magyar hozzájárulással Call 1 DL2 Call 1 DL1 Call 3 DL1&2 Call 2 DL1 DL2
EU FP5 Life Call 1&2&3:Magyar sikerarány résztvevők és projektek száma szerint
EU FP5 Life Call 1&2&3:A magyar részvételű projektek sikeraránya (retained/failed)
EU FP5 Life Call 1&2&3:Magyar résztvevők megoszlása kulcsakciók szerint
EU FP5 Life Call 1&2&3:(Magyar részvétel kulcsakciók szerint)
EU FP5 Life Call 1&2&3:(Magyar résztvevők EU támogatása kulcsakciónként)
EU FP5 Life Call 1&2&3: Magyar résztvevők regionális megoszlása 1 4 45 0 0 13 3
Partnerek a magyar részvételű EU FP5 Life projektekben (Call 1&2&3, „Retained projects”) /2001. szeptember/ 0 Reykjavik 64 projekt 68 magyar résztvevő 682 külföldi partner 31 országból 5 26 4 Helsinki Helsinki Oslo Oslo 16 projects 21 Hungarian participants 122 foreign partners 22 countries Washington 20 1 Stockholm Stockholm 5 28 4 Tallin Copenhagen Copenhagen 13 29 4 Riga 2 3 Dublin Dublin 6 Vilnius London London Amsterdam Amsterdam Berlin Berlin Warsaw Warsaw 88 16 22 6 43 3 89 13 Brussels Brussels 25 3 Luxembourg Luxembourg 1 2 16 3 Moscow Paris Paris Prague Bratislava 14 64 Vienna Wien 10 4 16 26 BUDAPEST BUDAPEST 1 Geneve Geneve 5 Ljubjana 1 Ljubjana 1 5 Lisboa Bucharest Bucharest 5 11 56 Madrid Madrid 21 Sofia Sofia 1 3 Rome Rome 33 7 Number of Partners (by country) Partnerek (országonként) 2 19 Athens Athens 2 Larnaca Tel-Aviv Sydney 1 Tel-Aviv 13
Életminőség program menetrend2001. III. call KA oct. 18. dec. 11. 1. Food, nutrition and health – – 2. Control of infectious disease x (teljes) 3. The "Cell Factory” x (részl) 4. Environment and Health – – 5. Sustainable agriculture, x (teljes) fisheries and forestry […] 6. The ageing population – – 7. Chronic and degenerative x diseases […]
Életminőség program menetrend2001. III. call KA oct. 18. dec. 11. 8. Research into genomes and x diseases of genetic origin 9. Neurosciences x 10. Public health and health x services research 11. Research relating to persons x with disabilities 12. Bioethics x 13. Socio-economic evaluation of x life sciences and health care techn.
Joint Call Életminőség + KörnyezetHealth and Enviromental Implications of Endocrine Disrupters KA 14 September 2001 ~12,5 M 1. Food Nutriotion and Health 2. The ”Cell Factory” 3. Enviroment and Health 5. Sustainable agriculture, Agro-Industry, Fisheries, Forestry Joint Call Életminőség + Környezet European Network of Biodiversity Information 28 September 2001 ~ 1,5 M
Dedicated Call Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies KA 18 october 2001 25 M 1. Food Nutriotion and Health 2. The ”Cell Factory” 3. Enviroment and Health 5. Sustainable agriculture, Agro-Industry, Fisheries, Forestry
QoL Integrated project Integration of: • Research: excellence, critical mass • Networking: synergy with and between national research efforts • Training&mobility: special emphasis on interdisciplinary training of young researchers at Europe’s top centres, staff exchanges
QoL Integrated project To help ensure critical mass: • 150 researcher years of effort (including training) • € 10-15 million per project • Europe’s top centres in the field
QoL Integrated project Selection: Stage 1: Call for expressions of interest for topics in functional genomics relating to human health Results:Selection of five priority topics Stage 2: Dedicated call for proposals for integrated projects in the selected priority topics (call June 2001, deadline 18 October 2001) Results: Selection of up to 3 integrated projects
QoL Integrated project Stage 1: Expressions of Interest (Eol) • Proposing the topics (3 pages) • Description of the potential consortium (2 pages) • Supporting letters (optional)
QoL Integrated project Evaluation Criteria for Expressions of Interest • Competence building enhancement of scientific excellence, platform for excellence in training and skills development • Resources, partnership and managment existence for these in Europe to make effective use of the opportunities of an integrated project in the field • Community added value • Contribution to Community social objectives • Economic development
