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File 3 . Who is he?. What does he do?. 3A. He is a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / T _____ / B ________ / M ______ / R _______ , …. Grammar. A pickpocket. A thief. The Passive. A burglar. Vocabulary. A mugger. CRIMES. A robber. vandalism. hacking. Armed robbery. shoplifting.
File 3 Who is he? What does he do? 3A He is a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / T _____ / B ________ / M ______ / R _______ , … Grammar A pickpocket A thief ThePassive A burglar Vocabulary A mugger CRIMES A robber
vandalism hacking Armedrobbery shoplifting Theft/burglary murder hijacking rape mugging Drugdealing smuggling kidnapping
1. What´sthecrime? blackmailer kidnapper hijacker smuggler drugdealer rapist vandal briber thief Assassin murderer terrorist blackmail kidnap hijack smuggle Dealwith d. rape vandalize bribe steal Assassinate murder Set off bombs • A- blackmail • B- kidnapping • C- hijacking • D- smuggling • E- drugdealing • F- rape • G- vandalism • H- bribery • I- theft • J- assassination • K-murder • L- terrorism Forge Spionage piracy Arson Forger Spy pirate Arsonist Forge Spy pirate Arson • Make false copies of sth. • Take information illegally from other country • Make illegal copies of sth. • Set fire to other people´s or one´s property
6. Fill in the gaps using words connected with crime and law. You´ve got the initial letters • If you do something illegal, you b ________ the law. That means you have c _____a crime or a minor o ________ (which isn´t a serious crime) • If someone sees you committing a crime, that person is a w _______ and he/she should r _______ it to the police, making a s _______. When you know that a crime is going to take place you can t _____ the police o ___ • If someone causes damages to you or to your property you can s ______ him/her. Occasionally people who commit a crime admit they did it so they o _____ u ____ and g ________themselves u ________ to the police • When the police know about a crime, the first thing they do is to i ______ and if they find a responsible person they will a ________ him/her and at the police s ________ they will q _______ the suspect. If they are sure he/she committed the crime he/she is c________ w _____ the crime and the person must go to c ______ for t ______ • In court, the accused or d_______ must prove he/she is i ______ , although some defendants p_______ themselves guilty. The j ______ listens to all the e ________ and checks all the p _____. If the defendants have an a _____ they might g_____ a ____ w _____ the crime • And if they decide he/she is guilty , he / she is c ________ with the crime. Now the judge passes a v______ or sentences the defendant to a f _____ (for minor offences), to c ______ s _____, to two years on p _________ , to 3 years in prison, to l _______ i __________ or to the d _______ p _______ or c _______ p _____ • _________ . If the defendant (with the help of the barrister and the s _________ ) is not convicted with the crime he/she is a ________ Break committed/ offence Witness report/ statement/ tip off Sue / own up / give up Investigate/ arrest station/ question Chargedwith/ court / trial Defendant /innocent/ plead judge / evidence/ proofs/ alibi / getawaywith Convicted/ verdict/fine/ communityservice/ probation/ lifeinprisonmenet/ deathpenalty However/ solicitor/ acquitted
Vandalized • Mugged • Burgled • Robbed • Stole • Smuggled • Falsified • Trafficking • Arrested • charged • Tried • Convicted • Sentenced • break
Thick as thieves • Hardened • Gotawaywith • Boys in blue/cops • Boys in blue/cops • Red handed • Nicking • Leg it • Spill the beans • Doing time / behind bars • Nick • Doing time/ behind bars
verb criminal kidnapper kidnapping kidnap murderer murder murder Hijacking hijacker hijack rape rapist rape burglary burgle burglar Drugdealing Buy/selldrugs Drugdealer smuggling smauggle smuggler vandalise vandalism vandal blackmail blackmailer blackmail rob robber Armedrobbery fraud Commitfraud bribery bribe terrorism terrorist Set off bombs theft thief steal mugging mug Mugger
Committed Investigated Caught Arrested Questioned charged Court Witnesses Jury Evidence Verdict Guilty Judge Punishment Sentenced Notguilty Proof acquitted
Pronunciation: theletter u Drugs Judge Mugger Punishment smuggling Burglar murderer guilty Caught Court Fraud manslaughter Community accuse jury
Translate into English. • 1.¿Cómo te hiciste carterista?.R. Polanski se puso en contacto con mi empresa que provee de magos para espectáculos en directo y volé a Praga que es donde se iba a grabar la película. • 2. Me entrevistó pero fue simplemente que me pidió que le robara el reloj sin darse cuenta. ¿Y cuánto tardaste en aprender los trucos para ser un buen carterista? • 3. El truco está en hacer que la gente se fije en unas cosas y no en otras, es decir, hacer dirigir la atención a algo mientras se roba su bolsillo. Los turistas son un grupo de riesgo. • 4. Conoces a alguien que le hayan robado, atracado, entrado en casa, acusado injustamente de haber robado en una tienda, le hayan parado por conducción temeraria, ofrecido un soborno… • Howdidyoubecome a pickpocket?. R. Polanskigot in touchwithmycompany, whichsuppliesmagiciansforliveevents and I flewtoPraguewheretheyweregoingtoshootthe film • He interviewed me but he justasked me tostealhiswatchwithouthimnoticing. Howlongdidyoutaketolearnthetricksforbecoming a pickpocket? • Thetrickistomakepeoplenoticesomethingsbutnotothers, thatistosay, tomakepeoplefocusattentiononsomethingwhileyou pick theirpocket/whileyoustealfrompeople´spockets. Tourists are particularly at risk • Do youknowsomeonewho has beenrobbed/mugged/burgled, has burgledhishouse, unfairlyaccused of shoplifting, stopped/pulledoverforspeeding/reclessdriving, offered a bribe, …
