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INDUSTRY SKILLS PROGRAM “The VET Pathway” ACS Career Advisors Conference 10 August 2011

INDUSTRY SKILLS PROGRAM “The VET Pathway” ACS Career Advisors Conference 10 August 2011. Old SACE. Trade. TAFE. Industry. Technical. School. University. Professional. New SACE. Industry. RTO. Trade. School. Technical. Professiona l. University.

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INDUSTRY SKILLS PROGRAM “The VET Pathway” ACS Career Advisors Conference 10 August 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INDUSTRY SKILLS PROGRAM “The VET Pathway” ACS Career Advisors Conference 10 August 2011

  2. Old SACE Trade TAFE Industry Technical School University Professional

  3. New SACE Industry RTO Trade School Technical Professional University

  4. Statistics Informing the VET focus • COAG Melbourne Declaration- 90% of students Year 12 or Cert II • 10% increase in Educational level = 4 % increase in GDP • By 2015 – 162,000 job vacancies in SA – 74,000 new jobs • 100,000 training places in SA under Skills For All • 20,000 under supply of qualifications in SA by 2015

  5. The importance and opportunities for students on VET pathways is now accepted and understood. National and State targets require strategies to • Increase retention • Increase achievement of SACE – or equivalent • Accredit substantial VET pathways within the SACE • Validate VET with Work Placement • Incorporate Work Placement within the SACE

  6. ASBA School Industry PLP Case Manage UNI Qualification VET Qualification SACE / IPP / TTC ASBA / VET / SWL

  7. Putting the pieces together Industry Skills Program • Industry Skills Managers • Establish VET Curriculum pathways in schools – IPP • Structural change within schools and across regions • Curriculum Managers • Develop and support curriculum -IPPs Trade Training Centre • Facility to enable delivery of • higher level VET in school • More engaging, Industry relevant training for Middle School Trade School • Apprentice Brokers • Students into ASBAs • Assistant Principals • School Structural support for students on ASBAs VET Coordinator Malcolm Hughes Industry Skills Program

  8. What is an IPP ? Comprises an industry relevant and industry ‘endorsed’ set of learning strategies and career resources Provides credit towards the new SACE: literacy; numeracy; Personal Learning Plan (PLP), Research Project; subjects and courses Includes nationally accredited VET competencies that provide credit towards a recognised AQF qualification (at Certificate III level and above) Articulates into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education or training, and direct entry level employment Automotive Business Services Civil Construction Community Services Construction Digital Media Electrotechnology Engineering Food Processing Health Manufacturing Technology Plumbing Primary Industries

  9. School Delivery (under VISA) Training Pathway ASBA Purchased From RTO Training Pathway Training Guarantee * VET Qualification Cert 3 or above Industry Pathways Programs

  10. Training Pathway School Delivery School Based Apprenticeship Apprentice Brokers Contract of Training Employment TC PLP ASBA RTO - Auspice In School Delivery Class groups Regional class Trade Training Centre Largely Cert 1,2 Staff Qualifications Industry Skills Program ETP Purchased Industry Pathway Programs Training Guarantee RTO Purchase Agreement Off site or in TTC Program or delivery Class groups Regional class Trade Training Centre Largely Cert 2 Funding support for Stage 2 Skills For All Training Guarantee Largely Cert 2, 3 >16 years Education and Training Plan 140 hours of Work Placement Guarantee to complete cert 3 at Non Trade Case managed by school

  11. Qualification list prescribed by DFEEST • Guarantee entry to complete Cert III (non trade) – If SACE • Phase 1 • TAFE only provider • July 2011 – July 2012 • Phase 2 • Other RTO -Prescribed by DFEEST • Contact - ISM Skills for All Training Guarantee • DFEEST Scheme • At least 16 years of age • Substantial VET pathway • Identified pathway • Previous VET • Work Placement • At least 30 Credits of SACE • 140 hours Work Placement • Case Management by School • Education and Training Plan

  12. Regions and schools are making commitments Host School / Home school responsibilities • Timetable • Funding – enrolment or cash transfer • Flexible Delivery • On-line delivery – Video Conference, Moodle etc “VET programs are part of the learning entitlement of all students, and students should have equitable access to programs that are part of their identified career pathway and SACE program” “That students are not disadvantaged by enrolling in a VET program, ASBA or other external program” But what does this mean?

  13. Consider the student on a VET Pathway Stage 1 100 SACE Credits Maths (10) English (20) Subject (20) Subject (10) Workplace Practices (20) VET VET (40) – 1 day pw Part time Work – 1 day pw Stage 2 90 SACE Credits Research Project (10) Subject (20) Subject (20) Workplace Practices (20) SACE MER VET qualification Training Subsidy Why Workplace Practices? • Validates the VET • Credits work placement into the SACE • TAS Subject • “buys” Case Management time • Flexible contact time • Can be 10 – 40 credits • Allows extra VET in less than 70 hour block More VET / Less school contact is possible

  14. Questions: How would our secondary school structures be different if we could re-establish them starting from the understanding that students would not be disadvantaged by being on pathways incorporating at least 1 day out of the school? How do we build structures for career development and case management?

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