QoL Integrated project Evalution of Expressions of Interest • Panel of high level experts • Expressions of Interest mailed to experts • Each expert provides a list of about 10 prefered Eols • Subsequent panel meeting of same high level experts • Evaluation of topics described in the (preferred and ohter) Eols • Agreement on a list of 5 priority topics • Evaluation report • Justification of selection of topics, outline why others rejected
Expressions of InterestResults of the Evaluation Eol received: 76 Eol eligible: 71 covering subject areas like: • Cancer • Bioinformatics • Disease susceptibility genes • Nervous system • (Auto)-immune aspects • Host-pathogen interaction • Population genetics / genotyping / data • Comparative genomics / models • Other
Expressions of InterestSelected priority topics • Development of an integrated platform in bioinformatics and computational biology (1) • Understanding human molecular physiology and pathology through integrated functional genomics in mouse (2) • High throughput structural genomics related to human health (2) • Creating and implementing tools for genomic epidemiology of common diseases (3) • Functional genomics of gender-specific cancers (1)
Selected priority topics-countries of consortium members Countries Small Large (DE, FR, ES, UK, IT) All 258 418 relating 29 30 to selected topics Funded FPS projects 98 229
QoL Integrated project Work programme 8.5 to reflect the five selected priority topics Evaluation procedure: involve scientists outside Europe Information Package: one application, simplified forms Call text, dedicated call for proposals for integrated projects in the five priority topics, was published in June 2001
QoL Integrated project Simplified proposal: Single application; no anonymitysingle set of administrative forms, single project description including managment strategy and role of partners More autonomy for researchers: Detailed work plan for the first year only Monitoring and follow up: Scientific advisory board (regular reporting, review of annual work plan). Mid-term review
Integrated project proposals-evaluation Written opinions of independent specialists: proposal mailed to at least 4 specialists (including non- European) merits of the proposal according first two evaluation criteria (S&T quality and innovation; Resources, partnership and managment) no scoring
Integrated project proposals-evaluation Evaluation panel: • approx 8 independent high lewel experts • all proposals and written opinions mailed to the evaluators before the panel meeting in Brussels • full evaluation of every proposal • individual scoring using standard evaluation criteria; equal weighting (threshold of 4 for criteria 1& 2) • before finansing consensus marks the panel may interview proposal coordinators • ranking list
Program Bizottság Menetrend Work program utolsó PC módosítások október 5. EU Bizottsági Döntés október vége Utolsó Call október 30-31. Deadline 2002. január 31.
Életminőség program menetrend2002. IV. call Deadline 2002. január 31. 137,2 M KA 1. Food, nutrition and health 4. Enviroment and Health 5. Sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry and integrated develop-ment of rural areas, including mountain areas 6. The ageing population GENERIC 12. Bioethics 13. Socio-economic evaluation of life sciences and health care technologies
Joint Call Életminőség + Környezet KA 31 January 2002 10 M 1. Food, nutrition and health 2. Control of infectious disease 3. The "Cell Factory” 4. Environment and Health 5. Sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry […] 6. The ageing population
Call for Proposals to Extend Existing QoL Contracts to Include Partners from ”Newly Associated States” Deadline 15 February 2002 KA 1-6 7,6 M Generic 2,0 M Infrastructures 0,4 M 10 M
Magyar nemzeti hozzájárulás az EU FP5 program költségvetéséhez
Magyar részvétel az FP5-ben: elnyert támogatás (2001. szeptember 10.) Life Euratom IHP 17% 5% 10% INCO 17% 28,95 Meuro IST 24% Env+Engy Growth 8% 19%
Magyar részvétel az FP5-ben: a résztvevők megoszlása a programok között 219 résztvevő
« Genome Research for Human Health » Quality of Life Programme « QoL Integrated projects for topics in funtional genomics relating to human health »