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This report provides an update on the INC meetings, upcoming events, and progress on key issues such as the "multi-OCN issue" and updates to p-ANI guidelines. Relevant web pages are also included.
Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC March 9, 2011 Natalie McNamer, INC Chair Dana Crandall, INC Vice Chair
INC Meetings • INC Meetings: INC held one interim General Session and one face-to-face meeting since the last NANC report. • Next INC Meeting: May 2-5, 2011 (Indianapolis, IN) • Details on all future meetings can be found at: www.atis.org/inc/calendar.asp
RAM Subcommittee Issue 710: NANC Action Item “multi-OCN Issue” At the last NANC meeting, PA PUC staff requested that the NANC address the “multi-OCN issue” within states, and the INC received an Action Item to work with the PA PUC staff on the issue. INC reviewed the Action Item at its Interim General Session meeting in January, and INC leadership also met with the PA PUC staff to better understand staff’s concerns. INC accepted and discussed the new Issue 710 at its March meeting. To assist state commission staffs with identifying the relationships of multiple OCNs in a given state, NANPA will add the parent company OCN from the Part 1 application to its Part 1 and Part 3 Reports provided to the states. Similarly, the PA will add the parent company OCN from the Part 1A application to its Part 1A and Part 3 Reports provided to the states. To facilitate the enhancement to these Part 3 Reports, INC added the Parent Company OCN field to the COCAG Part 3 and the TBPAG Part 3. This action is expected to produce NANPA and PA change orders with the closure of the issue. INC recognized that this parent company OCN information may not fully address the PA PUC’s concerns, and the issue remains active for further work. 3
NARP Subcommittee Issue 709: Updates to the p-ANI Guidelines and Forms In December 2010, the FCC provided clarification to the PA regarding certain issues and assumptions and directed the PA to submit a Change Order for the implementation of the permanent RNA Administration function for p-ANIs. The INC accepted Issue 709 and will work with the ATIS ESIF to update the p-ANI guidelines to conform to the FCC clarifications. 4
Issues Remaining in Initial Pending • Issue 534: The Development of pANI Guidelines
Issues in Initial Closure Issue 706: Update Section 8.7 to make the remarks optional on the Part 1A when an SP is submitting a request to become the block holder on an over contaminated block 6
Issues in Final Closure • Issue 696: Clarify the Definition of “In Service” in the Guidelines • Issue 704: Edits to the NRUF Guidelines to Address Categorization of Numbers Subject to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Relevant INC Web Pages • INC Homepage (front page to all INC links): http://www.atis.org/inc/index.asp • INC Calendar (future meeting logistics/agendas): http://www.atis.org/inc/calendar.asp • INC Issues (historical and active): http://www.atis.org/inc/incissue.asp • INC Meeting Records: http://www.atis.org/inc/mtgs_current.asp • INC Published Documents: http://www.atis.org/inc/incguides.asp