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A Day in the Life of a First Grader

A Day in the Life of a First Grader. 2012-2013. Meet Miss Dubach. Grew up in Berne, IN (population 4,000) This is my 11 th year at Cherry Tree Elementary (14 th year overall in education) I have taught 1 st , 2 nd , 4 th , and 5 th grades

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A Day in the Life of a First Grader

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Day in the Life of a First Grader 2012-2013

  2. Meet Miss Dubach • Grew up in Berne, IN (population 4,000) • This is my 11th year at Cherry Tree Elementary (14th year overall in education) • I have taught 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th grades • I have 3 classes of students, including my 1stgraders from student teaching, who are now juniors in college (yikes!) • I enjoy reading, running, and spending time with friends and family

  3. Community Circle Why do we do community circle? • Allows students an opportunity to get to know each other • It builds a sense of community • Helps promote communication skills • Gives opportunities to teach the character trait of the month and various academic standards

  4. Daily 5 Why do we do Daily 5? • Allows student choice • Builds independent learning • Allows time for small group guided reading • Teaches students how to work together • Allows for individualized conferencing where students can set reading goals

  5. Guided Reading Why do we do guided reading? • Allows instruction to occur at student’s reading level • Smaller group allows more individualized attention • Allows students opportunities to practice various reading strategies and standards

  6. Shared Reading Why do we do shared reading? • To build knowledge of reading strategies • Covers all aspects of being a good reader (Fluency, Accuracy, Comprehension, Expanding Knowledge) • Allows students to move from guided practice to independent practice • Allows integration of science and social studies

  7. Word Work Why do we do word work? • Introduces students to spelling patterns • Gives students practice with high frequency words • Introduces grammar skills

  8. Writer’s Workshop Why do we do writer’s workshop? • Allows students to improve oral storytelling • Gives students the opportunity to add details to illustrations before writing their story • Allows for individualized conferencing where students can set writing goals

  9. Inquiry Why do we do inquiry? • Allows students to investigate a topic of interest to them • Students learn to work together towards a common goal • Students learn to ask questions and research to find the answers • Allows students to explore non-fiction resources • Introduces students to research process they will use in future years (i.e., PARCC Assessment)

  10. Math Why do we do Everyday Math? • To teach first grade math standards • Students use games to practice and reinforce math skills • Allows for teaching in small groups • Students become fluent in addition facts through the use of Otter Creek

  11. Homework Why do we do homework? • Allows students opportunity to practice math skills covered in class that day • Improves reading comprehension, accuracy, and fluency when practicing with an adult • Mastery of reading and writing 1st grade high frequency words

  12. Reading Log

  13. Behavior Why do we have a behavior system? • Promotes doing the right thing and treating people right • Allows us to reward students who are doing the right thing • Patriot PATS (school-wide reward)

  14. Report Card • Standards Based Report Card • E-mailed home at the end of every grading period • Assessed based on the end of year target • SBRC.pdf

  15. Before You Leave • Write a note to your child that they will get tomorrow morning • Take the papers on your child’s desk • On the table: • Look at the books our class made last week • Sign up for volunteer opportunities • Take something from the Wish List • Find your child’s owl in the hallway

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