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The Tragedy of Macbeth Review Jeopardy. QUOTES. BACKGROUND. ACTS I AND II. ACTS III, IV, AND V. MORE Quotes. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. QUOTES Q 100 Points.
QUOTES BACKGROUND ACTS I AND II ACTS III, IV, AND V MORE Quotes 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
QUOTES Q 100 Points The speaker of “Out damned spot! Out I say!” is _________.
QUOTES A 100 Points Who is Lady Macbeth?
QUOTES Q 200 Points The speaker of, “Turn, hell-hound, turn!” is____________.
QUOTES A 200 Points Who is Macduff?
QUOTES Q 300 Points ______________ said, “What, all my pretty chickens and their dam / At one fell swoop?”
QUOTES A 300 Points Who is Macduff? (metaphor)
QUOTES Q 400 Points ______________ claimed, “This castle hath a pleasant seat. The air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself.”
QUOTES A 400 Points Who is King Duncan? (Dramatic irony)
QUOTES Q 500 Points ______________ said, “Why should I play the Roman fool and die/On mine own sword?”
QUOTES A 500 Points Who is Macbeth?
BACKGROUND Q 100 Points Shakespeare wrote three kind of plays. What are they?
BACKGROUND A 100 Points tragedies, comedies, histories
BACKGROUND Q 200 Points The peasants had to watch the play from ____ and thus they were called ___.
BACKGROUND A 200 Points Ground/pit groundlings
BACKGROUND Q 300 Points Describe the flaws and qualities of the Globe Theater
BACKGROUND A 300 Points Open air for light and circulation, good acoustics / weather = cancelled show
BACKGROUND Q 400 Points Shakespeare began his career as a(n) ___ for what company?
BACKGROUND A 400 Points An actor for Lord Chamberlain’s Men
BACKGROUND Q 500 Points About how many words did Shakespeare invent?
BACKGROUND A 500 Points 32,000
ACTS I AND II Q 100 Points The three prophecies that the witches deliver to Banqou are a. _______ b. _________ c. _________?
ACTS I AND II A 100 Points What are :a) greater than Macbeth, yet not greater, b) happier than Macbeth, yet not happier, and c) father of kings without being one himself?
ACTS I AND II Q 200 Points Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to murder King Duncan by questioning _________________
ACTS I AND II A 200 Points What is his manhood? (or courage)
ACTS I AND II Q 300 Points Name the person who discovers the dead Duncan.
ACTS I AND II A 300 Points Who is Macduff?
ACTS I AND II Q 400 Points Lady Macbeth can’t murder King Duncan for this reason.
ACTS I AND II A 400 Points What is… Because he resembles her father?
ACTS I AND II Q 500 Points Macbeth’s tragic flaw is ___________.
ACTS I AND II A 500 Points What is he is overly ambitious?
ACTS III, IV, AND V Q 100 Points ________ is responsible for the death of Lady Macduff and her family.
ACTS III, IV, AND V A 100 Points Who is Macbeth?
ACTS III, IV, AND V Q 200 Points Macbeth goes back to the three witches and hears what three prophecies: a._____________________________, b. ____________________________, c. ____________________________.
ACTS III, IV, AND V A 200 Points • What are: • “Beware Macduff,” • “No man born of woman shall hurt him,” • “No man shall harm Macbeth until the woods move up the hill towards the castle.”
ACTS III, IV, AND V Q 300 Points We can infer that Lady Macbeth kills herself because_____________.
ACTS III, IV, AND V A 300 Points What is she is overcome with guilt?
ACTS III, IV, AND V Q 400 Points Malcom has fled to __________ and recruited the help of_____________ to fight King Macbeth.
ACTS III, IV, AND V A 400 Points What is he has fled to England and recruited the help of King Edward andsome of his brave soldiers?
ACTS III, IV, AND V Q 500 Points Macbeth is eventually killed ___(how)________, and ______(who)_____ is crowned the next king.
ACTS III, IV, AND V A 500 Points What is he is killed by Macduff, and Malcolm is crowned the new King of Scotland?
MORE QUOTES Q 100 Points _____ said, “And you all know security/Is mortal’s chiefest enemy.”
MORE QUOTES A 100 Points Who is Hecate?
MORE QUOTES Q 200 Points _____ said, “I am in blood/Stepped so far that, should I wade no more,/Returning were as tedious as go o’er.”
MORE QUOTES A 200 Points Who is Macbeth?
MORE QUOTES Q 300 Points _____ said, “Go pronounce his present death/And with his former title greet Macbeth.”
MORE QUOTES A 300 Points Who is King Duncan?
MORE QUOTES Q 400 Points _____ said, “If it were done when it is done, then it is better it were done quickly.”
MORE QUOTES A 400 Points Who is Macbeth?