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Embedding Standards. Dr. Peter Littig, DEKRA Akademie Gerald Thiel, DEKRA Akademie. Partnership. LEONARDO-Partners :
Embedding Standards Dr. Peter Littig, DEKRA AkademieGerald Thiel, DEKRA Akademie
Partnership LEONARDO-Partners: • DEKRA-Akademie (Koordinator, DE); Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien (AT); Bundesverband der Digitalen Wirtschaft (BVDW, DE); Fachhochschule Osnabrück (DE); MMB – Institut für Medien- und Kompetenzforschung, Essen (DE); Asociación Española de Empresas de Multimedia (ASEDEM, ES); Indra S.A., Madrid (ES); Association Multimedia Emploi, Bordeaux (FR); South-East European Research Center (SEERC), Thessaloniki (GR); Security Technologies Competence Centre (SETCCE), Ljubljana (SI); Fastrak Consulting, Brighton (UK); National Institute for Vocational Education (NIVE), Budapest (HU); Prompt, Gödöllö (HU) Corresponding Partners: • KIBNET/BITKOM (DE); Association SwissMedia (CH) Subcontractor: • E-Skills UK (UK)
Overall Objective Contribute to overcome the „standardisation-divide“ in Europe by developing and piloting sector-oriented qualification approaches
A Reference Point of Project Work: EQF Source: DG Education and Culture
A Reference Point of Project Work: ECVET • Common rules about European credit points will be fixed by a convention at European level. • National authoritieswill fix the number of credit points to be allocated to a qualification and allocate the credit points to each unit according to the relative importance of the volume of the learning activities for the training pathway of reference. • Credit points are characterized by a EQF level, normally the level where the qualification is assigned to. • In case that a unit is different to the level of qualification it belongs to, the corresponding points have the same level as these units.
Embedding Standards: Tasks • Identify a grid existing ICT/multimedia profiles and curricula should be measured against • Define reference profiles and qualifications • Define smallest assessable units • Assign credit points to units • Define modules and learn paths • Carry out and evaluate training, thereby creating Zones of Mutual Trust
1. Identified grid/reference points • Grid had to be defined by ongoing developments at European level • Most important reference points were • European Qualification Framework (EQF) • European Credit for VET (ECVET) • European e-Skills Meta-Framework • Further reference points were - E-Skills Metaframework (competence –oriented sector framework)- National systems as the British Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) and the German Advanced IT-Training System (AITTS)
2. Selected profiles (1) Criteria: • Comparable profilesavailablein most partner states • Training providers being members of the partnership can carry out training related to those profiles • Preliminary work results were already available:Profiles are subdivided in work elements
2. Selected profiles (2) Results: • IT Project Coordinator (taken from the AITTS) • IT Security Coordinator (taken from the AITTS) • Web Content Specialist (taken from a previous LEONARDO project)
3. Defined smallest units Smallest units have been identified by using the descriptions of AITTS and Web-Content-Specialist
4. Describedunits in terms of KSC … • Three job descriptions are now available related to the KSC descriptors of SFIA, but also in EQF terms. • Derived from those, two qualifications have already been designed, structured in a way that enables ECVETapplication.
5. Carried out virtual transnational training • Virtual transnational training was carried out for the - Web Content Specialist- IT Project Coordinator • In addition, a (real) transnational 1-day IT Project Coordinator crash course took place. • Evaluation has been carried out; in principle, results are positive.
Memorandum of Understanding Nature and Status of Sending/Receiving Institutions Equivalence of the Learning Experience Reference Levels Units of Learning Nature of Learning Process Job Profile Units and Credits/Credit Points National Conventions Credit Profiling Validation/Recognition Agreement
What has been done additionally • Two modules of the Italian TecnicoSuperiore per la Comunicazione ed il Multimediafrom the Italian vocational training system IFTS have been designed as enrichment of the Web Content Specialist curriculum,following the procedure applied within Embedding Standards (assignment of EQF descriptors) • Thus replenished, the curriculum has been used as ICT sector case study within the European study ECVET Connexion.
Main lessons learnt • A common understanding of job profiles is crucial for enabling transnational training • If job profiles are described in work elementsfrom whichcompetences can be derived, to be defined aslearning outcomeswithin curricula, this common understanding is easily achievable among experts despite their national educational tradition. • Under these conditions, instruments like ECVET are assignable totransnational curricula, whatever the concrete design of the credit transfer system might be.
End Users Target Groups Advisory Board (Stakeholders) Training providers Learners recruits trains supports advises & supports advises evaluates VTP activities Virtual Training Portal(VTP) delivers instruments for VTP activities ZMT Promotion Unit Active Units analyses EQF/ECVET development environment monitors and structures activities and collaboration of units Steering Committee chooses Juridically Defined Body Future Formal Basis
For more information http://www.embedding-standards.com Thank you for your attention!