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Eco-Schools - An Introduction to Waste Management at School. A Resource for Waste Education Officers and Eco-Schools Co-ordinators. Waste Awareness Wales. Targeting people through the media Supporting Local Authority Waste Teams Provide Seminars and Road shows Competitions and promotions
Eco-Schools - An Introduction to Waste Management at School A Resource for Waste Education Officers and Eco-Schools Co-ordinators
Waste Awareness Wales • Targeting people through the media • Supporting Local Authority Waste Teams • Provide Seminars and Road shows • Competitions and promotions • Waste Awareness Education “Without participation there can be no schemes; without education there will be no participation.” - Owain Griffiths
The Waste Hierarchy • Prevent Waste Production • Reduce Waste Production • Reuse Materials • Recycle • Recover • Dispose
What is Waste Minimisation? • The reduction of waste outputs through sensible purchasing and procurement • Reuse of materials • Recycling of separated waste • Composting In this way, waste is tackled at the point of production.
Targets and Drivers • The E.U. Landfill Directive – 1st Main Legislation • ‘Wise About Waste’ – set by the Welsh Assembly Government • Waste Emissions and Trading Act – most recent
E.U. Landfill Directive The first major legislation attempting to stem waste production • By 2010 no more than 75% of the biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) produced in 1995 can be landfilled • By 2020 no more than 35% of the 1995 figure can be landfilled. Waste arisings are growing by around 3% p.a. therefore will be double the 1995 levels.
‘Wise About Waste’ Welsh Assembly Government targets based upon municipal waste: • By 2003/04 achieve 15% recycling /composting (min. 5% composting) • By 2006/07 achieve at least 25% recycling/composting (min. 10% composting) • By 2009/10 achieve 40% recycling/ composting (min. 15% composting) • By 2010 waste arisings per household to be no greater than those in 1997/98.
Waste Emissions and Trading Bill • Will allow the Welsh Assembly Government to limit the amount of biodegradable materials landfilled by each council • Local disposal allowances issued relative to population (i.e. number of tonnes of waste allowed to be disposed of to landfill) • Unlike England, there is no intention by the Welsh Assembly Government to introduce tradable permits in Wales.
How Can Schools Help? • Contact the Waste Education Officer to ask about the availability of local recycling services and school support. • Join the Eco-Schools Programme and become active • Seek out Waste packs and resources (see Waste Publications database) • Integrate environmental issues across the curriculum (especially Personal and Social Education, Geography, Science, and Language)
Schools Waste Reduction • Schools are usually able to recycle a large number of materials, including paper and cans • Increasingly, plastics, textiles and mobile phones are being collected. • Fruit peel and vegetable scraps can be composted. Compost bins and wormeries are a valuable educational resource. “The children of today are the producers of tomorrow. Instilling the habit of recycling practices at a young age will help them carry environmental responsibilities throughout their lives” - prof. Chris Baines
Schools Waste Reduction • From September 2004, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate, ESTYN, will be checking schools on their pupils’ knowledge of sustainable issues, and also on how the school behaves in a sustainable way. • Recycling of paper and composting could reduce the amount of waste a school generates by over 60% (with a corresponding reduction in refuse collection costs)
Eco-Schools Programme • The European Eco-Schools Green Flag is awarded to schools showing a commitment to environmental improvement and sustainability. • Pupils are encouraged to take action on areas they see as high priority. These may include: Litter, Waste reduction, Safe routes to school, Waste-free lunches, Energy saving and Conservation. • Eco-Schools encourages pupils to identify local support to ensure that targets are met.
The Eco-Schools Process The pupils: • Form an Eco-Committee • Do an Environmental Survey • Produce a Plan of Action • Integrate with curriculum activities • Involve local community and business • Collect data to show improvements • Publish and display an ‘Eco-Code’
Eco-Schools - How to JoinYou can either: • Join on-line at www.eco-schools.org.uk • Fill in the form on the Eco-Schools leaflet • Or give your school details to: The Eco-Schools Officer Keep Wales Tidy Campaign 33 – 35 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9HB or: e-mail to zoot@dial.pipex.com All materials are free, and available in Welsh or English
Eco-Schools Programme • Schools can apply on-line for Bronze and Silver certificates to ‘bench mark’ their progress: www.eco-schools.org.uk click “Get an award” • It takes approx. 2 years to get to Green Flag status, and it is hoped that the ‘3R’s’ ethos of Reduce, Reuse & Recycle will become embedded in the minds of pupils and in the general management of the school.
