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Burkina Faso. Map of Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso’s Flag. Country Quick Facts Burkina Faso. Capital City : Ouagadougou ( wah - gah -DOO-goo) Population : 15,747,232 million Main Religions : Islam, traditional African, Christian
Country Quick FactsBurkina Faso • Capital City: Ouagadougou(wah-gah-DOO-goo) • Population:15,747,232 million • Main Religions: Islam, traditional African, Christian • Main People Groups:Mossi, Gurma, and more than 70 other tribes • Main Languages: French, Mooré, Jula, and more than 60 other tribal languages
More Quick Facts Burkina Faso • Location: Burkina Faso is in West Africa, above the country of Ghana and below Mali. • The Land: The northern part of Burkina Faso is called the Sahel and is very dry and sandy. The center is flat, with grassy fields and few trees. The south and west have more forests.
More Quick Facts Burkina Faso • Weather: The weather is very dry and warm from November to March. It then gets very hot. The rains begin in May or June and last until October. • Assemblies of God Facts: • 2 U.S. Assemblies of God missionaries work in Burkina Faso • 7,000+ churches with 1.1 million people attending, 5,000+ pastors, and 7 Bible schools with 600+ students.
LET’S PRAY… • for the kids, that they will learn about Jesus and live for Him. • for our missionaries working in Burkina Faso. • for the pastors and Bible school students as they begin more new churches. • for the ministries of the Assemblies of God of Burkina Faso as they show people God’s love.
BGMC has provided children’s ministries supplies and materials in Burkina Faso
BGMC has provided lots of supplies for the schools in Burkina Faso