ThePassive Se dice / me dejan / le robaron … / te ... 1 Myparentslet me … Someonestolehim… Peoplesaythat … 2 Itissaidthat … I´mallowedto … He wasrobbed … Active SHANNON A PRESENT GAVE HE Passive BY HIM WAS GIVEN A PRESENT TO SHANNON A PRESENT • WAS GIVEN SHANNON BY HIM
ThePassive 1. If something is undrinkable that means that it can ´t ________ ________- What about the others? Washable _____________ 4. portable _________2. advisable ____________ 5. unusable _____________ 3. edible ______ 6. inevitable ______________ BE DRUNK It can be carried It can be washed It can be eaten It can ´t be used It can be advised Itcan´t be avoided • 2. We use the passive because we are more interested in the action than in the person who did it. • This is what happens in the next sentences. Fill in the gaps by using the passive. • Many accidents _________________ by dangerous driving • Cheese __________________ from milk • The roof of the building ____________________ in the storm a few days ago • There´s no need to leave a tip. Service ________________ in the bill • You_____________________ to the wedding. Why didn ´t you go? • A cinema is a place where films _______________ • In the USA, elections for President __________________ every four years • We were driving too fast but we __________________ by lots of other cars Are caused Ismade wasdamaged Isincluded Wereinvited are played Are held Wereovertaken
Active orPassive? 3.I´ve soldit 4. It´sbeensold 5. Are made 6. Itmight be stolen 7. Itmusthavebeenstolen 8. Musthavetakenit 9.Can be solved 10. Shouldhaveleft 11. Isdelayed 12. Isbeingbuilt/are expected
Dicen … Itissaidthathe … Dicen que él… heissaidto … 1. It´s expected that the strike will end soon. The strike is expected to end soon_________ 2. It´s expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather is_____________________________ 3. It is said that the thieves got in through the kitchen. The thieves are _________________________________ 4. It is reported that many people are homeless after the flood. Many people are __________________________ 5. It´s thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing a wall. The prisoner is _____________________________ 6. It´s said that than man drove through the town at 90 miles. He is ____________________________________ 7. It´s said that the building has been badly damaged by fire. The building is ____________________________ 8. It´s believed that the company lost a lot of money last year. The company is ________________________ Expectedto be goodtomorrow Said tohavegot in throughthewindow Reportedto be homelessaftertheflood Thoughttohaveescapedbyclimbing a wall Said tohavedriventroughthetown at 90 miles Said tohavebeenbadlydamagedbyfire Believedtohavelost a lot of money
HAVE SOMETHING DONE • 2. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences with this structure • We ____________________________ (the house/repaint) at the moment • I lost my key . I ´ll have to ______________________ (another key/make) • When was the last time you ________________________(your hair/cut) • This coat is dirty. I must ________________________ (it/clean) Are havingourhouserepainted Haveanotherkeymade Hadyourhaircut Haveitcleaned B A A B
Definitions • Insurance • Alibi • Acquitted • Convictedwith / chargedwith • A statement • Totip off • A Witness • Evidence • Toplead • Onprobation • Getawaywith • Solicitor/barrister • Anoffence/ a crime • A trial
Making the Punishment _______ the crime FIT 9 11 12 8 4 2 3 7 10 6 1 5 14 13
Offender Jail Makeone´spoint Drivinglicence Beauty spot bother Bark Reoffend Allow Background Cramped place drawer Loaded Spoil Lettyresdown Suspend Flood Famine Hail Landslide Lightning Flash Drought sightseeing
Listening:TheFlood in Prague Czech swollen overflew • The river was s___________ and finally o __________ in Prague, The C______ Republic • His flat was next to the river b _____ • Do something s ____________ • So far, so good! • He was a ___________ of l ____________ b ____________ into his house • He S__________ u _____ all night • He s _________ the w _________ evening and night listening to the News b ________ that gave r ____________on … • The water level was r ____________ • He could hear cars s __________ and s _____ o _____ • De vez en cuando = F ___________________________ I looked out of the window. • The car park finally was e ________, ,No quedabaningúncoche= ______________________ • He went to a r __________ house • The car in front w _________ in the water to make its way through the water • He thought he could make it • He m ____________ (= could) to do it • His flat was badly d __________ bank sensible looters afraid breaking stayed up spent whole bulletins reports rising start set off From time to time • there weren ´t any cars left empty Relative´s waded managed damaged
tornado storm earthquake hurricane wildfire flood tsunami avalanche landslide Volcaniceruption Thunder and lightninhg hailstones drought famine
5. Weather conditions Sleet hail gale thaw smog melt freezing blizzard Drizzle shower thunder mist slush mild warm boiling drought flood chilly heatwave settle dry breeze pour down wet Overcast torrential hurricane sun sunny shine warm mild cloud cloudy Set in overcast heatwave fog foggy Fog/set in smog mist heat hot heat thaw melt boiling drought chilly wind windy blow gale breeze hurricane ice Icy/freezing freeze hail thaw melt rain rainy rain sleet drizzle shower flood wet thunder thundery strike storm stormy blizzard snow snowy snow sleet blizzard slush settle
THE WEATHER • S ________ • S ________ • B ________ • S ________ • D ________ • S ________ • H ________ • T ________ • M _______ • S ________ • SNOWDRIFTS • SLEET • BLIZZARD • SLUSH • D RIZZLE • SHOWER • HAIL • THUNDERSTORM • MIST • SMOG • Melts/ thaws • Mild • Settle • Hazy • Breeze • Overcast / poured • Boiling/ humid • Storm / torrential / flooded • Damp • muggy • hail