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Wheeling in Quick Time

Wheeling in Quick Time. One Star Drill Lesson 11. The Aim. Wheeling is a method by which a body of men with a frontage of not more than six ranks or files may change direction whilst retaining dressing within those ranks or files. The Diagram. Right Hand Cadet of Leading File

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Wheeling in Quick Time

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wheeling in QuickTime One Star Drill Lesson 11

  2. The Aim Wheeling is a method by which a body of men with a frontage of not more than sixranks or files may change direction whilst retaining dressing within those ranks or files. 0102DR11PP

  3. The Diagram Right Hand Cadet of Leading File Turns Through an angle of 90 Degrees (1600 Mils) 0102DR11PP

  4. Wheeling in Quick Time Questions? 0102DR11PP

  5. Common Faults • Those behind the leading rank or file not covering the same ground as they do. • Slovenly arm swinging among the inner cadets. • A tendency to increase the rate of marching among the outer cadets. 0102DR11PP

  6. Words of Command • The command “Right — Wheel” is given over one complete pace. • If the wheel is to be through more than 90 degrees (1600 mils), the word of command will be given a second time • If through less than 90 degrees (1600 mils) the word of command “Forward” will be given at the appropriate moment. 0102DR11PP

  7. Wheeling in Quick Time Summary 0102DR11PP

  8. Wheeling in Quick Time End 0102DR11PP

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