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Teme deschise SINTAX Ă. Principale direcții - 1. 1955-1964 Transformational Grammars K . Johnson (2004). Introduction to Transformational Grammar . University of Massachusetts at Amherst .
Principale direcții - 1 1955-1964 TransformationalGrammars K. Johnson (2004). IntroductiontoTransformationalGrammar. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 1978 Metamorphosis Grammars - A. Colmerauer (Alain Colmerauer , Metamorphosis grammars, in L. Bolc editors, Natural Language Communication with Computers , pp. 133-189, Berlin , 1978) 1979 Functional Grammars - Martin Kay. 1979. Functional grammar. In Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, pages 142--158, Berkeley, CA. 1980 Government & Binding - Noam Chomsky. (1981). Lectures on Government and Binding. Foris, Dordrecht.; (1982). Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding. MIT Press. 1980 Definite Clause Grammars - Pereira, F.C.N. and Warren, D.H.D. (1980) Definite clause grammars for language analysis - a survey of the formalism and a comparison with augmented transition networks. Artificial Intelligence 13, 231-278.
Principale direcții - 2 1981 Discourse Grammars - A. Joshi, B. Webber, and I. Sag (Eds.), Elements of Discourse Understanding. Cambridge: CUP. 1982 Lexical Functional Grammars - J. Bresnan, R. Kaplan (1982) Lexical functional grammar: a formal system for grammatical representation. In J. Bresnan, editor, The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations, pages 173--281. 1983 Functional Unification Grammars - Martin Kay (1983). Unification grammar. Technical report, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA. 1984 Tree Adjoined Grammars - A. K. Joshi. (1985). An Introduction to Tree Adjoining Grammars. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Technical Report MS-CIS-86-64, Univ. of Pennsylvania. seeXTAG project 1985 GPSG - Gazdar, G.; Klein, E.; Pullum, G.; and Sag, I. (1985).Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar. Basil Blackwell.
Principale direcții - 3 1986 PATR - L. Karttunen. (1986). D-PATR: A development environment for unification-based grammars. Technical Report CSLI-86-61, PC-PATR: A unification-basedsyntactic parser 1987HPSG Head Phrase Structure Grammars - C.Pollard, I.Sag (1987). Information-based syntax and semantics, volume 1: Fundamentals of CSLI Lecture Notes. Stanford. 1988Categorial Grammars: PalchardOehrle and Edmond Bach, editors, (1988). Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures, D. Reidel 1994Revised Theory on HPSG - Pollard, C.; Sag, I. (1994). Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. CSLI Lecture Notes Series, Chicago 1997FunctionalDependencyGrammars– T. Järvinen P. Tapanainen (1997). A dependency parser for English. Technical Report no. TR-1, Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, Finland