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The Catcher in the Rye. J.D. Salinger. Chapters 1-6. Who is Holden Caulfield? In media res- we’re trying to figure out what’s going on. Stream of consciousness Reliable narrator Setting. Discussion Point #1.
The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger
Chapters 1-6 Who is Holden Caulfield? In media res- we’re trying to figure out what’s going on. Stream of consciousness Reliable narrator Setting
Discussion Point #1 Holden has been thrown out of several private schools for not doing well in his classes. Do you think he lacked intelligence? Provide two examples that support your belief.
Discussion Point #2 What does it mean to be phony? Why does it drive Holden crazy? Find two examples of something phony in the story.
Discussion Point #3 Holden claims that he is a “pacifist” or someone opposed to violence or military action. Do you believe that he’s a pacifist? Provide two specific examples for the story.
Discussion Point #4 Holden said that his “terrific” talent is lying. Discuss two lies he tells. Is he a good liar?
Discussion Point #5 Although he may not admit to it, Holden begins to get sentimental over a few things mentioned. What does he get sentimental over? How does he deal with these emotions?
Discussion Point #6 Based on what we know, how well did Holden fit in? Provide two examples that lead you to this conclusion.
Discussion Point #7 Holden seems to go back and forth between being mature and immature. How does he show both sides of himself? Provide specific examples from the book.
Life in the 1950s Within your discussion groups, combine the ideas from your research over life in the 1950s. Ideas should be presented on the larger white sheets of paper provided by the teacher. You may use markers, crayons, etc. YOU MUST CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!!!
People Ruin Things • On page 87, Chapter 12, Holden ends the chapter by saying, “People are always ruining things for you.” • What blame does Holden place on other people? • Does Holden take ownership for his mistakes? If so, what? • What decisions could Holden have made that would have changed some outcomes?
“Just the Way I Liked it” What’s the deal with Holden’s hat? What does it symbolize?
Revisiting Ideas Intelligence (Academics) Phonies (Identity) Pacifism (Belief) Lying (Role in the world) Sentiment (Feelings) Fitting in Maturity/immaturity (Growing up)
Revisiting Ideas Why is Holden so interested in the Central Park ducks? Why is he so fixated on appearance? What does Holden brag about? Is this reliable information?
Key Points for Discussion Intelligence Phonies Beliefs/Values Lying Sentiment Conformity Maturity/immaturity
Bourgeois Referred to upper-middle class status and focused on spending money. Holden despises how people talk about cars and fancy suitcases. These items indicated people with more economic means.
Allusion Reference to another work.
The Return of the Native The story is about a two women and their suitors. Eustacia is a passionate young woman who is a misfit in her culture. She yearns for a life outside her small village and schemes to leave by trying to marry a well-to-do man. The story features another man named Diggory Venn. He’s handsome and travels the countryside marking farmers’ flocks with red dye. Venn is in love with a woman named Thomasin. His love is so unselfish that he helps Thomasin marry someone else. In the end, he gets the girl of his dreams.
Robert Burns Scottish Poet, lived 1759-1796 Wrote the poem “Auld Lang Syne” which is sung on New Year’s Eve. His poem “To a Mouse” was the inspiration for the title of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. His poem “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye” was featured in The Catcher in the Rye.
Comin’ Through the Rye • O, Jenny's a' weet,[A] poor body,Jenny's seldom dry:She draigl't[B] a' her petticoatie,Comin thro' the rye!Chorus:Comin thro' the rye, poor body,Comin thro' the rye,She draigl't a' her petticoatie,Comin thro' the rye!Gin a body meet a bodyComin thro' the rye,Gin a body kiss a body,Need a body cry?(chorus)Gin a body meet a bodyComin thro' the glen,Gin a body kiss a body,Need the warl'[C] ken?[D] • (chorus)Gin a body meet a bodyComin thro' the grain;Gin a body kiss a body,The thing's a body's ain.(chorus)Ev'ry Lassie has her laddie,Nane, they say, have I,Yet all the lads they smile on me,When comin' thro' the rye. • Aweet - wet • Bdraigl't - dragged • Cwarl - world • D ken - know
The movies can ruin you Holden hates the movies. He says his brother sold out to them and claims movies will ruin you. Why does Holden dislike movies so much? Are movies a reflection of society or a force that influences society to change for better or worse? Explain.
