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CP violation searches with Neutrino Factories and Beta Beams. Neutrinos in Particle, in Nuclear and in Astrophysics Trento, Italy November 20, 2008 Walter Winter Universität Würzburg. TexPoint fonts used in EMF: A A A A A A A A. Contents. Motivation from theory CPV Phenomenology
CP violation searches with Neutrino Factories and Beta Beams Neutrinos in Particle, in Nuclear and in Astrophysics Trento, Italy November 20, 2008Walter Winter Universität Würzburg TexPoint fonts used in EMF: AAAAAAAA
Contents • Motivation from theory • CPV Phenomenology • CP precision measurement • CPV from non-standard physics • Summary
Where does CPV enter? • Example: Type I seesaw (heavy SM singlets Nc) Could also be type-II, III seesaw,radiative generation of neutrino mass, etc. Block-diag. Primary source of CPV(depends BSM theory) Charged leptonmass terms Eff. neutrinomass terms Effective source of CPV(only sectorial origin relevant) Observable CPV(completely model-indep.) CC
Connection to measurement • From the measurement point of view:It makes sense to discuss only observable CPV(because anything else is model-dependent!) • At high E (type I-seesaw): 9 (MR)+18 (MD)+18 (Ml) = 45 parameters • At low E: 6 (masses) + 3 (mixing angles) + 3 (phases) = 12 parameters LBL accessible CPV: dIf UPMNS real CP conserved CPV in 0nbb decay Extremely difficult! (Pascoli, Petcov, Rodejohann, hep-ph/0209059) There is no specific connectionbetween low- and high-E CPV! But: that‘s not true for special (restrictive) assumptions!
Why is CPV interesting? • Leptogenesis:CPV from Ncdecays • If special assumptions(such as hier. MR,NH light neutrinos, …)it is possible that dCPis the only source ofCPV for leptogensis! (Nc)i (Nc)i ~ MD(in basis where Ml and MR diagonal) Different curves:different assumptions for q13, … (Pascoli, Petcov, Riotto, hep-ph/0611338)
How well do we need to measure? • We need generic argumentsExample: Parameter space scan for eff. 3x3 case (QLC-type assumptions, arbitrary phases, arbitrary Ml)The QLC-type assumptions lead to deviations O(qC) ~ 13 • Can also be seen in sum rules for certain assumptions, such as(F: model parameter) • This talk: Want Cabibbo-angle order precision for dCP! (arXiv:0709.2163) (Niehage, Winter, arXiv:0804.1546)
Terminology • Any value of dCP(except for 0 and p)violates CP • Sensitivity to CPV:Exclude CP-conservingsolutions 0 and pfor any choiceof the other oscillationparameters in their allowed ranges
Measurement of CPV • Antineutrinos: • Magic baseline: • Silver: • Platinum, Superb.: (Cervera et al. 2000; Freund, Huber, Lindner, 2000; Huber, Winter, 2003; Akhmedov et al, 2004)
Degeneracies Iso-probability curves • CP asymmetry(vacuum) suggests the use of neutrinos and antineutrinos • One discrete deg.remains in (q13,d)-plane(Burguet-Castell et al, 2001) • Additional degeneracies: (Barger, Marfatia, Whisnant, 2001) • Sign-degeneracy (Minakata, Nunokawa, 2001) • Octant degeneracy (Fogli, Lisi, 1996) Neutrinos Antineutrinos Best-fit
Intrinsic vs. extrinsic CPV • The dilemma: Strong matter effects (high E, long L), but Earth matter violates CP • Intrinsic CPV (dCP) has to be disentangled from extrinsicCPV (from matter effects) • Example: p-transitFake sign-solutioncrosses CP conservingsolution • Typical ways out: • T-inverted channel?(e.g. beta beam+superbeam,platinum channel at NF, NF+SB) • Second (magic) baseline Critical range True dCP (violates CP maximally) NuFact, L=3000 km Degeneracy above 2s(excluded) Fit True (Huber, Lindner, Winter, hep-ph/0204352)
CPV discovery reach … in (true) sin22q13 and dCP Best performanceclose to max. CPV (dCP = p/2 or 3p/2) Sensitive region as a function of trueq13 anddCP dCP values now stacked for each q13 No CPV discovery ifdCP too close to 0 or p No CPV discovery forall values of dCP 3s Cabibbo-angleprecision for dCP ~ 85%!Fraction 80% (3s) corresponds to Cabibbo-angleprecision at 2sBENCHMARK! Read: If sin22q13=10-3, we expect a discovery for 80% of all values of dCP
CPV as a fct. of q13 • General structure: Signal • Even without systematics (NC, mis-ID, …): • For sin22q13 << a2 ~ 10-3 • Lose sensitivity with sin 2q13 • For sin22q13 >~ a2 ~ 10-3 • Sensitivity almost constant over wide range of q13
Optimization for CPV • Small q13:Optimize discovery reach in q13 direction • Large q13:Optimize discovery reach in (true) dCPdirection • What defines “small” vs “large q13”? A Double Chooz, Day Bay, T2K, … discovery? Optimization for large q13 Optimization for small q13
Large q13 strategy • Assume e.g. that Double Chooz discovers q13 • Minimum wish listeasy to define: • 5s independent confirmation of q13 > 0 • 3s mass hierarchy determination for any (true) dCP • 3s CP violation determination for 80% (true) dCP(~ 2s sensitvity to a Cabibbo angle-size CP violation) For any (true) q13 in 90% CL D-Chooz allowed range! • What is the minimal effort (minimal cost) for that? • NB: Such a minimum wish list is non-trivial for small q13 (arXiv:0804.4000; Sim. from hep-ph/0601266; 1.5 yr far det. + 1.5 yr both det.)
