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Jargon, Slang , Colloquial L anguage

Jargon, Slang , Colloquial L anguage. Jargon. Jargon is the meaning of using other words instead of the truth. Jargon also means when people share a job/ interest. ( Warriner ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX_lwbqQsOg. Slang.

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Jargon, Slang , Colloquial L anguage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jargon, Slang, ColloquialLanguage

  2. Jargon • Jargon is the meaning of using other words instead of the truth. • Jargon also means when people share a job/ interest. (Warriner) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX_lwbqQsOg

  3. Slang • Slang is the meaning a certain group of people that speak a language that has been modified.  • Such groups are as Oulu region youngsters  • Also most of the time the words have been changed so that it is more appealing to the ear of the listener and easier to pronounce/shorter.

  4. Colloquialwriting • The most informal style • It is used as spoken language but not accepted in written language • Dictonaries label the words with colloq. • (Warriner)

  5. Work cited • "English Composition and Grammar : Complete Course [Hardcover]." English Composition and Grammar : Complete Course: John E. Warriner: 9780153117367: Amazon.com: Books. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. • "20 Examples of Slang Language." 20 Examples of Slang Language. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

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