Hypodermic Needle Theory The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. The mass media in the 1940s and 1950s were perceived as a powerful influence on behavior change.
Several factors contributed to this "strong effects" theory of communication, including: • - the fast rise and popularization of radio and television • - the emergence of the persuasion industries, such as advertising and propaganda • - the Payne Fund studies of the 1930s, which focused on the impact of motion pictures on children, and • - Hitler's monopolization of the mass media during WWII to unify the German public behind the Nazi party
Today Two-step flow theory- Hollywood, or media conglomerates, may decide what is on television, but citizens have the choice in the behaviors they adopt for themselves.
Here’s the Irony The Catcher in the Rye has not always been welcome in school curriculums. People feared that allowing teens to read the book would in turn make them act like Caulfield. Mark David Chapman, the man who shot John Lennon had the book inside his jacket with a message inscribed. Other assassins have copied this act.
Literary Terms Dynamic characters- Experience change through out the plot of the story. Static characters- Do not experience any change through out the story.
Literary Terms Round character- has many aspects to his/her personality. Flat character- one defined by only a few qualities
Developing Character Choose a character from the book, not Holden, and create a t-shirt for that character. Your design should help visually develop that character into a more round character. Be sure to provide evidence from the book for your design inspiration.
Key Points for Discussion Intelligence Phonies Beliefs/Values Lying Sentiment Conformity Maturity/immaturity
What is the Catcher in the Rye? What does this mean to Holden?
Map http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/01/28/nyregion/20100128-salinger-map.html
Audio http://www.shmoop.com/catcher-in-the-rye/botw/resources?d=%20http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18225406%20
Contradictions • In Chapter 18, Holden mentions a series of contradictions that he is incapable of understanding. These include: • Girls who feel sorry for jerks, but not decent guys. • D.B. hated the army but loves Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms. • How people go all out with costume and pageantry to celebrate Jesus when Jesus preached the opposite.
Character Development • Carl Luce • Phoebe • James Castle • WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE IMPORTANT TO THE STORY?
Foreshadowing Suggests something that might happen later in the story. Explain the foreshadowing that occurs in the story.
The Plot Thickens • Holden finally reveals some details about: • Allie • Pencey Prep • His career choices • How do these details create conflict?
Reports v. Reviews Book reports summarize the content. Book reviews offer the writer’s commentary.
Book Review Introduction Identify the author and title Specify the genre Mention the theme Adapted from LEO online writing guidelines.
Book Review Main Points • Main Point #1- • Summarize the book. Include paraphrases and quotations while introducing the storyline. Don’t give away the entire story.
Book Review Main Points Main Point #2- Provide your reactions to the book by describing the actions in the story, explore major themes/issues, relate the work to other works or significant experiences.
Book Review Conclusion Close with a direct comment on the book, and tie together issues raised in the review. Briefly restate your main points and your thesis statement. Offer advice for potential readers.
Next Time Finish the book. Write a book review following the format we just studied. It may be typed or neatly handwritten.
That’s All Folks Who’s Mr. Antolini? Why does Holden like Antolini? Why was Holden so afraid of falling? What bothers Holden so much about inappropriate words? What was Phoebe wearing? How is this symbolic?
That’s All Folks Why does Holden decide to stay? What does the carousel symbolize? What does the rain symbolize? Where is Holden at the end of the book? Why does he miss everyone?
2-Part Response Analysis- Pick one and write and essay with a works cited page. See the rubric. Worth 60 points. Application- Pick one and conduct any necessary research. Use the handouts and ask questions. Worth 30 points. Today- points will be given for staying on task and developing your ideas.