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Evlogimenos ( Eulogimenoc ) (Palm Sunday). Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord; again in the Name of the Lord. Eulogimenoc `o er,omenoc en ` onomati kuriou @ palin en ` onomati kuriou . Evlogi-menos , o erkho-menos en onomati kereio , palin en onomati kereio.
Evlogimenos (Eulogimenoc) (Palm Sunday)
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord; again in the Name of the Lord. Eulogimenoc `o er,omenoc en `onomatikuriou@ palin en `onomatikuriou. Evlogi-menos, o erkho-menos en onomatikereio, palin en onomatikereio.
Hosanna to the Son of David; again to the Son of David. Wcannatw `ui`wDauid@ palintw `ui`wDauid. O-sana to eioDaveed, palin to eioDaveed.
Hosanna in the highest; again in the highest. Wcanna en tic `u'ictic@ palin en tic `u'ictic.Hosanna in the highest; again in the highest. O-sana en tees ep-sistes, palin en tees ep-sistes.
Hosanna to the King of Israel; again to the King of Israel . WcannabacilitouIcrayl@ palinbacilitouIcrayl. O-sanava-sili too Esraeel, palinva-sili too Esraeel
Let us praise saying:Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory be to our God, and glory be to our God. Tener'alinenjw `mmoc@Allyloui`a =a=l =a=l pi`wouvaPennou] pepalinpi`wouvaPennou] pe. Ten-erep-salinengoemmos:Alleloia, alleloia, alleloia. Pi-o-oofa Pen-notipe, palin pi-o-oofa Pen-notipe.