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E-SURFMAR Programme Status and Plans (December 2010). Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager. Iridium SVP-B. Argos SVP-B. SVP-BW. (moored buoys). Drifting Buoys (network). October 2010. Drifting Buoys (deployments). Reykjavik (IMO - Eimskip America route)
E-SURFMARProgramme Status and Plans (December 2010) Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager
Iridium SVP-B Argos SVP-B SVP-BW (moored buoys) Drifting Buoys (network) October 2010
Drifting Buoys (deployments) • Reykjavik (IMO - Eimskip America route) • Southampton and Liverpool (Met Office) • Brest (research vessels) and Le Havre (Meteo-France) • Halifax (MSC Canada – various routes) • Boston and Charleston (NOAA upgraded buoys) • Rotterdam (planned thanks to KNMI and Eimskip) • OWS Mike (ended in last December) • Kirkenes, Tromso and Bergen (Norwegian institutes – Arctic region)
Drifting Buoys (timeliness) E-SURFMAR Number of operating buoysMore upgraded buoys (Argos) than Iridium (fully funded by the programme)due to… - increasing lifetime for Argos buoys - delays in the delivery of Iridium buoys EGOS Long term target : 90% E-SURFMAR EGOS Short term target : 70% Percentage of reports sent onto theGTS less than 50 minutes after the observation
Drifting Buoys (status – end of November 2010) • Operation programme (EUCOS area) • 105 drifting buoys, including 49 Iridium, in operation. • 71 buoys ready to be deployed in various places (rolling stock) • 53 others ordered in October Figures are estimates for the moment • Supplementary buoys (Arctic and north of EUCOS area) • 9 buoys in operation: • One Iceb in the North of Alaska (3-year old) • One SVP-B in the Labrador Sea (2-year old) • One SVP-B close to the North Pole (one-year old) • Six SVP-Bs including 4 Iridium deployed in July by R/V Haakon Mosby on route to Svalbard • 3 new ICEB buoys purchased thanks to the ad hoc agreed budget • NABOS cruise to the north of Siberia cancelled due to budget constaints • Deployments on sea ice postponed to next year • Co-operation with IABP programme. Seek for authorization to deploy into the Russian EEZ. Promising in 2011.
Drifting Buoys(north of Eucos area and Arctic) All buoys on the map are measuringair pressure at least Non-Eumetnet drifting buoys in blue Eumetnet drifting buoys in red New Iceb buoys - to be deployed in 2011 Oct. 2010
VOS Ships Data AvailabilityAverage number of daily reportsfrom the EUCOS area Target : 1000 obs/day E-SURFMAR E-SURFMAR Target : 250 obs/day Conventional VOS Automated VOS (AWS)
VOS Ships (E-SURFMAR AWS) • BATOS AWS (« integrated ») • 6 stations installed and operating • Installation onboard Celtic Voyager ongoing (co-operation with Met Eireann and the Irish Marine Research Institute) • Installations onboard two Danish ships should be done before the end of 2010 • Plans to install a BaTos on RV Urania (co-operation with CNR, Italy) at the beginning of 2011 • BAROS AWS (« autonomous ») • 8 stations installed on E-ASAP ships • 3 other stations installed by Greek and French Met Services • 3 sent for installations (Genoa, Limassol and Split) + 1 to be re-installed by Cyprus • Contacts with the MOON community to deploy BaRos stations on ships plying in the Mediterranean Sea, then possible future new S-AWS • Plans with AEMET for ships operating between continent, Madeira and Canaries Is. • Wishes to equip ships plying between Lisbon and Azores (not succeeded)
VOS Ships (BaTos AWS) Status on November 30th, 2010 Table to be confirmed
VOS Ships (BaRos AWS) Status onNovember 30th, 2010 Table to be confirmed
VOS Ships (ongoing and planned actions) • The E-SURFMAR metadata database is operational and now recognized by WMO, SOT… as being the primary source of ships metadata • Common S-AWS • 5th GIE Eumetnet Assembly (Nov. 2010) agreed … • Task Team on Tendering, led by KNMI, is preparing the legal and administrative documents • Co-operation with MOON for the deployment of S-AWS in the Med. Sea • KNMI plans to use the half compression techniqueon their conventional VOS to save communication costs through Burum LES • MoUs to be prepared/signed (e.g. with DWD hamburg for the maintenance of EUCOS S-AWS, with MOON, with CNR for the BaTos of Urania…) To be completed
To be revised according to most recent decisions TT on S-AWS tendering • Established further to PB-OBS20 • to study administrative, legal and finance aspects • led by KNMI – Work funded by E-SURFMAR • two scenarios have been chosen (EIG calls, NHMSs order) • 4th GIE Eumetnet Assembly agreed to go ahead • Preparation of the tendering document • help of legal advisors (EIG, KNMI, Met Office…) • next meeting : Exeter 23-24 September • Invitation to Tender drafted • includes many annexes : Registration Form, Model Agreement, Terms and conditions…technical specifications… • document to be presented at FPAC on next month
For information. Already presented (e.g. last Eucos PM meeting). Will be probably withdrawn from presentation in Budapest Co-operation with MOON • MOON is the Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network • It is a regional network of EuroGOOS. It is independent from MedGOOS They mainly operate moored buoys, SOOP observations (XBTs), Argo floats and gliders • E-SURFMAR was represented at the MOON workshop on Ocean and Weather Forecastings (Rome, Nov. 2009). • Since, MOON and E-SURFMAR are working together to define a Science and Strategy Plan. • Background is: • Oceanographers require accurate surface meteorological fields (analysis and forecasts) • These are normally provided by NHMSs. • Weather forecasts are challenging in the Mediterranean Sea due to the complex orography of surrounding lands and intense air-sea fluxes • One way to improve weather analyses and forecasts is to reinforce atmospheric observations
For information. Already presented (e.g. last Eucos PM meeting). Will be probably withdrawn from presentation in Budapest Co-operation with MOON • The main design principles for a SOOP-VOS system in the Mediterranean Sea shoud be: • Build a network of ships that crosses the Mediterranean north-south, across the main gradient of the air and sea temperature fields • Choose the ship tracks that are for most parts crossing ocean areas, as far as possible from the coasts • Consider high priority the tracks that are sampling in intense cyclonic activity and high wind speed areas (such as the NW Mediterranean and the Aegan Sea) • The ships would be equipped with BaRos first, then future European S-AWS Initial plan of tracks for the implementationof VOS with E-SURFMAR AWS
@Sarah > What are Met Office plans for K5 ? EUCOS Moored Buoys • K5, M6 and Lion buoysoperational. Lion buoy was visited and serviced on the 2nd of March. This buoyreports omnidirectional wave spectrain WAVEOB. K5 is equipped with an experimental system to report directional wave spectra. • Cabo silleiro went adrift twice due to fishermen: beginning of March then beginning of May. Each time, it took several weeks to re-moor it. In September, the buoy was moored in a new position, more west and in deeper sea. Risks of collisions with fishing boats should be minimized there.
