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Particle Physics. Kihyeon Cho 2011.3.14 *Transparency from Prof. Young-Kee Kim. What is the world made of? What holds the world together? Where did we come from?. Tools ?. the smallest things in the world interactions (forces) between them the Universe’s past, present, and future.
Particle Physics Kihyeon Cho 2011.3.14 *Transparency from Prof. Young-Kee Kim
What is the world made of? What holds the world together? Where did we come from? Tools ? the smallest things in the world interactions (forces) between them the Universe’s past, present, and future Particle Physics: physics where small and big things meet, inner and outer space meet
Many generations of Accelerators created with higher and higher energy and intensity beams 1930 Fermilab Chicago ~2000 Scientists Fermilab experiments using accelerators > 2 publications every week ~2 Ph.D.s every week Ernest Lawrence (1901 - 1958) x104 bigger x106 higher energy, higher intensity beam
(proton mass = = ~1GeV/c2 ) top quark Z gluons W b . . nt t nm c c
The triumphs……… • The present theory is a remarkable intellectual construction • Particle experiments done at the laboratory beautifully fits in this framework Quarks Force Carriers Leptons Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
……………. and the mysteries • Neutrino oscillations • 2002 Nobel Prize in Physics (Davis + Koshiba) • What are neutrinos telling us? • Mass • Mixing parameters • Ani-neutrinos • Matter-antimatter asymmetry Quarks Force Carriers Leptons Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
……………. and the mysteries • Why are there so many kinds of elementary particles? • Why are there three families of quarks and leptons? Quarks Force Carriers Leptons Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
……………. and the mysteries • What is the origin of mass for elementary particles? Quarks Force Carriers H Leptons Higgs yet to be discovered Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
“Mechanism of Symmetry Breaking” 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics Nambu(U. Chicago) Kobayashi(KEK) – Maskawa(Kyoto U) Fermilab gate “Broken Symmetry” Wilson Hall
……………. and the mysteries • Will charged leptons change from one kind to another? Quarks Force Carriers m e t Leptons Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
……………. and the mysteries • Do forces become one? • Do protons decay? • Are there extra dimensions of space? Quarks Force Carriers Leptons Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
……………. and the mysteries • Are there new symmetries? Quarks Force Carriers Leptons Pier Oddone, DOE SC Planning, April 29, 2009
……………. and the mysteries • Where did all antimatter go?
……………. and the mysteries • What is dark matter? • It is everywhere, it is five times more abundant than matter. • We have strong suspicions of what it is Galaxies are spinning too fast to be held together by gravity of the stars
……………. and the mysteries • Not only is the universe expanding, it is accelerating. • What is dark energy? Not a clue!
……………. and the mysteries • Was there a singularity at the big-bang or is it a cycling universe without a singularity?
What is the world made of? What holds the world together? Where did we come from? Primitive Thinker
21st Century Questions in Particle Physics • What is the origin of mass for fundamental particles? • Why are there so many kinds of particles? • Do all the forces become one? • Are there extra dimensions of space? • What are neutrinos telling us? • Do charged leptons change from one kind to another? • Do protons decay? • Are there undiscovered principles of nature: • new symmetries, new physical laws? • What happened to the antimatter? • What is dark matter? • How can we solve the mystery of dark energy? • How did the universe come to be? Tools ? Evolved Thinker
Energy Frontier Accelerators anti particle E particle E = Mc2
Intensity Frontier Accelerators E = Mc2 M high intensity particle beam Quantum Fluctuation
Intensity Frontier Accelerators E = Mc2 n M high intensity neutrino beam Seesaw
Dark Matter nuclear recoil Cosmic Frontier: Dark Matter Direct detection Indirect detection Cosmic Frontier Accelerators can produce dark matter in the laboratory and understand exactly what it is. Interplay: Energy – Intensity – Cosmic Frontiers Energy Frontier ~ c0 E Intensity Frontier
Cosmic Frontier: Dark Energy Telescopes (ground, space)
History of the Universe Accelerators: Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier E = Mc2
History of the Universe Accelerators: Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier Unification, New Symmetry Towards simple, elegant, complete theory
History of the Universe Accelerators: Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier One Force, Matter+Antimatter, Extra Dimension, New Symmetry, … Four Force, Matter, Origin of Mass, …
Particle Physics • Global enterprise • Many laboratories have changed missions. A few principle particle physics laboratories in the world • Important and healthy to maintain expertise, long term stability, and support in all three regions, and to engage the world wide community • More coordination and collaboration US Superbeam Strategy: Young-Kee Kim, Oct. 1-3, 2009
Energy Frontier: Colliders Fermilab CERN Tevatron LHC Lepton Collider (Technology, Site to be determined)
Intensity Frontier: Accelerator-Based Neutrinos Fermilab KEK CERN Fermilab CERN KEK Fermilab Soudan Mine CERN Gran Sasso KEK Kamiokande 735 km 732 km 295 km 300 700 kW 30 100 kW 750 kW Future: longer distance (>1200km) & higher power (~2MW)
Intensity Frontier: Reactor Neutrinos RENO Daya Bay Double Chooz
Intensity Frontier: Muon, Kaon, Charm, Bottom PSI IHEP Frascatti Fermilab CERN KEK
Cosmic Frontier: Direct Dark Matter Searches Existing and Potential Underground Laboratories for neutrinos, proton decay & dark matter searches America Europe Asia Y2L
US Particle Physics Today • National Laboratories • Fermilab • Single mission – particle physics • Other laboratories: SLAC, BNL, LBNL, ANL, LANL, … • Multi missions including particle physics • Particle physics is not the primary mission • Universities • We need to maintain expertise and uniqueness in laboratories and universities
Fermilab Current Activities and Future Plan
1900 employees 2300 users (~1/2 from abroad) 6800 acres, park-like site Fermilab today A herd of American bison, symbolizing Fermillab’s presence on the frontiers of particle physics and the connection to its prairie origins
Fermilab Programs at Three Frontiers (Today) Hadron Colliders: Tevatron LHC Dark Matter Dark Energy UHE Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Supernova Neutrinos http://www.fnal.gov/pub/science/frontiers/
Fermilab Programs at Three Frontiers (Future) Hadron Colliders: LHC Dark Matter Dark Energy UHE Cosmic Rays New Initiatives Neutrinos Muons Supernova Neutrinos http://www.fnal.gov/pub/science/frontiers/
Fermilab Programs at Three Frontiers (Future) Lepton Colliders: Sub-TeV: ILC Multi-TeV: m Collider (CLIC) Hadron Colliders: LHC Project X: Neutrinos Muons Kaons Nuclear Physics Neutrino Factory Dark Matter Dark Energy New Initiatives Supernova Neutrinos http://www.fnal.gov/pub/science/frontiers/
Tour of Accelerator Complex at Fermilab
Antiproton Recycler Main Injector
Add Antiproton line Reduce the CDF vertical size to match D0 Tevatron: CDF & DZero Tevatron CDF and DZero CDF CDF DZero DZero
n’s from Main Injector MINOS 735 km 300 kW
n’s from Booster MiniBooNE 735 km 300 kW
Beam for Detector Development 735 km 300 kW