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Alabama’s Professional Development Management System. http://pdweb.alsde.edu. What is STIPD?.
Alabama’s Professional Development Management System http://pdweb.alsde.edu
What is STIPD? STIPD is an all-inclusive web-based management solution that organizes and streamlines the management of employee training and the course enrollment process throughout your school, district, or state.
How can it help teachers? • STIPD allows staff to register for courses anytime, anywhere they have Internet access. • Staff can also evaluate course and instructor effectiveness, track credentials, PD hours, and progress at an individualized level or across the district population.
How can it help administrators? • STIPD tracks the complete professional history of each employee in your system. • It helps manage the staff development process of certified and uncertified teachers, administrators, and classified personnel. • Administrators can use it to track credential status and monitor each individual’s performance.
Access • You must be employed with an Alabama public school system to access the system. • It is web-based, so you can access it from home, school or anywhere you have an Internet connection.
Getting Started • Log into the STIPD system online athttp://pdweb.alsde.edu • Your USER NAME is the first letter of your first name as shown by payroll followed by the first letter of your last name as shown by payroll followed by the last six digits of your social security number with no spaces. For example, John Doe would enter jd123456. • Your PASSWORD is your date of birth with dashes using two digits for each. For example, if you were born on January 3, 1975, you would enter 01-03-75. • Select your LEA (Local Education Agency) from the drop-down list.
Updating your personal info • Under the Home tab at the top of the screen, click on My Profile. Make sure that all information in the following categories is current. • Login Name and Password • Contact Information • Employment Information • Then save the updated file by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page labeled Update Now.
Change your login name and password to something you will remember • Be sure your email address and contact phone are correct • Verify your employment information – school, hire date, certification, etc.
Searching for PD Titles • Click on the PD Titles tab located at the top of the screen. This will open up the PD Titles screen. • Click the Search the PD Titles Catalog link. This will bring up the search screen. • Enter your search criteria in the data fields provided and click the Search Now button to proceed with the search. • To view all PD Titles, leave the data fields blank. • The search parameters may also be narrowed by checking the applicable boxes, i.e., content and/or grade level. • All PD Titles matching your search criteria will be displayed. • To view details of a session schedule or to enroll, click on VIEW SCHEDULE (List or Calendar) link.
Viewing Session Offerings • Under the PD Titles tab at the top of the screen, click View Session Offerings. • You can view available trainings either in a LIST or CALENDAR view. • To view only sessions being offered by your school system, click the button in front of My LEA Only. To see regional offerings, click My Region Only and to see offerings statewide, click All LEAs • On the Calendar View, you can enter the date(s) for which you want to see offerings.
Enrolling in sessions • When you click on the title of a session in which you wish to enroll, you will see a detailed information screen. • To enroll in a specific session, click the ENROLL NOW button. • If a substitute is needed, check the box for the day(s) he/she it required. • Click YES to confirm your enrollment.
IMPORTANT Be sure to withdraw from any sessions that you will be unable to attend. Otherwise, that training will show on your record as having Never Showed Up.
Viewing training history • Under the Home tab at the top of the screen, click My History. • The MyTraining History screen outlines the dates, names and locations of your training sessions. In addition, your proficiency level, attendance, points, credits and status for each session are provided. • To filter your history by date range, enter the desired dates in the Start Date and End Date fields and then click the Filter by Date Range button. (You may leave one or both fields empty). • You can print this like a transcript for documentation with the Printable View button.
Pending outside trainings must be verified and approved by your LEA’s chosen representative before they are added to your actual training history totals.
Submitting training for approval • You may view and submit new training items for approval. • Click submit new training history item for approval to add items to be approved for your history. • Enter the required information for training: • Type • Date • Title • Notes • Hours • Click the Add link to add the record. Note: These additional sessions will be added as pending approval items from your manager.