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Swords Into Plowshares An overview of the US Plowshare Program 1958-1975

Swords Into Plowshares An overview of the US Plowshare Program 1958-1975. CPT Nicholas Nazarko. Outline. References Plowshare’s Beginnings Plowshare Program Objectives Plowshare Program Scope The Tests Project GNOME Project SEDAN Project BUGGY. References.

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Swords Into Plowshares An overview of the US Plowshare Program 1958-1975

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  1. Swords Into Plowshares An overview of the US Plowshare Program 1958-1975 CPT Nicholas Nazarko

  2. Outline • References • Plowshare’s Beginnings • Plowshare Program Objectives • Plowshare Program Scope • The Tests • Project GNOME • Project SEDAN • Project BUGGY

  3. References http://www.nv.doe.gov/news&pubs/photos&films/testfilms.htm http://www.wipp.carlsbad.nm.us/science/UG_Lab/gnome/gnome.htm US DOE Plowshare Executive Summary

  4. Hugh Cronin Plowshare’s Beginnings • Discussion of the peaceful use of nuclear detonations predates the Trinity test • Lewis L. Strauss - AEC Chairmen 1953-1958 expresses interest in the idea. • November 1956 - Herbert York, Director LRL-L proposes conference to discuss peaceful uses of nuclear explosions. Herbert York Lewis Strauss

  5. Plowshare’s Beginnings • Livermore conference, held February 1957, discusses peaceful applications of nuclear devices and highlights numerous concerns • AEC approves the Plowshare Program June 1957 • July 1957 - LRL-L formally establishes the Plowshare Project • RAINIER test (September 19, 1957) first successful underground nuclear detonation. • June 6, 1958 - AEC publicly announces Plowshare Program Seismic Station at Tinamaha, California

  6. Plowshare’s Objectives “Use of nuclear explosives for civilian as opposed to military purposes.” Possible applications: Underground Engineering Large-Scale excavation and quarrying • Canals • Harbors • Highway/Railroad cuts • Quarry • Other construction related projects requiring large amounts of earthwork • stimulation of natural gas production • preparation of leachable ore bodies • fracturing large bodies of oil shale • formation of underground storage reservoirs

  7. Plowshare’s Scope • October 31, 1958 - Voluntary nuclear weapons testing moratorium • Plowshare enters a planning and high-explosive test phase. • Pre-GNOME - prediction of nuclear generated seismic signals • SCOOTER - crater dimensions, throw-out, dust cloud generation • ROWBOAT - effect of burial and separation on crater dimensions • TUGBOAT - study of harbor excavation in coral with water overburden • December 15th, 1958 - Peaceful Nuclear Explosives (PNE) branch of the Division of Military Activities established. • Dr. Edward Teller, Director of LRL-L, lays out an ambitious program. HE Testing Locations

  8. Plowshare’s Scope • September 1, 1961 - Moratorium ends with a Soviet nuclear explosion • Plowshare begins nuclear testing in earnest:

  9. Plowshare’s Scope • Nevada Test Site • 23 experiments • publicly available information • various objectives • safety first

  10. Plowshare’s Scope The End for Plowshare • Little confidence in money saving potential • Insufficient public and congressional support • Environmental and safety concerns The most promising use of nuclear detonations was not excavation, but stimulation of natural gas production through the highly fractured rock produced in an explosion.

  11. The Nuclear Tests - GNOME

  12. The Nuclear Tests - GNOME

  13. The Nuclear Tests - GNOME 290’ 640’

  14. The Nuclear Tests - BUGGY

  15. The Nuclear Tests - SEDAN

  16. The Nuclear Tests - SEDAN

  17. Questions? And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.'' - Isaiah 2:4

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