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The Six Methodology Goals

The Six Methodology Goals. Peter Lucantoni. Peter Lucantoni Started teaching in 1979 in UK Lived and worked in Europe and Middle East, now based in Cyprus Author, Educational Consultant & Teacher Trainer for Cambridge University Press Cambridge TKT, CELTYL, CELTA & DELTA trainer

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The Six Methodology Goals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Six Methodology Goals Peter Lucantoni

  2. Peter Lucantoni • Started teaching in 1979 in UK • Lived and worked in Europe and Middle East, now based in Cyprus • Author, Educational Consultant & Teacher Trainer for Cambridge University Press • Cambridge TKT, CELTYL, CELTA & DELTA trainer • Cambridge CELTYL assessor • Examiner for Cambridge ESOL speaking examinations • Classroom teacher

  3. What methodology will you be using with Touchstone? • Discuss with your partner/s the metholodolgy/ies, approaches and techniques that you would like to be using with your students Example: CLT – communicative language teaching

  4. What methodology will you be using with Touchstone? • Touchstone uses the best features of proven and familiar Communicative Language Teachingand Learning methodologiesand the Lexical Approach • Also offers stimulating activities carefully designed to focus on the learning process

  5. TheTouchstone philosophy maintains that a successful course meets the following six methodology goals:

  6. Interaction-based • Personalizes the learning experience • Promotes active and inductive learning • Encourages students to be independent learners • Recognizes the importance of reviewing and recycling • Offers flexibility to meet the needs of specific classes

  7. Interaction-based • Important learning aim in every lesson: get students talking to each other! • Strong emphasis on spoken interaction, helps students to use new language immediately for communicative purposes • Touchstone devotes full lesson in every unit to the teaching of conversation strategies so that students can learn the skills needed for spoken communication

  8. U5 C TS1 SB48-9

  9. Work with a partner/s • Find at least three different examples of opportunities for Spoken Interaction in Touchstone Level 1 • Compare answers

  10. U5 C TS1 SB48-9

  11. Personalizes the learning experience • Touchstone offers engaging activities • Encourages students to talk about own lives and ideas • Topics relevant to their interests and experiences: TV, music, the internet, sports, celebrities …

  12. Work with a partner/s • Find at least three different examples of exercises where students can personalize in Touchstone Level 1 • Compare answers

  13. Promotes active and inductive learning • What is ‘inductive learning’? • ‘an approach to instruction through which students interact with their environment by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, or performing experiments’ (Ormrod, 1995)

  14. Promotes active and inductive learning • ‘helps students see the connections among pieces of critical information and to conceptualise, on their own terms, the broader perspective into which these pieces fit’ [Adapted from: http://www.thoughtfuled.com/strategies/Inductive%20Learning.pdf 101008]

  15. Promotes active and inductive learning Five phases of inductive learning: • PHASE I EXAMINE DATA • PHASE II GROUP AND LABEL • PHASE III INTERPRET • PHASE IV SYNTHESISE • PHASE V EVALUATE

  16. Promotes active and inductive learning • Touchstone uses tasks that actively involve students in the learning process • Students challenged to figure out for themselves (inductive learning) grammar structures and English usage • Figuring out is a powerful aid to understanding and successful learning

  17. TS1 SB44 & 46

  18. Work with a partner/s • Find at least two different activities in Touchstone Level 1 where inductive learning takes place • Compare your answers

  19. Encourages students to be independent learners • Touchstonecourse components help students develop autonomous learning strategies • Students take part in their own learning • Opportunities for students to improve listening and speaking skills independently

  20. TS1 SB47+52

  21. TS1 SB47+52

  22. Work on your own • Find at least two activities in Touchstone Level 1 where students are encouraged to be independent learners. • Compare your answers

  23. Recognizes the importance of reviewing and recycling • Touchstonesystematically recycles and reviews target language in various sections of the Student’s Books • There are Recycle icons throughout the Teacher’s Editions – point out recycling and reviewing opportunities

  24. TS1 SB

  25. TS1 SB63-4

  26. TS1 TE43

  27. Work with a partner/s • Find at least three different places in Touchstone Teacher’s Edition Level 1 where Reviewing andRecycling opportunities occur • Compare your answers

  28. Offers flexibility to meet the needs of specific classes • Touchstonecan be used with large and small classes of students • Opportunities for activities to be done in pairs, groups or as whole class • Can also be adapted for different course lengths

  29. Let’s review the six methodology goals:

  30. Interaction-based • Personalizes the learning experience • Promotes active and inductive learning • Encourages students to be independent learners • Recognizes the importance of reviewing and recycling • Offers flexibility to meet the needs of specific classes

  31. Any questions?

  32. peter@cup-training.org +357-99386227 Facebook: ‘English as a second language with Peter Lucantoni’

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