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Using CD-ROMS in the Classroom Technology that Works!. The CD-ROM should:. Have high quality images and animations Align with State and National Science Standards and benchmarks Foster an appreciation for science and scientists to keep students engaged in learning
Using CD-ROMS in the Classroom Technology that Works!
The CD-ROM should: Have high quality images and animations Align with State and National Science Standards and benchmarks Foster an appreciation for science and scientists to keep students engaged in learning Expand upon science concepts not normally explored in the classroom Dr. Gerald KrockoverPurdue University
Let students explore and inquire with the CD-ROM …as a tutor …to introduce or reinforce concepts …as a lab station …as an assessment tool …a tool for students to use to check their understanding …to promote student inquiry …use the images on the CD-ROM for class activities…use for collaborative student learning opportunities …taken home for a home-learning experience Dr. Gerald KrockoverPurdue University
The study completed by Dr.Gerald Krockover found that: Using the CD-ROMs in the computer-lab was not as effective as having students use the CD-ROM from computers in the classroom.
CD-ROMs in the Science Classroom Foster collaboration between students Serve as a stimulus to encourage class discussion Provide more one on one time with each student Support the curriculum as a supplement, reinforcing concepts, extending ideas Provide a vehicle to many and variousinternet sources and resources Meet a variety of learning styles via multi-media
About theCD-ROM Modeled from the Current 3rd Grade Plant Unit Includes: • 15+ internet links • 35 text pages • 15 PowerPoint slide shows • 25 movies • 40 animations • 150+ images
How to access the program... • Place the CD-ROM in the drive • Double Click on My Computer • Double Click on the CD-Rom drive • Double Click on Greenmachine folder • Double Click on Enter file • Maximize the screen • Double Click on Venus Fly Trap gif • Maximize the screen • Select the most interesting link and grow!
Introduction to Plants PowerPointDescribes plant groups, the important roles in the environment, and connections to other units Plant Uses PowerPointProvides information on how we use plants and the role of plants for humans
Do you Want to be a Botanist? PowerPoint Students think like scientists, develop questions, research through informational reading, and apply the scientific method Leaf Me Alone PowerPointInvestigate why leaves change color
Can you BEElieve It? PowerPoint Review invertebrate insects, learn about pollination and its role in the Plant Kingdom Cool internet links to bee cams and bee see sites Plants and Other Living Things PowerPointDiscover symbiosis, visit food chains, learn about photosynthesis, understand how other living things need plants
Flower Power PowerPoint Understand the role of flower parts, use the mouse pen to label flowers, learn about pollination, and take a virtual flower garden tour Fruits and Veggies PowerPointCompare and contrast fruits and vegetables, travel through an apple orchard
Please Be Seeded PowerPoint Experience a modified version of the Environmental Protection Agency Lab Investigation use seed germination to test water quality, learn about biomonitoring and bioassaying MindMap Graphics PowerPointtake a virtual tour through the student gallery of graphic lab reports, a nonlinguistic way to represent learnings in the laboratory
Owl Pellets and You PowerPointloop back to an earlier K-5 Science Core lab investigation--the Owl Pellet How do owl pellets provide clues about the kinds of plants in the owl’s habitat? Leaf Symmetry PowerPoint Connect Math and Science while investigating how environmental factors impact leaf symmetry
I’m a Fungi Not a Plant PowerPoint compare and contrast Plant Kingdom characteristics with the Fungi Kingdom characteristics
Text Files • Plant Background Activity • Supplemental Leaf Labs • Leaf Classification Activity • Biomonitoring EPA test • Water Quality Probe Labs • Glossary of Terms • Children’s Literature Connections
Teacher / Student Internet Sources and Resources • From Seed to Plant • Great Plant Escape • Virtual Lab FAST Plants • Trees • Maple Seed Helicopters • Teacher’s Plant Corner • Plant Q&A
Journal Ideas with Rubrics • Plants at Night--what do they do? • Hay fever--how do plants make us sick? • Imagine That!--what if cows could pollinate? • From Seed to Weed--design your own! • PolliNATION--link Social Studies and Science • Peacocks--How is diet related to feather color? • Writing a Science Story--steps for the process
Suggestions • View PowerPoints in Fullscreen view • Right click and select Fullscreen view • Maximize the web browser screens • for best viewing and navigating • Click on the middle box upper right-hand • corner (in between the X box and line-space box • Some links open as a separate Web Browser • when returning to the main page, close the browser • by clicking on the X box in the upper right-hand corner
Using the Mouse Pen When in PowerPoint Fullscreen View... • Right Click the Mouse • Select Pen • Right Click the Mouse again • Pointer Options • Pen Color • Arrow over and select color • Write • “E” on the keyboard for “Erase”