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Jeremiah . Minnie’s Chapel Wesleyan Church 8-28-2013. Jeremiah.
Jeremiah Minnie’s Chapel Wesleyan Church 8-28-2013
Jeremiah • The book of Jeremiah was written by the prophet whose name the book bears (1:1). He was a priest from the village of Anathoth in Benjamin just a few miles northeast of Jerusalem. Jeremiah's prophecies were written down by Baruch, his scribe (36:4,27-28,32). • “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.
History of Jeremiah • More is known of the life of Jeremiah than of any other literary prophet. He began prophesying in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Josiah in 627 B.C., when Jeremiah was a youth (1:6). • He prophesied until after Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. His ministry lasted 50 years.
Jeremiah’s Opposition • The Jews opposed Jeremiah and his work from the very outset. First, the citizens of his native Anathoth tried to stop his work and even attempted to kill him (11:18-23). Even his kinsmen opposed him (12:6). Jeremiah later moved to Jerusalem, but he endured opposition there also. • When King Josiah died, Jeremiah lamented his death (2 Chron. 35:25).
Jeremiah’s Opposition • God’s personal message to Jeremiah, “Attack you they will, overcome you they can't, "was fulfilled many times in the Biblical narrative, Jeremiah was attacked by his own brothers, beaten and put into the stocks by a priest and false prophet,imprisoned by the king, threatened with death, thrown into a cistern by Judah’s officials, and opposed by a false prophet. • When Nebuchadnezzar seized Jerusalem in 586 BC, he ordered that Jeremiah be freed from prison and treated well
Jeremiahs’ Message • Jeremiah prophesied against Josiah's wicked successors: Jehoahaz (also called "Shallum") (22:11-17), Jehoiakim (22:18-19), and Jeconiah (i.e., Coniah or Jehoiachin) (22:24- • In the very year Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem, Jeremiah announced both his coming and the seventy year captivity of the Jews (25:1-14).
When Jeremiah again prophesied against Jerusalem, the king turned him over to the princes, who threw him into a dungeon, the bottom of which was filled with mud, into which Jeremiah sank (38:1-6). • Jeremiah would have died there, had he not been rescued by Ebed-Melech, an Ethiopian eunuch of the king's house (38:7-13).
About a year after King Josiah of Judah had turned the nation toward repentance from the widespread idolatrous practices of his father and grandfather. Jeremiah’s job was to reveal the sins of the people and explain the reason for the impending disaster (destruction by the Babylonian army and captivity), • “And when your people say, 'Why has the LORD our God done all these things to us?' you shall say to them, 'As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve foreigners in a land that is not yours
The linen belt: Jeremiah 13 • In this parable, the Lord asked Jeremiah to buy a belt and wear it around his waist for a time ensuring that it did not come in contact with water. Later, the Lord came to Jeremiah again and then asked him to take the belt to Perath and to hide it in a rock crevice. • Several days later he was asked to return to where he hid the belt and retrieve it. When Jeremiah did so, the belt was completely ruined and useless. Just as a belt is bound around the waist, God had bound the people of Israel to his covenant. • The ruining of the belt was to be like the ruining of Judah and Jerusalem’s pride. Its uselessness is as useless as the gods they served and worshiped.
Wineskins: Jeremiah 13:12-24 • In Jeremiah's ministry, he declared that God had likened the filling of wineskins to filling with drunkenness all who lived in the land of Israel, including the kings who sat on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets and all those in Jerusalem. • Then it was proclaimed that God would smash them one against the other, both parents and children, and they were not to be interceded for with pity, mercy nor compassion. God was so angry over their sins, that he says that even if Moses and Samuel were to intercede for the people, he would not relent
The potter: Jeremiah 18 • While at the potter's house, Jeremiah watched a craftsman shaping a bowl from clay on the wheel. When it became marred in his hands, the potter then reshaped it into another bowl that suited best. • This is how God wanted Jeremiah to envision the reshaping of Israel.(Jeremiah 18:1-6).
Islamic views • As with many other prophets of the Hebrew Bible, Jeremiah is also regarded as a prophet in Islam by many Muslims. Jeremiah is not mentioned in the Qur'an, but Muslim exegesis and literaturenarrates many instances from the life of Jeremiah and tradition fleshes out his narrative. • Muslim literature narrates a detailed account of the destruction of Jerusalem, which parallels the account given in the Book of Jeremiah.