Beta beam concept… originally proposed for CERN (CERN layout; Bouchez, Lindroos, Mezzetto, 2003; Lindroos, 2003; Mezzetto, 2003; Autin et al, 2003) (Zucchelli, 2002) • Key figure (any beta beam):Useful ion decays/year? • Often used “standard values”:3 10186He decays/year1 101818Ne decays/year • Typical g ~ 100 – 150 (for CERN SPS) More recent modifications: • Higher g(Burguet-Castell et al, hep-ph/0312068) • Different isotope pairs leading to higher neutrino energies (same g) (http://ie.lbl.gov/toi) (C. Rubbia, et al, 2006)
Example: Minimal beta beam (arXiv:0804.4000) • Minimal effort = • One baseline only • Minimal g • Minimal luminosity • Any L (green-field!) • Example: Optimize L-g for fixed Lumi: • CPV constrains minimal g • g as large as 350 may not even be necessary!(see hep-ph/0503021) • CERN-SPS good enough? Sensitivity for entire Double Chooz allowed range! 5yr x 1.1 1018 Ne and 5yr x 2.9 1018 He useful decays
Example: low-E NuFact • A low-E NuFact performs similarly • Combination with platinumchannel or superbeam may help 3s Benchmark: 80% (from: Huber, Winter, arXiv:0706.2862; also: Geer, Mena, Pascoli, hep-ph/0701258; Bross et al, arXiv:0708.3889)
Small q13 strategyExample: Beta beams • Assume that Double Chooz … do not find q13 • Example: Beta beam in q13-direction (for max. CPV) • „Minimal effort“ is a matter of cost! LSF ~ 2 50 kt MIDL=400 km (LSF) (Huber et al, hep-ph/0506237) (Agarwalla et al, arXiv:0802.3621)
Neutrino factory:International design study (Geer, 1997; de Rujula, Gavela, Hernandez, 1998; Cervera et al, 2000) IDS-NF: • Initiative from ~ 2007-2012 to present a design report, schedule, cost estimate, risk assessment for a neutrino factory • In Europe: Close connection to „Euronus“ proposal within the FP 07 • In the US: „Muon collider task force“ Signal prop. sin22q13 Contamination Muons decay in straight sections of a storage ring ISS
IDS-NF baseline setup 1.0 • Two decay rings • Em=25 GeV • 5x1020 useful muon decays per baseline(both polarities!) • Two baselines:~4000 + 7500 km • Two MIND, 50kt each • Currently: MECC at shorter baseline (https://www.ids-nf.org/)
CPV physics potential 3s • Excellent q13, MH, CPV discovery reaches (IDS-NF, 2007) • Robust optimum for ~ 4000 + 7500 km • Optimization even robust under non-standard physics(dashed curves) (Kopp, Ota, Winter, arXiv:0804.2261)
Experiment comparison • The sensitivities are expected to lie somewhere between the limiting curves • Example: IDS-NF baseline(~ dashed curve) (ISS physics WG report, arXiv:0810.4947, Fig. 105)
Why is that interesting? • Theoretical exampleLarge mixingsfrom CL and n sectors?Example: q23l = q12n = p/4, perturbations from CL sector(can be connected with textures)(Niehage, Winter, arXiv:0804.1546) • The value of dCP is interesting (even if there is no CPV) • Phenomenological exampleStaging scenarios: Build one baseline first, and then decide depending on the outcome • Is dCP in the „good“ (0 < dCP < p) or „evil“ (p < dCP < 2p) range?(signal for neutrinos ~ +sin dCP) dCPandoctantdiscriminatethese examples!
