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Unveiling Legends: Unraveling Meaning and Tension

Dive into the intriguing world of myths and routines, as we explore the awkward situations, daunting ordeals, and legendary tales that create tension and excitement. Join us on a journey through time and experience the magic of storytelling.

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Unveiling Legends: Unraveling Meaning and Tension

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TuckEverlasting Chapter 13-19

  2. routine Page 68 • Meaning- (n) a regular way of doing things, fixed by habit, rules • Sentence- My morning routine consists of eating, dressing, brushing my teeth and hair, putting on my shoes, and running to school.

  3. awkward Page 70 • Meaning- (adj) uncomfortable, cramped Sentence- My dad said that he felt very awkward, or uncomfortable as he sat next to the man in the bee costume.

  4. ordeal Page 75 • Meaning- (n) any difficult or painful experience • Sentence- Having the chicken pox was a big, itchy, ordeal for my twin sister and me.

  5. legends Page 95 • Meaning- (n) stories handed down through the years and connected with some real events, but probably not true themselves. • Sentence- Davy Crockett is one America’s greatest legends, but we will never know if he really wrestled a bear.

  6. tension Page 97 • Meaning- (n) nervous strain, tense or anxious feeling • Sentence- This man felt a lot of tension when he spotted the curious lion outside his small tent.

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