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Domestic Nuclear Detection Office

Domestic Nuclear Detection Office. Training and Exercise Program Overview April 30, 2014. DNDO Background. DNDO was established, as an interagency office , on April 15, 2005 (NSPD 43/HSPD 14) and authorized by the 2006 SAFE Port Act

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Domestic Nuclear Detection Office

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  1. Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Training and Exercise Program Overview April 30, 2014

  2. DNDO Background • DNDO was established, as an interagency office, on April 15, 2005 (NSPD 43/HSPD 14) and authorized by the 2006 SAFE Port Act • “To improve the Nation’s capability to detect and report unauthorized attempts to import, possess, store, develop, or transport nuclear or radiological material for use against the Nation, and to further enhance this capability over time.” • NSPD 17/HSPD 4) and authorized by the 2010 Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act (P.L. 111-140) • “To ensure an enduring national technical nuclear forensics capability to strengthen the collective response of the United States to nuclear terrorism or other nuclear attacks.”

  3. DNDO Vision and Mission Vision: DNDO is building a national capability to support the goals and objectives of the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture. Mission: DNDOs singular mission is to prevent nuclear terrorism. This is accomplished through the establishment of processes and procedures that allow stakeholders advancement in the development of their radiological and nuclear detection by: • Promoting awareness of the radiological and nuclear threat • Building RND knowledge and performance through technical and non-technical means • Fostering interoperability among stakeholders • Supporting the development and enhancement of long-term RND programs

  4. Program Guidance These documents guide our efforts in building a sustainable, defensible and deployable RND Prevention Training and Exercise capability

  5. Program Challenges • Developing RND program and capabilities in the most vulnerable regions in the United States (i.e. UASI Tiers, Points of Entry) • Developing defensible, standardized training • Having accessible training • Integration of training and exercise resources • Budgetary constraints • Competing priorities

  6. How Do We Meet These Challenges

  7. Developed Engagement Strategy RND Training Delivery Process Using the POETE Model we assist local authorities design and deploy a layered detection network to optimize their chances of detecting, reporting, and disrupting a terrorist or rogue nation’s attempt to covertly deploy a rad/nuc device within the United States. DNDO also engages State and local authorities to assist in their prioritization of Federal support capabilities and to identify their requirements for the design and deployment of the GNDA’s domestic layer. • Coordinate Training Delivery • Provide High Level Training Introduction • Perform jurisdiction research • Assess Environmental Considerations • Discuss Training Options: Training Paths • Training Guidebook • Train-the-Trainer • Advanced Training • Refresher Training • Transition to FEMA • Assess existing training program • Assess Current and desired Capability • Review THIRA • Train-the-Trainer • Advanced Training • Refresher Training • Transition to FEMA • MYTEP Development

  8. Developed Training

  9. Developed Training Standards DNDO is developing qualifications and standards development through NIMS standardization and typing. • Training standards will establish a baseline for consistency across agencies and will drive curricula being developed to support meeting these competencies • Provides a national benchmark and supports local decision-making about training. • Is Supportive of National Prevention Framework and Grant Guidance on Team Typing and Sustainability

  10. Developed Training Partnerships • EOTA - DNDO has an established partnership with EOTA for assistance with RND training programs and processes. • CTOS - Supports OSD Training via analysis, course development and SME support. • ORISE - Development lead on equipment training modules.

  11. Developed Training Portal https://gnda.energy.gov

  12. Funded Training Innovations • Learning Management System (LMS) hosts online web based training on DNDO/EOTA developed courses (awareness, mission, threat, radiation fundamentals). • Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) delivers convenient on-the-job refresher material to operators conducting rad/nuc detection operations on a mobile device. • Small Business Innovative Research

  13. T&E Accomplishments • Training: 35 states have participated in RND training • Exercises: 20 of those states have conducted RND exercises • To date, approximately 27,000 law enforcement personnel and public safety officers have successfully completed RND training No. of States * FY06 - present


  15. Exercise Program Priorities • Utilize the HSEEP methodology to build a product base for direct use by stakeholders in developing GNDA exercises • Support, facilitate and/or conduct exercises to validate that the GNDA has interdependent systems and effective RND capabilities to detect, identify, and interdict nuclear materials that are out of regulatory control • Promote self-sustaining standards-based RND exercise programs that comply with HSEEP methodology and guidance • Integrate training curriculum and exercise evaluation methodology to effectively validate GNDA performance

  16. Federal Engagements • TSA - OSD supported development of the pilot and full implementation of equipping Federal Air Marshals with a rad/nuc detection capability. • ICE - APD and OSD hosted a preliminary meeting to better understand the mission, area of responsibility, and scope of BEST teams. • CBP - APD and the Operations Support Directorate (OSD) hosted an initial meeting gauging CBP SOG’s interest in formalizing a RND program. • NGB - Working with the Concepts and Integrations Branch (CIB) to institutionalize RND training into the Civil Support Team (CST) training pipelines. • FLETC - Engaged in Awareness Training in two major FLETC Courses; Commercial Vehicle Counterterrorism Training Program (CVCTP) and Maritime Law Enforcement Training Program (MLETP) • FEMA - FEMA/NTED and OSD continue to collaborate on curricula reviews and course approvals.

  17. Training and Exercise Integration • DNDO Training and Exercise collaborate throughout the Exercise Cycle, touch points include: • Concept and Objectives Meeting • Exercise Conduct • AAR/IP • Validates • Training/Performance • Training Delivery • Periodicity • Competencies • Tasks

  18. Where are the Resources? • If existing capabilities and capacities need to be supplemented to reach a capability target, jurisdictions can build capability or fill gaps by establishing mutual aid agreements with surrounding jurisdictions. • It is possible that jurisdictions may require the resources of other levels of government to achieve a target and will need to collaborate closely with those external sources to secure the necessary resources.

  19. How We Move Forward Development and deployment of a domestic nuclear detection architecture requires the experience and participation of Federal, State and local entities. DNDOis committed to building strong relationships with agencies currently engaged in preventive rad/nuc detection activities, as well as those who seek to establish such capabilities, to protect our nation and its interests against the nuclear threat. Success of the DNDO mission will require strong partnerships with the preventive rad/nuc community

  20. National Planning System Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) - April 2013 Integration Challenges

  21. Final Thoughts Crisis and catastrophe can impact the USA and almost any of its governmental units and people in a variety of ways from the spectrum of incidents or events threatened or that actually occur. Core capabilities are those that are central to the Nation’s ability to achieve our National Preparedness Goal. Building our capabilities are essential and indispensable for the execution of the mission. This will be a long term commitment and will build on what so far has been accomplished that meets resilience standards, goals, and objectives.

  22. Contact Woodrow (Chuck) Westerfield Training Branch Manager Operations Support Directorate Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Department of Homeland Security Office:  (202) 254-7107 Cell:       (202) 412-5382 Woodrow.Westerfield@HQ.DHS.GOV For general training questions: dndotraining@hq.dhs.gov

  23. End of presentation

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