Finally “Rubbish is an environmental problem belonging to everyone – we all produce it. We must learn to take responsibility and realise that we are the cause of, and the solution to, the problem. The future of recycling in Wales lies in the hands of the next generation. With school projects starting up across the nation, there has never been a better time to pass on the 3Rs message” - Dewi Smith, Cylchgrawn
Eco-Sgolion - Cyflwyno DulliauRheoli Gwastraff yn yr Ysgol Ar gyfer swyddogion addysg am wastraff a chydlynwyr Rhaglen yr Eco-Sgolion
Cynllun ‘Craff am Wastraff’ • Targedu pobl trwy'r cyfryngau • Helpu timau gwastraff yr awdurdodau lleol • Cynnal seminarau a sioeau teithiol • Cystadlaethau a mentrau hyrwyddo • Addysg am faterion gwastraff “All cynlluniau ddim llwyddo os nad oes neb yn cymryd rhan; heb addysg, allwn ni ddim ysgogi pobl i wneud hynny.” - Owain Griffiths
Trefn gwastraff • Atal gwastraff • Arbed • Ailddefnyddio pethau • Ailgylchu • Adennill • Cael gwared
Beth yw arbed gwastraff? • Lleihau gwastraff trwy brynu a chaffael yn synhwyrol • Ailddefnyddio pethau • Ailgylchu gwastraff sydd wedi'i ddidoli • Gwrteithio Fel hyn, gallwn ni fynd i'r afael â gwastraff wrth ei gynhyrchu.
Targedau ac ysgogyddion • Cyfarwyddeb Undeb Ewrop ynghylch Claddu Sbwriel – deddf sylfaenol gyntaf • ‘Yn Gall gyda Gwastraff’ – strategaeth Llywodraeth y Cynulliad • Deddf 'Gollwng Gwastraff a Masnachu' – y ddeddf fwyaf diweddar
Cyfarwyddeb Undeb Ewrop Y ddeddf sylfaenol gyntaf ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â gwastraff: • Erbyn 2010, fydd dim modd claddu mwy na 75% o'r sbwriel pydradwy a greodd trefi ym 1995. • Erbyn 2010, fydd dim modd claddu mwy na 35% o'i gymharu â 1995. Mae gwastraff yn codi o ryw 3% y flwyddyn a bydd yn ddwywaith gymaint â'r hyn a fu ym 1995.
‘Yn Gall gyda Gwastraff’ Targedau Llywodraeth y Cynulliad ynglŷn â gwastraff trefi: • Erbyn 2003/04, ailgylchu neu wrteithio 15% (o leiaf 5% gwrteithio) • Erbyn 2006/07, ailgylchu neu wrteithio 25% (o leiaf 10% gwrteithio) • Erbyn 2009/10, ailgylchu neu wrteithio 40% (o leiaf 15% gwrteithio) • Erbyn 2010, gwastraff pob cartref i fod yr un faint â'r hyn a fu ym 1997/98.
Mesur 'Gollwng Gwastraff a Masnachu' • Bydd yn galluogi Llywodraeth y Cynulliad i bennu faint o ddeunyddiau pydradwy mae pob cyngor yn cael eu claddu. • Bydd pob cyngor yn cael claddu hyn a hyn o dunelli yn ôl faint o bobl sydd yn ei fro. • Yn wahanol i Loegr, dyw Llywodraeth y Cynulliad ddim yn bwriadu cyflwyno caniatâd mae modd ei werthu.
Sut gall yr ysgolion helpu? • Cysylltu â swyddog yr addysg am wastraff i'w holi am y gwasanaethau ailgylchu a'r cymorth i ysgolion sydd ar gael yn lleol. • Ymuno â Rhaglen yr Eco-Sgolion a chymryd rhan yn ei gweithgareddau. • Chwilio am becynnau ac adnoddau am wastraff (gweler cronfa ddata'r Cyhoeddiadau am Wastraff). • Cyfuno materion yr amgylchedd yn y cwrícwlwm (yn enwedig addysg bersonol a chymdeithasol, daearyddiaeth, gwyddoniaeth ac ieithoedd).