Performance indicator: CP coverage • Problem: dCP is a phase (cyclic) • Define CP coverage (CPC):Allowed range for dCP which fits a chosen true value • Depends on true q13 and true dCP • Range:0 < CPC <= 360 • Small CPC limit:Precision of dCP • Large CPC limit:360 - CPCis excluded range
CP pattern • Performance as a function of dCP (true) • Example: Staging.If 3000-4000 km baseline operates first, one can use this information to determine if a second baseline is needed Precision limit Exclusion limit (Huber, Lindner, Winter, hep-ph/0412199)
CPV from non-standard interactions • Example: non-standard interactions (NSI) in matter from effective four-fermion interactions: • Discovery potential for NSI-CPV in neutrino propagation at the NFEven if there is no CPV instandard oscillations, we mayfind CPV!But what are the requirements for a model to predict such large NSI? ~ current bound IDS-NF baseline 1.0 (arXiv:0808.3583) 3s
CPV discovery for large NSI • If both q13 and |eetm| large, the change to discover any CPV will be even larger: For > 95%of arbitrary choices of the phases • NB: NSI-CPV can also affect the production/detection of neutrinos(Gonzalez-Garcia et al, hep-ph/0105159; Fernandez-Martinez et al, hep-ph/0703098; Altarelli, Meloni, 0809.1041) IDS-NF baseline 1.0 (arXiv:0808.3583)
Models for large NSI? • Effective operator picture:Describes additions to the SM in a gauge-inv. way! • Example: NSI for TeV-scale new physicsd=6: ~ (100 GeV/1 TeV)2 ~ 10-2 compared to the SMd=8: ~ (100 GeV/1 TeV)4 ~ 10-4 compared to the SM • Current bounds, such as from CLFV: one cannot construct large (= observable) leptonic matter NSI with d=6 operators (except for ettm, maybe)(Bergmann, Grossman, Pierce, hep-ph/9909390; Antusch, Baumann, Fernandez-Martinez, arXiv:0807.1003; Gavela, Hernandez, Ota, Winter,arXiv:0809.3451) • Need d=8 effective operators! • Finding a model with large NSI is not trivial! n mass d=6, 8, 10, ...: NSI
Systematic analysis for d=8 Feynman diagrams Basis (Berezhiani, Rossi, 2001) • Decompose all d=8 leptonic operators systematically • The bounds on individual operators from non-unitarity, EWPD, etc are very strong! (Antusch, Baumann, Fernandez-Martinez, arXiv:0807.1003) • Need at least two mediator fields plus a number of cancellation conditions(Gavela, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, arXiv:0809.3451) Avoid CLFVat d=8:C1LEH=C3LEH Combinedifferentbasis elements C1LEH, C3LEH Canceld=8CLFV But these mediators cause d=6 effects Additional cancellation condition(Buchmüller/Wyler – basis)
Summary • The Dirac phase dCP is probably the only realistically observable CP phase in the lepton sector • Maybe the only observable CPV evidence for leptogenesis • This and f1, f2: the only completely model-inpendent parameterization of CPV • What precision do we want for it? Cabibbo-angle precision? Relates to fraction of „dCP“ ~ 80-85% • The perspectives for a measurement are best if q13 is not too small and not too large • For a BB or NF, the experiment optimization/choice depends on q13 large or small • Other interesting aspects in connection with CPV: CP precision measurement, NSI-CPV
Minimal beta beam at the CERN-SPS?(g fixed to maximum at SPS) (arXiv:0809.3890)
Appearance ratesNF Golden-SB appearance-NF Platinum • Ep chosen such that SB peaks at lower E • Platinum peaks at higher E (spectrum!) Golden Em=5 GeVL=1250 km 2.5 1021 useful muon decays (Huber, Winter, 2007)
Low-E Nufact optimization • Geer et al. choices are sufficiently close to optimum • NF-SB synergistic, better performance than NF alone • Our choices : L = 900 km, Em = 5 GeV and L=1250 km, Em=5 GeV(given the low energy ~ minimum effort constraint) Doubleluminosity! CP fraction for discovery (3s) , sin22q13=0.1 (Huber, Winter, 2007)