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Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Instruction Representation Arvind

Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Instruction Representation Arvind Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Single-Cycle SMIPS. Register File. PC. Execute. Decode. +4. Data Memory. Inst Memory.

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Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Instruction Representation Arvind

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  1. Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Instruction Representation Arvind Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Massachusetts Institute of Technology http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  2. Single-Cycle SMIPS Register File PC Execute Decode +4 Data Memory Inst Memory Datapath is shown only for convenience; it will be derived automatically from the high-level textual description http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  3. Decoding Instructions: extract fields needed for execution from each instruction decode 31:26 instType 31:26 aluFunc 5:0 instruction 31:26 branchComp Lot of pure combinational logic: will be derived automatically from the high-level description 20:16 rDst 15:11 25:21 rSrc1 20:16 rSrc2 15:0 imm ext 25:0 immValid http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  4. Decoding Instructions: input-output types decode 31:26 instType IType 31:26 aluFunc 5:0 Func instruction 31:26 branchComp Instr Type DecBundle BrType 20:16 rDst 15:11 Rindex Mux control logic not shown 25:21 rSrc1 Rindex 20:16 rSrc2 Rindex 15:0 imm ext 25:0 Bits#(32) immValid: Bool http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  5. Type defs typedefenum{RAlu, IALU, Ld, St, …} ITypederiving(Bits, Eq); typedefenum{Eq, Neq, Le, Lt, Ge, Gt, J, JR, N} BrTypederiving(Bits, Eq); typedefenum{Add, Sub, And, Or, Xor, Nor, Slt, Sltu, LShift, RShift, Sra} Funcderiving(Bits, Eq); http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  6. Instruction grouping • Many instructions have the same implementation except for the ALU function they invoke • We can group such instructions and reduce the amount of code we have to write • Example: R-Type ALU, I-Type ALU, Br Type, Memory Type, … http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  7. Decoding Instructions functionDecodedInstdecode(Bit#(32) inst, Addr pc); DecodedInstdInst = ?; letopcode = instrBits[ 31 : 26 ];letrs = instrBits[ 25 : 21 ];letrt = instrBits[ 20 : 16 ];let rd = instrBits[ 15 : 11 ];letshamt = instrBits[ 10 : 6 ];letfunct = instrBits[ 5 : 0 ];letimm = instrBits[ 15 : 0 ];let target = instrBits[ 25 : 0 ]; case(instType(opcode)) ... endcase returndInst; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  8. Decoding Instructions:R-Type ALU case (instType(opcode)) … RAlu: begin dInst.instType = Alu; dInst.aluFunc = case (funct) fcADDU: Add fcSUBU: Sub ... endcase; dInst.rDst = rd; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.rSrc2 = rt; dTnst.immValid = False end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  9. Decoding Instructions:I-Type ALU case (instType(opcode)) … IAlu: begin dInst.instType = Alu; dInst.aluFunc = case (opcode) opADDUI: Add ... endcase; dInst.rDst = rt; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.imm = signedIAlu(opcode) ? signExtend(imm): zeroExtend(imm); dTnst.immValid = True end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  10. Decoding Instructions:Load & Store case (instType(opcode)) LW: begin dInst.instType = Ld; dInst.aluFunc = Add; dInst.rDst = rt; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.imm = signExtned(imm); dTnst.immValid = True end SW: begin dInst.instType = St; dInst.aluFunc = Add; dInst.rDst = rt; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.imm = signExtned(imm); dTnst.immValid = True end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  11. Decoding Instructions:Jump case (instType(opcode)) … J, JAL: begin dInst.instType = opcode==J ? J : Jal; dInst.rDst = 31; dInst.imm = zeroExtend({target, 2’b00}); dTnst.immValid = True end rJump: begin dInst.instType = funct==JR ? Jr : Jalr; dInst.rDst = rd; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  12. Decoding Instructions:Branch case (instType(opcode)) … Branch: begin dInst.instType = Br; dInst.branchComp = case (opcode) opBEQ: EQ opBLEZ: LE ... endcase; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.rSrc2 = rt; dInst.imm = signExtend({imm, 2’b00}); dTnst.immValid = True end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  13. Decoding • Not all fields of dInst are defined in each case • We may decide to pass more information from decode to execute for efficiency– in that case the definition of the type of the decoded instruction has to be adjusted accordingly http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  14. Single-Cycle SMIPS modulemkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFilerf <- mkRFile; Memory mem <- mkMemory; rulefetchAndExecute; //fetch letinstResp <- mem.iside(MemReq{op:Ld, addr:pc, data:?}); //decode letdecInst = decode(instResp); Data rVal1 = rf.rd1(decInst.rSrc1); Data rVal2 = rf.rd2(decInst.rSrc2); http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU 14

  15. Single-Cycle SMIPS cont //execute letexecInst = exec(decInst, pc, rVal1, rVal2); if(execInst.instType==Ld || execInst.instType==St) execInst.data <- mem.dside( MemReq{op:execInst.instType, addr:execInst.addr, data:execInst.data}); pc <= execInst.brTaken ? execInst.addr : pc + 4; //writeback if(execInst.instType==Alu|| execInst.instType==Ld) rf.wr(execInst.rDst, execInst.data); endrule endmodule; http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  16. Executing Instructions execute instType rDst decInst either for rf write or St rVal2 data ALU either for memory reference or branch target rVal1 addr Pure combinational logic Branch Address brTaken pc http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU 16

  17. Executing Instructions functionExecInstexec(DecodedInstdInst, Addr pc, Data rVal1, Data rVal2); Data aluVal2 = (dInst.immValid)? dInst.imm : rVal2 letaluRes = alu(rVal1, aluVal2, dInst.aluFunc); letbrRes = aluBr(rVal1, aluVal2, dInst.brComp); letbrAddr = brAddrCal(pc, rVal1, dInst.instType, dInst.imm); returnExecInst{ instType: dInst.instType, brTaken: brRes, addr: dInst.instType==(Ld || St) ? aluRes: br.addr, data: dInst.instType==St ? rVal2 : aluRes, rDst: dInst.rDst}; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU 17

  18. Branch Resolution functionAddress brAddrCal(Address pc, Data val, InstTypeiType, Data imm); lettargetAddr= case (iType) J : {pc[31:26], imm[25:0]} JR : val default: pc + imm endcase; returntargetAddr; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU 18

  19. Single-Cycle SMIPS Register File PC Execute Decode +4 performance? Data Memory Inst Memory The whole system was described using one rule; lots of big combinational functions http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

  20. Next few lectures • Can we build a faster machine? • What if program and data resided in the same memory • What if the register file did not have adequate number of ports http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU

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