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Organization of illegal work of immigrants from former USSR countries in the Czech Republic Organizace nelegální práce migrantů z bývalého sovětského svazu v Česku Dita Čermáková. Main targets of the presentation: 1. To e xplain the system of intermediation of work for illegal migrants
Organization of illegal work of immigrants from former USSR countries in the Czech Republic • Organizace nelegální práce migrantů z bývalého sovětského svazu v Česku • Dita Čermáková
Main targets of the presentation: • 1. To explain the system of intermediation of work for illegal migrants • 2. To compare statistic differences between data files (immigrants withand without mediator) • Chi-Square Tests, T-test for Equality of Means • H0 - there are no differences • HA – these two data files are different • 3. Additional comparison of other characteristics 2
Sources: • Literature: • Černík, J. (2005):Klientský systém jako quasi-feudalismus v Česku. Migraceonline [cit. 14. 09. 2006] • Černík, J. (2006):Of Clients and Chereps. The organisational Structures of Ukrainian Labour migration. In:Szczepaniková, A.,Čaněk, M.,Grill, J.:Migration Processes in Central and Eastern Europe. MKC. • Nekorjak, M. (2006):Klientský systém a ukrajinská pracovní migrace do České republiky. Sociální studia: 1/2006 (v tisku). • Own interviews with mediators (2) • Our statistic enquiry (N 69) in Prague and the surroundings 3
Company receiving illegal migrants Agent/Mediator Illegal and legal migrants Liquidator of money Liquidator of the money The first stage of the system of organization of illegal work 4
Statistic comparison – differences between two data files (T-test for Equality of Means, Chi-Square Tests): • With whom they usually work in a company – immigrants with mediators are working with their compatriots and other foreigners (Pearson Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. 2-sided 0,06). • Number of employees in a company – immigrants with a mediator are working in bigger companies than immigrants without mediators (Pearson Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. 2-sided 0,011). • Type of work – immigrants with mediators have seasonal and temporary work compare with immigrants without mediators, who have mostly permanent (Pearson Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. 2-sided 0,05). • Net income – in both groups the most numerous net income was between 10 -15 thousand CZK, but immigrants withmediators have income lower this range (Pearson Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. 2-sided 0,02). • Overallsatisfaction throughout current stay in the Czech Republic – (Pearson Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. 2-sided 0,027). • Gender – more men than women have mediators (Pearson Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. 2-sided 0,011). 5
Other differences/similarities between the groups: • Legal/illegal residence regime • Legal/illegal work activities • Time of residence • Branches of economy • Owners of companies • Working conditions 6
What is doing mediator for immigrants? • Giving information about work • Organizing transport to the Czech Republic • Arranging accommodation 8
Conclusion: • Existence of mediators is common on the market in the Czech Republic • The mediators organize for migrants both work and accommodation • We accept alternative hypothesis . There are differences between immigrants with/without mediator. The differences exist in type of work, size of companies, net income, co-workers, overall satisfaction and gender 9