Moored Buoys Non exhaustive list of moored buoy networks outside Met Office, Met Eireann, Puertos del Estado and Meteo-France networks
Moored Buoys (Mediterranean Networks) Puertos del Estado, Spain Data from these networks are reported onto the GTS in BUFR only ISPRA, Italy (RON) HCMR, Greece (Poseidon)
Data Quality (air pressure) Root Mean Squaresof differences with Arpège model outputs Target : 1 hPa Conventional VOS Automated VOS (AWS)
Data Quality (wind) Root Mean Squaresof differences with Arpège model outputs Target : 5 m/s Conventional VOS Automated VOS (AWS)
For information. Already presented (e.g. last Eucos PM meeting). Will be probably withdrawn from presentation in Budapest Surface Marine OSE • Performed at ECMWF • Three scenarios: control, baseline, intermediate (E-SURFMAR data removed only) • Drifting buoys and ships data considered • Combined with a GPS-Radio Occultation OSE (GPS-RO could contribute significantly to the large-scale surface pressure analysis) • Seven weeks during 2008/2009’ winter, including “Klaus” storm • Verification through MSLP and Geopotential Height • Presented at PB-OBS21 • Global impact of drifting buoys data clearly positive in many regions including North Atlantic • Strongest impact at 1000 hPa but lasts up to 500 hPa • Impact is stronger and lasts stronger when no GPSRO is used • E-SURFMAR impact over North Atlantic visible but moderate in average • E-SURFMAR impact on storms Klaus and Xynthia small but positive at 24h; remarkable at 48h and 96h. PM asks for an additional delay to deliver the revised design study
To be revised Meetings (relevant to E-SURFMAR) • EUCOS-SAT(Reading, UK, 2-4 March 2010) • First presentation of the surface marine OSE study by ECMWF • PB-Obs 21 (Brest, FR, 22-24 March 2010) • Presentation of the TTonT progress report and of the surface marine study • TTonT chair and Eumetnet GIE ED (De Bilt, NL, 5 May 2010) • Discussion on the tender options (between KNMI and Steve Noyes) • MOON E-SURFMAR (Venice, IT, 14 May 2010) • Discussion on the MOON E-SURFMAR Science and Strategy Plan • Eumetnet GIE 4th Assembly (The Hague, NL, 18-19 May 2010) • Presentation of the TTonT progress report • DB-TAG-7 (Madrid, ES, 18-19 May 2010) • GMES Marine Core Service workshop (Copenhagen, DK, 1-2 June 2010) • Presentation of E-SURFMAR • VOS-TAG-7 (Split, HR, 1-3 June 2010)
To be revised Meetings (future) • E-SURFMAR TTonT (Exeter, UK, 23-24 Sept. 2010) • Finalisation of the S-AWS Tendering Documents • DBCP-26 (Oban, UK, 27-30 Sept. 2010) • Presentation of E-SURFMAR buoy Activities • STAC-1(Darmstadt, GE, 4-5 Oct. 2010) • FPAC-1 (Darmstadt, GE, 6-7 Oct. 2010) • Presentation of the S-AWS Tendering Documents • Eumetnet GIE 5th Assembly (24-26 Nov. 2010) • Presentation of the S-AWS Tendering Documents
Pierre Blouch E-SURFMAR Programme Manager GIE/EIG EUMETNET Contact Details GIE EUMETNET Secretariat c/o L’Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique Avenue Circulaire 31180 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel: +32 (0)2 373 05 18Fax: +32 (0)2 890 98 58 Email: info@eumetnet.eu Web: www.eumetnet.eu E-SURFMAR Programme Manager Meteo-France Centre de Meteo Marine 13 rue du Chatellier – CS 12804 F-29228 Brest Cedex 2 Tel: + 33 (0) 298 22 18 52 Fax: + 33 (0) 298 22 18 49 Email: Pierre.Blouch@meteo.fr Web: www.eumetnet.eu