Arbed gwastraff yn yr ysgolion • Fel arfer, mae'r ysgolion yn gallu ailgylchu nifer helaeth o ddeunyddiau megis papur a thuniau. • Mae nwyddau plastig, dillad a ffonau poced yn cael eu casglu mwyfwy. • Mae modd gwrteithio croen ffrwythau ac olion llysiau. Mae biniau gwrtaith ac abwydfeydd yn adnoddau addysg gwerthfawr. “Bydd plant yn creu gwastraff pan ddôn nhw i oed. O feithrin arferion ailgylchu yn eu plith tra bôn nhw'n dal yn ifainc, gallwn ni'u helpu i ofalu am yr amgylchedd drwy gydol eu hoesau” - Yr Athro Chris Baines
Arbed gwastraff yn yr ysgolion • O fis Medi 2004 ymlaen, fe fydd Arolygiaeth Ei Mawrhydi (ESTYN) am weld faint mae disgyblion pob ysgol yn ei wybod am ddatblygu cynaladwy ac i ba raddau mae'r ysgol yn cadw at egwyddorion y pwnc hwnnw. • O ailgylchu papur a gwrteithio, gallai pob ysgol gwtogi ar y gwastraff mae'n ei greu o dros 60% (gan arbed costau casglu sbwriel, hefyd).
Rhaglen Eco-Sgolion • Gall ysgolion sy'n ymroi i wella a chynnal yr amgylchedd ennill Baner Werdd Eco-Sgolion Ewrop. • Mae'r disgyblion yn cael eu hannog i gymryd camau yn y meysydd sy'n bwysig iddyn nhw, megis lluchio sbwriel, arbed gwastraff, llwybrau diogel i'r ysgol, ciniawau heb wastraff, arbed ynni a chadwraeth. • Mae'r rhaglen yn annog y disgyblion i nodi'r cymorth lleol i ofalu bod modd cyflawni targedau.
Proses Rhaglen Eco-Sgolion Bydd y disgyblion yn: • Sefydlu pwyllgor dros yr amgylchedd. • Cynnal arolwg o'r amgylchedd. • Paratoi cynllun gweithredu. • Cyfuno'r gwaith â phynciau'r cwrícwlwm. • Cydweithio â phobl a chwmnïau'r fro. • Casglu data i ddangos y gwelliannau. • Cyhoeddi a dangos côd amgylcheddol.
Sut i ymuno â'r rhaglenCewch chi naill ai: • ymuno ar-lein: www.eco-schools.org.uk • llenwi'r ffurflen sydd yn ein taflen • neu anfon manylion eich ysgol at: Swyddog Rhaglen Eco-Sgolion Ymgyrch ‘Cadwch Gymru’n Daclus’ 33 – 35 Heol y Gadeirlan, Caerdydd CF11 9HB Ebost: zoot@dial.pipex.com Mae'r deunyddiau'n rhad ac am ddim ac ar gael yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg.
Rhaglen yr Eco-Sgolion • Mae pob ysgol yn cael cyflwyno cais am Dystysgrif Arian neu Efydd i feincnodi'i chynnydd trwy gyrchu www.eco-schools.org.uk a chlicio ar ‘Get an award’. • Bydd angen tua 2 flynedd i ennill y Faner Werdd a'r gobaith yw bydd disgyblion a staff yr ysgol i gyd yn cydio yn neges y ‘3A’- Arbed, Ailddefnyddio ac Ailgylchu.
Yn olaf... “Mae sbwriel yn broblem amgylcheddol sy'n berthnasol i bawb - rydyn ni i gyd yn ei greu. Rhaid inni ddysgu i ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb a sylweddoli mai ni sy'n achosi'r broblem a ni ddylai'i datrys. Mae tynged ailgylchu yng Nghymru yn nwylo'r genhedlaeth nesaf. Gan fod ysgolion ledled y wlad yn sefydlu prosiectau, dyma'r adeg orau erioed i ledaenu neges y 3A” - Dewi Smith, Cylchgrawn